Benoit, C. and Mellor, A. (2023). Editorial: Decriminalization and What Else? Alternative Structural Interventions to Promote the Health, Safety, and Rights of Sex Workers. Social Sciences, 12(3), 202 (article)
Mellor, A. and Benoit, C. (2023). Understanding the Diversity of People in Sex Work: Views from Leaders in Sex Worker Organizations. Social Sciences, 12(3), 191 (article)
Benoit, C., Mellor, A., & Premji, Z. (2022). Access to sexual rights for people living with disabilities: Assumptions, evidence and policy outcomes. Archives of Sexual Behavior. (article)
Jansson, M., Smith, M., Benoit, C., & Magnuson, D. (2022). Challenges and benefits of disclosure of sex work to intimate partners. The Journal of Sex Research. doi: 10.1080/00224499.2022.2092587 (article)
Benoit, C., Unsworth, R. (2022). COVID-19, Stigma and the Ongoing Marginalization of Sex workers and their support organizations. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 51, 331–342. (article)
Benoit, C., Jansson, M. Phillips, R., Hallgrimsdottir, H. & Vallance, K. (2022). Social determinants of injection drug use among a community sample of sex workers: Intersections of structure and agency across the life course. In C. Varcoe, O. Hankivsky & M. Morrow (Eds.). Women's health in Canada: Critical theory, policy and practice (2nd ed.). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Benoit, C., Atchison, C., Casey, L., Jansson, M., McCarthy, B., Phillips, R., Reimer, B., R., Reist, D., Shaver, F. (2022, updated). Working paper for building on the evidence: An International symposium on the sex industry in Canada. (working paper).
Benoit, C. (Ed.). (2021). Understanding Exploitation in Consensual Sex Work to Inform Occupational Health & Safety Regulation. Basel, Switzerland, MDPI. (book)
Benoit, C. (2021). Editorial: Understanding Exploitation in Consensual Sex Work to Inform Occupational Health & Safety Regulation: Current Issues and Policy Implications. Social Sciences 10, 238. (article)
Benoit, C., Unsworth, R., Headley, P., Smith, M., Jansson, M. (2021). Centering Sex Workers’ Voices in Law and Social Policy. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. (article)
Smith, M., Benoit, C. (2021). Chapter 5: How Social Inequities in Maternity Care Impact Marginalised Groups. The FIGO Continuous Textbook of Women’s Medicine. Volume 1: Pregnancy and Society. London, King’s College. (article)
McCarthy, B., Benoit, C. & Jansson, M. (2021). Job attributes and mental health: A comparative study of sex work and hairstyling. Social Sciences. 10(2):35. (article)
Orchard, T., Salter, K., Bunch, M., Benoit, C. (2020). Money, agency, and self-care among cisgender and trans people in sex work. Social Sciences. Special Issue "Understanding Exploitation in Consensual Sex Work to Inform Occupational Health & Safety Regulation". (article)
Benoit, C. (2020). COVID-19 benefits exclude sex workers in Canada. Options Politiques/Policy Options. (article)
Benoit, C., Unsworth, R. (2020). Early assessment of integrated knowledge translation efforts to mobilize sex workers in their communities. Archives of Sexual Behavior. (article)
Card, K., Selfridge, M., Greer, A., Hepburn, K., Fournier, A., Sorge, J., Urbanoski, K., Pauly, B., Benoit, C., Lachowsky, N., Macdonald, S. (2020). Encounter-level outcomes of police interactions with young people who use drugs in three non-metropolitan cities across British Columbia, Canada. International Journal of Drug Policy. (article)
Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Healey, P., Magnuson, D. (2020). The relative quality of sex work. Work, Employment & Society. (article)
Stockwell, T., Benoit, C., Card, K., Sherk, A. Problematic substance use or problematic substance use policies? Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Research, Policy and Practice. (article)
Greer, A., Sorge, J., Selfridge, M., Benoit, C., Jansson, M., Macdonald, S. (2020). Police discretion to charge young people who use drugs prior to cannabis legalization in British Columbia, Canada: a brief report of quantitative findings. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy. DOI: 10.1080/09687637.2020.1745757 (article)
Benoit, C., Maurice, R., Able, G., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Healey, P., Magnuson, D. (2019). “I dodged the stigma bullet”: Canadian sex workers’ situated responses to occupational stigma. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 22 (1), 81-95. (article)
Orchard, T., Bunch, M., Katherine Salter Benoit, C. (2020). Balance, capacity and the contingencies of everyday life: Narrative etiologies of health among women in street-based sex work. Qualitative Health Research. 30 (4), 518-529. (article)
Ivsins, A., Benoit, C., Kobayashi, K., Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users, Boyd, S. (2019). From risky places to safe spaces: Re-assembling spaces/places. Health and Place. 59, 102164. (article)
Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Healey, P., Magnuson, D. (2019). Effectiveness of anecdotes and logically false arguments to refute analysis based on systematically collected data. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 48:1903–1904. (article)
Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Healey, P., Magnuson, D. (2019). Unlinking prostitution and sex trafficking: Response to commentaries. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 48 (7), 1973–1980. (article)
Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Magnus, S, Maurice, R., Flagg, J., Reist, D. (2018). Canadian sex workers weigh the costs and benefits of disclosing their occupational status to health providers. Sexuality Research and Social Policy. 16 (3), 329–341. (article)
Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M. et al. (2019). “The Prostitution Problem”: Claims, Evidence, and Policy Outcomes. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 48 (7), 1905–1923. (article).
McCarthy, B., Carter, A., Jansson, M., Benoit, Finnigan, R. (2018). Poverty, material hardship, and mental health among workers in three frontline service occupations. Journal of Poverty (article).
Orchard, T., Murie, A., Elash, H., Bunch, M., Middleton, C., Sadakhom, D., Oiamo, T., Benoit, C. (2o19). “People like us”: Spatialized notions of health, stigma, power, and subjectivity among women in street sex work. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 21(4), 478-494. (article)
Benoit, C., Belle-Isle, L., Smith, M., Phillips, R., Shumka, L., Atchison, C., Jansson, M., & Loppie, C. (2017). Community Empowerment and Transformative Learning among Sex Workers: From health educators to health advocates. CISUR Bulletin #17, Victoria, BC: University of Victoria. (bulletin).
Benoit, C., Jansson, M., Smith, M., Flagg, J. (2018). Prostitution stigma and its effect on the working conditions, personal lives and health of sex workers. Special issue: Annual Review of Sex Research. Journal of Sex Research. 55(4-5), 457-471. (article).
Benoit, C., Belle-Isle, L., Smith, M., Phillips, R., Shumka, S., Atchison, C., Jansson, M., Loppie, C., Flagg. J. (2017). Community Empowerment and Transformative Learning among Sex Workers: From Health Educators to Health Advocates. International Journal for Equity in Health. 16:160 (article).
Evans, E., McCarthy, B., Benoit, C., Jansson, M. (2017). Early trauma, long-term consequences: Does family instability keep people from doctors? Social Science Quarterly. 99, 599-615. (article).
Benoit, C., Jansson, M., Smith, M., Flagg, J, (2017). ‘Well, it should be changed for one, because it’s our bodies: Workers’ views on
Canada’s punitive approach towards sex work. Social Sciences. Special Issue "Sex Workers’ Rights: Looking toward the Future". , 6, 52. (article).
Benoit, C., Reist, D. (2017). “I’m a prostitute, so, can you check me?” Exploring sex work stigma in health care. Webinar. Canadian Public Health Association (slides) (recording)
Benoit, C., Ouellet, N., Jansson, M., Magnus, S., Smith, M.. (2017). Would you think about doing sex for money? Structure and agency in deciding to sell sex in Canada. Work, Employment & Society. (article)
Roth, E. Benoit, C., Hallgrimsdottir, H., Jansson, M. (2017). Public drinking venues as risk environments: Commercial sex, alcohol and violence in Nairobi, Kenya. Human Ecology. An Interdisciplinary Journal. 45: 277-283. (article)
Benoit, C., Smith, M., Jansson, M., Magnus, S., Ouellet, N., Atchison, C., Casey, L., Phillips, R., Reimer, B., Reist, D., Shaver, F. (2016). Lack of confidence in police creates a ‘blue’ ceiling for sex workers’ safety. Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques. DOI: (article)
Casey, L., McCarthy, B., Phillips, R., Benoit, C., Jansson, M., Magnus, S., Atchison, Reimer, B., Reist, D., Shaver, F. (2017). Managing conflict: An examination of three-way alliances in Canadian escort and massage businesses. In Third Party Sex Work and "Pimps" in the Age of Anti-Trafficking. (chapter)
Benoit, C., Ouellet, N, & Jansson, M. (2016). Unmet health care needs among sex workers in five census metropolitan areas of Canada. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 107 (3), e266–e271.
Rudrum, S., Oliffe, J., Benoit, C. (2016). Discourses of masculinity, femininity, and sexuality in Uganda’s Stand Proud, Get Circumcised campaign. Culture, Health & Sexuality. 8(10): 1-15. (article)
Atchison, C., & P. Burnett, P. (2016). The Social Dynamics of Safe Sex Practices among Canadian Sex Industry Clients. Sociology of Health and Illness. 38(6):1–18. (article)
Atchison, C., Benoit, C., Burnett, P., Jansson, M., Kennedy, M., Ouellet, N., & Vukmirovich, D. (2015). The Influence of Time to Negotiate on Control in Sex Worker-Client Interactions. Research for Sex Work. Vol. 14. (article)
Benoit, C., McCarthy, B., & Jansson, M. (2016). Occupational Stigma and Mental Health: Discrimination and Depression among Front-Line Service Workers. Canadian Public Policy, 41(Supplement 2), S61-S69. (article)
Benoit, C., McCarthy, B. & Jansson, M. (2015). Stigma, sex work, and substance use: A comparative analysis. Sociology of Health & Illness 37 (3): 437-51. (article)
Benoit, C. (2015). Modern maternity care in Canada. Transition. 45 (4), 3-6. (article)
McCarthy, B., Benoit, C. & Jansson, M. (2014), Sex work: A comparative study. Archives of Sexual Behavior 43: 1379-90. (article)
Phillips, R. & Benoit, C. (2013). Exploring courtesy stigma among frontline care providers serving sex workers. Sociology Insights on Inequities in Health and Health Care. Special issue of Healthcare Policy 9, 139-151. (article)
Roth, E., Ngugli, E., Benoit, C., Hallgrimsdottir, H., & Jansson, M. (2014). A reasoned action model of male client involvement in commercial sex work in Kibera, a large informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya. Human Organization.73, 174-182. (article)
Benoit, C., Ngugi, E., Roth, E., Jansson, M., Hallgrimsdottir, Sharpe, K. (2014). Benefits and constraints of intimate partnerships for HIV positive sex workers in Kibera, Kenya. International Journal for Equity in Health. 12:76 doi:10.1186/1475-9276-12-76. (article)
McCarthy, B., Benoit, C., & Jansson, M. (2012). Regulating sex work: Heterogeneity in legal strategies for controlling prostitution. Annual Review of Law and Social Science 8, 255–71. (article)
Ngugi, E., Benoit, C., Hallgrimsdottir, H., Jansson, M., & Roth, E. (2012). Family kinship patterns and sex work involvement among women from the informal urban settlement of Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya. Human Ecology. 40, 397–403. (artilce)
Ngugi, E., Benoit, C., Hallgrimsdottir, H., Jansson, M. & Roth, E. (2012). Partners and clients of female sex workers in an informal urban settlement in Nairobi, Kenya. Culture, Health & Sexuality 14, 17-30. (article)
Phillips, R., Benoit, C., Vallance, K., & Hallgrimsdottir, H. (2012). Courtesy stigma: A hidden health concern among frontline service providers to sex workers. Sociology of Health & Illness. 34, 681–696. (article)
Jansson, M., Benoit, C., Casey, L., Phillips, R. & Burns, D. (2010). In for the long haul: Knowledge translation between academic and non-profit organizations. Qualitative Health Research,20, 131–143. (article)
Hallgrimsdottir, H., Phillips, R., Benoit, C., & Walby, K. (2008). Sporting girls, streetwalkers, and inmates of houses of ill-repute: Media narratives and the historical mutability of prostitution stigmas. Sociological Perspectives, 51(1), 119-138. (article)
Shumka, L. & Benoit, C. (2007). Social suffering and gaps in alternative health care for vulnerable women workers. Sociology of Health Care, 25, 255-278. (article)
Hallgrimsdottir, H., Phillips, R. & Benoit, C. (2006). Fallen women and rescued girls: Social stigma and media narratives of the sex industry in Victoria, BC, from 1980 to 2005. Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology,Special Issue, 43(3), 265-280. (article)
Benoit, C, Jansson, M., Millar, A. & and Phillips, R. (2005). Community-academic research on hard-to-reach populations: Benefits and challenges. Qualitative Health Research, 15(2), 263-282. (article)
Phillips, R. & Benoit, C. (2005). Social determinants of health care access among sex industry workers in Canada. Sociology of Health Care, 23, 79-104. (article)
Benoit, C. & Millar, A. (2001). Dispelling myths and understanding realities: Working conditions, health status, and exiting experiences of sex workers. Sponsored by PEERS. Funded by BC Health Research Foundation, Capital Health District, and BC Centre of Excellence on Women's Health. (full report) (technical report/questionnaire)