Voluntary Resolution Process

A Voluntary Resolution Process (VRP) is a non-punitive option available under the Sexualized Violence and Prevention Policy. A VRP is any process agreed upon by the parties involved (survivor, person alleged to have caused harm, and the university) that will help resolve the matter or help restore relationships.

A person who has made a disclosure or report to the Sexualized Violence Resource Office can request a VRP at any time after the disclosure or report has been made, filing a report, before, during or after an investigation. These processes are not disciplinary and will not determine whether or not the policy has been violated.

Here are a few things you need to know about a VRP:

  • There is no obligation to participate in a VRP and either party can end the process at any time
  • A Survivor does not need to file a Report to engage in a VRP
  • All parties must voluntarily agree to the VRP before it is started
  • At no point will a Survivor have to meet the person alleged to have caused harm unless they choose to do so

VRPs can take different forms. Options might include but are not limited to the following:

  • Requesting that EQHR let the Person Alleged to have Caused Harm know the behaviour was unwanted
  • Requesting that the Person Alleged to have Caused Harm to take Consent training or any other firm of training focused on Sexualized Violence Prevention
  • Requesting to avoid contact, certain areas around campus, academic and/or work-related changes to limit interactions
  • Mediation, facilitated conversation, conflict coaching, or any form of culturally supportive and appropriate resolution
  • Negotiating a behavioural agreement or voluntary letter of agreement of expectations for any potential future interactions

To learn more about this option, you can check out our fact sheets on VRP for more detailed information or connect with us at the Sexualized Violence Resource Office.

For any requests for confidential advice, questions about the policy, support options, voluntary resolution process or the investigation process please call us 250-721-8021 or email to book a virtual or in-person appointment. You are welcome to bring a support person to any meeting. In the case of faculty or staff, this may include a colleague or union steward.