Alexandra Fisher

Alexandra Fisher
Office: COR B310

Research Interests

My research interests lie at the intersection of social identity and close relationships. I seek to understand the experiences of individuals whose identities and/or relationships defy societal norms and expectations, as well as the societal and interpersonal backlash that can occur as a result. In my first line of research, I am dedicated to exposing the kinds of interpersonal and professional backlash that women experience when they challenge traditional gender-role expectations. In my second line of research, I examine the stigmatization of single people, and how this stigma relates to their sense of identity and well-being.


Representative Presentations

Fisher, A.N., & Sakaluk, J.K. (2020). Are single people a stigmatized ‘group’? Evidence from examinations of social identity, entitativity, and perceived responsibility. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 82, 208-216.

Fisher, A.N., & Stinson, D.A. (2019). Ambivalent attraction: Beauty determines whether men desire or dismiss high-status women. Personality and Individual Differences. 109681.

Fisher, A.N., Stinson, D.A., & Kalajdzic, A. (2019). Unpacking backlash: Individual and contextual moderators of bias against female professors. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 41(5), 305-325.

Sakaluk, J.K. & Fisher, A.N. (2019). Measurement memo I: Updated practices in psychological measurement for sexual scientists. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 1-9.


Recent Awards

  • 2019-2020 – R. B. May Scholarship
  • 2019-2020 – Graduate Award for Excellence in Student-led Research Publication
  • 2018-2019 – Cassels Shaw Graduate Fellowship
  • 2018-2019 – Norma Wilson Graduate Scholarship
  • 2018-2019 – University of Victoria Graduate Award