Faculty Awards

Teaching Award in Medical Sciences (TAMS)

The purpose of this award is to recognize and reward excellence in teaching and education by those who have appointments in the Division of Medical Sciences at UVic.

Nominees are UVic Faculty (full time or affiliate) who have completed at least two consecutive years of teaching at the Island Medical Program or the Division of Medical Sciences. The award is adjudicated by the TAMS Selection Committee.

Teaching Award in Medical Sciences Terms of Reference.


Prof. Kurt McBurney -- Recipient of the 2023 Teaching Award in Medical Sciences (TAMS)


Kurt McBurney is a full-time faculty member with the Division of Medical Sciences (DMS) and the Island Medical Program (IMP), being the Anatomy Faculty Lead for the IMP. In his role, he teaches anatomy and neuroanatomy to Year 1 and Year 2 IMP medical students, supervises IMP students during FLEX projects, and offers highly popular electives for Year 4 IMP students and Residents. Kurt is described by his students and colleagues as an exemplary teacher who is gifted, talented, enthusiastic, passionate, and that goes above and beyond for his students and our program.

Congratulations, Kurt!!