Clearing the air: a systematic review of the evidence on the harms and benefits of e-cigarettes and vapour devices

Funding body: Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Background: This meta-narrative review was prompted by the rise in the use of e-cigarettes and other vapour devices, and the divide within the public health community over how vapour devices will impact the tobacco epidemic. The purpose of this knowledge synthesis project was to conduct a meta-narrative systematic review in which we have endeavored to explain the discrepancies in the literature and contribute to resolving the conflict in public health over this issue. An integrated knowledge translation approach is central to our knowledge synthesis project.

Progress to date: Although it is now 3 years since the report for this project was released, media requests and requests for the report are still coming in. Papers for publication are currently being drafted. The final meta-narrative synthesis for the project was completed. The report was released with considerable media attention in January of 2017 and the executive summary is available here.
