Sabrina Francescangeli

Sabrina Francescangeli
Office: COR B308
Area of expertise

Social Psychology


Dr. Frederick Grouzet


Research interests

I have a large variety of research interests, but I mainly focus on the mismatch between ancient and modern living (cultural evolution), optimal functioning, and the organismic valuing process. I am also interested in connecting these topics with environmental sustainability and understanding what factors may motivate pro-environmental behaviors.



Recent awards

  • University of Victoria Graduate Entrance Award (2021)
  • University of Victoria Fellowship (2021)
  • CURO Undergraduate Research Scholar (2020)
  • CURO Research Assistantship stipend (2019)
  • Honors International Scholar (2019)
  • UGA Dean’s List and Presidential Scholar (2016-2019)
  • Zell Miller Scholarship (2016-2020)