Meet Student Fundraiser Asiyah

student caller spotlight
Asiyah enjoys sharing how much donor funding has helped her

Asiyah Robinson is originally from Freeport, Bahamas. She is double majoring in Biochemistry and Chemistry and will graduate in August 2019. Asiyah started working in the call centre in Spring of 2018. She has a passion for philanthropy and enjoys talking with alumni and donors about the impact their gift is having on students like her. 

Tell me about an interesting conversation you had on the phone.

"I recently called my friend Sarah during one of the welcome calls for new graduates. It was really nice to connect with her in a professional manner and say congratulations."

What’s surprised you most about this role?

"I’ve actually connected with the people I’m calling. I really enjoy calling people who have moved away from Victoria. They often want to hear what’s new on campus or if a professor is still there. Sometime you might even have the same professor as they did!"

What fund or cause are you most excited to talk to alumni and donors about?

"CORE, I could talk to anyone about CORE. It is such a wonderful program in that it helps children in the community and is a really powerful teaching tool for UVic students.

How has donor-funding impacted you?

"Without the generosity of alumni and donors, I would not be here finishing my degree. I have two brothers and I know my parents wouldn’t have been able to send me to any post-secondary without the help of scholarships and so for me it really changed my life. So I try to let people know that anything they give to student scholarships or bursaries is absolutely amazing and means so much to me and so many other people.”

This is the eighth in a series of spotlights on members of our student calling team. Student callers connect with alumni and donors to update their records and request support for UVic programs and initiatives.