Scholarships & Fellowships
Who can apply?
- UVic undergraduate students ($500): Trans+ students in any academic unit.
- UVic master's students ($1,000): Trans+ students in any academic unit. Students of any gender studying Trans+ topics.
- UVic PhD students ($5,000): Trans+ students in any academic unit. Students of any gender studying Trans+ topics.
- University-based researchers ($1,000) of any gender visiting UVic studying Trans+ topics.
- Community-based visiting researchers ($1,000) of any gender studying Trans+ topics.
DEADLINES EXTENDED: all applications due May 31st, 2024
CLOSED: Undergraduate Scholarships
Chair in Transgender Studies Undergraduate Scholarship for Trans+ Students
Two or more $500 (CAD) scholarships will be awarded to academically outstanding Trans+ University of Victoria undergraduate students entering third or fourth year who are pursuing a degree in any field, including creative or performative activity. Priority will be given to students whose studies are Trans+ related. Further preference will be given to students who have not previously received an award from the Chair in Transgender Studies, and who demonstrate financial need.
Indigenous, Black, and all People of Colour are especially encouraged to apply.
Applications must be written in plain English appropriate for an interdisciplinary committee.
To be considered for this scholarship, complete the in-course scholarship application, available through My Page.
Posting opens: April 1st, 2024
Posting closes: May 31st, 2024
While only winners will be notified, all applicants can view the status of their application by logging in to their UVic My Page account. Funds are disbursed in one instalment in September.
Please note: in order for the recipient to receive the scholarship, the student must register and remain registered in a min. of 12 academic units throughout 2024/25 Winter session. If at any point the student drops below 12 academic units, the scholarship will be rescinded. Students will be notified before this happens and will have a chance to appeal the decision.
If your application involves using materials from the Transgender Archives, please first review our collections to ensure we hold the wanted materials.
CLOSED: Master's Degree Scholarships
Chair in Transgender Studies Master's Degree Research Scholarships for Trans+ Students
Two or more $1,000 (CAD) scholarships will be awarded to current or entering academically outstanding University of Victoria master's degree students who self-identify as Trans+ and are pursuing research in any field, including creative or performative activity. Preference will be given to students who have not previously received an award from the Chair in Transgender Studies, and who demonstrate financial need.
Indigenous, Black, and all People of Colour are especially encouraged to apply.
Applications must be written in plain English appropriate for an interdisciplinary committee.
SUBMISSION: please email all required documents (PDF format) to Donja Roberts (Scholarship Officer, Faculty of Graduate Studies),
Posting opens: February 15th, 2024
Posting closes: April 30th, 2024 EXTENDED to May 31st, 2024
All applicants will be notified by early June July. Successful applicants will be issued the award in September 2024.
Applicants may apply to multiple awards. Complete the application of each award for which you want to be considered. No more than one award per applicant will be given in each competition cycle. If your application involves using materials from the Transgender Archives, please first review our collections to ensure we hold the wanted materials.
Chair in Transgender Studies Master's Degree Research Scholarships
Two or more $1,000 (CAD) scholarships will be awarded to current or entering academically outstanding University of Victoria master's students of any gender pursuing Trans+ related research in any field, including creative or performative activity. Priority will be given to students who self-identify as Trans+. Further preference will be extended to students who have not previously received an award from the Chair in Transgender Studies and demonstrate financial need.
Indigenous, Black, and all People of Colour are especially encouraged to apply.
Applications must be written in plain English appropriate for an interdisciplinary committee.
SUBMISSION: please email all required documents (PDF format) to Donja Roberts (Scholarship Officer, Faculty of Graduate Studies),
Posting opens: February 15th, 2024
Posting closes: April 30th, 2024 EXTENDED to May 31st, 2024
All applicants will be notified by early June July. Successful applicants will be issued the award in September 2024.
Applicants may apply to multiple awards. Complete the application of each award for which you want to be considered. No more than one award per applicant will be given in each competition cycle. If your application involves using materials from the Transgender Archives, please first review our collections to ensure we hold the wanted materials.
CLOSED: Doctoral Degree Scholarships
Chair in Transgender Studies Doctoral Degree Research Scholarships for Trans+ Students
One or more $5,000 (CAD) scholarships will be awarded to current or entering academically outstanding University of Victoria doctoral degree students who self-identify as Trans+ pursuing research in any field, including creative or performative activity. Preference will be given to students who have not previously received an award from the Chair in Transgender Studies, and who demonstrate financial need.
Indigenous, Black, and all People of Colour are especially encouraged to apply.
Applications must be written in plain English appropriate for an interdisciplinary committee.
SUBMISSION: please email all required documents (PDF format) to Donja Roberts (Scholarship Officer, Faculty of Graduate Studies),
Posting opens: February 15th, 2024
Posting closes: April 30th, 2024 EXTENDED to May 31st, 2024
All applicants will be notified by early June July. Successful applicants will be given $2,500 in summer 2024, and $2,500 in November 2024.
Applicants may apply to multiple awards. Complete the application of each award for which you want to be considered. No more than one award per applicant will be given in each competition cycle. If your application involves using materials from the Transgender Archives, please first review our collections to ensure we hold the wanted materials.
Chair in Transgender Studies Doctoral Degree Research Scholarships
One or more $5,000 (CAD) scholarships will be awarded to current or entering academically outstanding University of Victoria doctoral degree students of any gender pursuing Trans+ related research in any field, including creative or performative activity. Priority will be given to students who self-identify as Trans+. Further preference will be extended to students who have not previously received an award from the Chair in Transgender Studies and demonstrate financial need.
Indigenous, Black, and all People of Colour are especially encouraged to apply.
Applications must be written in plain English appropriate for an interdisciplinary committee.
SUBMISSION: please email all required documents (PDF format) to Donja Roberts (Scholarship Officer, Faculty of Graduate Studies),
Posting opens: February 15th, 2024
Posting closes: April 30th, 2024
All applicants will be notified by early June. Successful applicants will be given $2,500 in June 2024, and $2,500 in November 2024.
Applicants may apply to multiple awards. Complete the application of each award for which you want to be considered. No more than one award per applicant will be given in each competition cycle. If your application involves using materials from the Transgender Archives, please first review our collections to ensure we hold the wanted materials.
CLOSED: Fellowships for Visiting University-based Scholars and Professionals
Chair in Transgender Studies Research Fellowships for Visiting University-based Scholars and Professionals
Three or more $1,000 (CAD) fellowships will be awarded by the Chair in Transgender Studies to visiting university-based scholars and professionals of any gender visiting UVic to pursue Trans+ related research. Preference will be given to those who self-identify as Trans+, and to those who have not previously received an award from the Chair in Transgender Studies. Further consideration will be given to the project’s budget.
Indigenous, Black, and all People of Colour are especially encouraged to apply.
Applications must be written in plain English appropriate for an interdisciplinary committee.
Submission: please email all required documents (PDF format) to Donja Roberts (Scholarship Officer, Faculty of Graduate Studies),
Posting opens: February 15th, 2024
Posting closes: April 30th, 2024 EXTENDED to May 31st, 2024
All applicants will be notified by early June July. Normally, successful applicants will receive the award after their visit.
Applicants may apply to multiple awards. Complete the application of each award for which you want to be considered. No more than one award per applicant will be given in each competition cycle. If your application involves using materials from the Transgender Archives, please first review our collections to ensure we hold the wanted materials.
CLOSED: Fellowships for Community-based Scholars
Chair in Transgender Studies Research Fellowships for Community-based Scholars
Two or more $1,000 (CAD) fellowships will be awarded by the Chair in Transgender Studies to community-based scholars of any gender pursuing research at UVic in any field, including creative or performative activity, that will benefit Trans+ people. Priority will be given to those who self-identify as Trans+, and to those who have not previously received an award from the Chair in Transgender Studies. Further consideration will be given to the project’s budget.
Indigenous, Black, and all People of Colour are especially encouraged to apply.
Applications must be written in plain English appropriate for an interdisciplinary committee.
SUBMISSION: please email all required documents (PDF format) to Donja Roberts (Scholarship Officer, Faculty of Graduate Studies),
Posting opens: February 15th, 2024
Posting closes: April 30th, 2024 EXTENDED to May 31st, 2024
All applicants will be notified by early June July. Normally, successful applicants will receive the award after their visit.
Applicants may apply to multiple awards. Complete the application of each award for which you want to be considered. No more than one award per applicant will be given in each competition cycle. If your application involves using materials from the Transgender Archives, please first review our collections to ensure we hold the wanted materials.
All awards are in Canadian (CAD) dollars. Funds will be converted to the local currency of the recipients.
Can folks who are interested in creative or performative activity apply for funding?
Yes! We welcome creative or performative research or activity.
Are these scholarships ONLY for self-identified Trans+ folks?
There are scholarships reserved only for self-identified Trans+ folks, and priority for ALL scholarships and fellowships will be given to those who self-identify as Trans+. There are also funding opportunities for people who do not self-identify as Trans+, and who are doing Trans+ related research, including creative or performative research or activity.
Do I have to be an entering or current UVic student to apply?
No! We offer funding opportunities for non-UVic folks. Check out our “Research Fellowship for Community-based Scholars” and “Fellowship for Visiting University-based Scholars and Professionals.”
Can I apply to multiple scholarships/fellowships?
Yes! Applicants may apply to multiple awards. Complete the application of each award for which you want to be considered. No more than one award per applicant will be given in each competition cycle.
What if my GPA is less than A-?
Please still apply. If your academic record does not reflect your abilities, please let us know why in your optional 250-word personal statement.
How many units do I have to be registered in at UVic in order to apply for a student scholarship?
Undergraduate applicants: in order for you to receive the scholarship, you must register and remain registered in a minimum of 12 academic units throughout the 2024/25 Winter session. If at any point you drop below 12 academic units, your scholarship will be rescinded. You will be notified before this happens and you will have a chance to appeal the decision.
Graduate applicants have to be registered in a minimum of 3.0 units (full time).
Where should I list my relevant community engagement and volunteer experience?
Please list all your relevant community engagement and volunteer experience in your current CV. You can also make comments in the (optional) personal statement section of the application.
In which language should the applications be written?
Applications must be written in plain English appropriate for an interdisciplinary committee.
What does "visiting" mean?
It means you are physically coming to UVic to work on a research project.
Who qualifies as a visiting university-based scholar or professional?
Any student, faculty, or staff member of any gender who is based at another university and who wants to come to UVic for a trans-related research project, including creative or performative activity.
Who qualifies as a “community-based scholar?"
Anybody of any gender who is NOT associated with a university and who wants to physically come to UVic to do research in any field, including creative or performative activity, which will benefit Trans+ people.
What are some examples of research that community-based scholars can pursue with this fellowship?
Even though the possibilities are virtually endless, examples of research may include:
- Research using the Transgender Archives.
- Research about trans health care.
- Research in partnership with a UVic faculty, student, or staff member.
- Research about trans representation in film, art, or television.
- Research about how community-level trans organizations connect, organize, and perform activist work.
Who is choosing the successful candidates?
The successful candidates will be selected by the Chair in Transgender Studies' Awards Committee.
If I am a successful candidate, when will the funds be issued?
Successful applicants for the Undergraduate Research Scholarships will be given the award in one instalment in September 2024. Please note: in order to receive the scholarship, you must register and remain registered in a min. of 12 academic units throughout the 2024/25 Winter session. If at any point you drop below 12 academic units, your scholarship will be rescinded. You will be notified before this happens and you will have a chance to appeal the decision.
Successful applicants for the Master’s Degree Scholarship will be given $1,000 in June/July.
Successful applicants for the Doctoral Degree Scholarships will be given $2,500 in June/July and $2,500 in November.
Normally, successful applicants for the Research Fellowships for Community-based Scholars will receive the award after their visit.
Normally, successful applicants for the Research Fellowships for Visiting University-based Scholars and Professionals will receive the award after their visit.
If I am a successful candidate, do I get all the money at once?
Successful applicants for the Undergraduate Research Scholarships will receive the $500 award in one instalment in September. Graduate awards of $1,000 will be issued in one lump sum in June/July. The $5,000 doctoral award will be issued in two portions – $2,500 in June/July, and $2,500 in November.
If I am a successful candidate, how will the funds be issued?
If you are a current or entering UVic person, and you already have direct deposit set up, the funds will go directly into your account. If you are at UVic and do not have direct deposit, a cheque will be issued and mailed to your academic departmental office. If you are a non-UVic person, a cheque will be mailed to the address listed on your application.
I am interested in helping the Chair in Transgender Studies continue offering scholarships and fellowships in the future. Can I make a donation to the Chair?
Yes! We welcome all donations. See HERE for details.
Please contact for further information.