Facilities Management Staff Member Goes Above and Beyond

June 2014

Greig Cosier, a custodian with Facilities Management for over 22 years has been recognized in numerous publications for his special contribution to graduate students and the sciences community at UVic. Despite having a learning disability, Cosier has acquired a wealth of knowledge surrounding the physical sciences by supporting students at their thesis defences and attending the annual biology symposium.

In addition to supporting students by attending academic events Cosier also created the Custodians Trophy, an awards dinner for twelve, and a stipend for graduate students in the sciences. The Custodians Trophy began when Cosier was the night custodian in the sciences buildings and awarded the trophy annually for eight years to the student who he most often saw working late into the night. The awards dinner for twelve and stipend have also been funded by Cosier for twelve years and have resulted in long lasting friendships while recognizing the hard work of students. 

Thank you Greig for your generosity and contribution to the UVic community!  

Greig Cosier

Greig Cosier, Facilities Management