Meet Student Fundraiser Janine

Spotlight on Janine
Speaking with alumni helped Janine decide to take a minor in slavic studies.

Janine Rzeplinski is a second-year student originally from Vancouver, BC. She transferred to UVic to study history, and has worked in the call centre since May 2017.

What do you like best about being a caller?

I love how it exposes me to different parts of the university. I see UVic in a different way because I'm learning about the departments and the work they do. I feel much more engaged with the campus.

What has surprised you most about this role?

How much I've learned! Alumni have shared wonderful advice about education, work, and life in general. Several alumni mentioned the amazing Slavic Studies program here at UVic, and now I'm pursuing a minor in it.

Tell me about an interesting conversation you had recently

I talked with an alumna who graduated from the music program here. She told me about the band she's in and after my shift, I looked them up. I really enjoyed their EP and I am now a big fan!

What are you most excited to talk to alumni and donors about, and why?

I really love the University 101 fund. Not everyone has the privilege to attend university and this fund makes education much more accessible to the public. It's a free program for people who were unable to attend university for reasons such as chronic illness or poverty. It runs a non-credit Humanities course for two nights a week during a semester. It allows residents of Victoria to experience the joy of learning in spite of circumstances that may have prevented them. Meals and childcare are provided in addition to travel subsidies. I think it's an invaluable fund and I am continually happy to see alumni supporting it.