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On-campus supports

If you or someone you know has experienced Discrimination and/or Harassment and there is an immediate health or safety concern, call 9-1-1. If the immediate health or safety concern is on campus, you should also call Campus Security at 250-721-7599; they are available 24/7 for information and support. 

Equity and Human Rights (EQHR)

UVic provides a variety of different information and support options for those impacted by Discrimination and Harassment. We recommend that if you are impacted to contact Equity and Human Rights (EQHR). Their services are open to all UVic students, staff, faculty members and other university community members.


  • provides information and advice related to Discrimination and Harassment and the Policy
  • provides confidential consultations and receives Disclosures
  • provides information about support options on- and off- campus as well as direct referrals
  • is the place on campus to file a formal report that could lead to an investigation or review under the Discrimination and Harassment Prevention and Response Policy
  • coordinates education and prevention efforts on campus for students, faculty and staff
  • creates and delivers prevention workshops and presentations

How to support others

 When you are receiving a Disclosure: 

  • believe and take the individual seriously
  • validate their experience and express empathy
  • listen carefully to what they are seeking
  • consider and share relevant support options
  • maintain appropriate confidentiality while seeking advice from EQHR as needed

If you have questions or want to refer someone to EQHR, get in touch.

Confidentiality & support

Confidentiality is an important part of making people feel comfortable and safe coming forward with their concerns. All UVic community members are expected to take confidentiality seriously and wherever possible, seek consent before sharing information. 

While confidentiality is safeguarded whenever possible, there may be circumstances where UVic staff or faculty may need information to do their jobs. These cases may involve: 

  • imminent risk to health and/or safety
  • legal or policy requirements
  • requirements of their role (i.e., implementing policy or taking remedial action)

If you are unclear about your confidentiality limits and responsibilities, reach out to EQHR for advice and support. 

More supports on campus

The Anti-Violence Project (AVP) is a peer-based support and advocacy centre in UVic’s Student Union Building. The AVP strives to provide support services to people of all genders, educational workshops, resources and referrals, and advocacy for people who have experienced violence, people supporting those who have experienced violence and those who have caused harm. 

Support hours offered by appointment only. Schedule an appointment.

  • phone: 250-721-8080 and leave a message with the best number to return your call
  • email:
  • drop by the AVP office (B027) in the SUB during office hours

Campus Security Services has a safehaven area inside the front doors for help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Their services like SafeWalk and the Campus Alone program can help people concerned about personal safety on campus. Campus Security’s personal safety coordinators provide support and referral for all personal safety related concerns and coordinate crime prevention programs on campus.

Centre for Accessible Learning works with faculty and students to promote educational accessibility for students with disabilities and chronic health conditions. 

The First Peoples House (FPH) is a social, cultural and academic centre for Indigenous students at UVic and serves as a safe and welcoming place that encourages the building of community. 

International Centre for Students provides international student services, information and programs for undergraduate and graduate students from pre-arrival to degree completion.

Office of Student Life (OSL) provides case management support to students who need help navigating university processes. They also investigate and respond to allegations of student non-academic misconduct and offer programming to support the well-being and development of UVic students.

The Student Wellness Centre (SWC) aims to provide holistic care to support UVic students’ emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. The SWC team includes counsellors, doctors, nurses, administrative staff, chaplains and other practitioners.