Faculty Awards

Teaching Award in Medical Sciences (TAMS)

The purpose of this award is to recognize and reward excellence in teaching and education by those who have appointments in the Division of Medical Sciences at UVic.

Nominees are UVic Faculty (full time or affiliate) who have completed at least two consecutive years of teaching at the Island Medical Program or the Division of Medical Sciences. The award is adjudicated by the TAMS Selection Committee.

Teaching Award in Medical Sciences Terms of Reference.


Dr. Leigh Anne Swayne -- Recipient of the 2024 Teaching Award in Medical Sciences (TAMS)

Leigh Anne Swayne

Dr. Leigh Anne Swayne is a full time Faculty Professor in the Division of Medical Sciences (DMS) and the Island Medical Program (IMP). Dr. Swayne teaches in both the IMP and DMS while also conducting world class research in neuroscience (See for more details on her research: https://www.uvic.ca/medsci/people/faculty/swayneleigh-anne.php). With regards to her IMP teaching, she teaches neuroanatomy labs and CBL for Year 1 and 2 medical students. In the DMS she teaches both undergraduate and graduate courses as well as the invaluable bench-side teaching that she provides her graduate students. It is a testament to Dr Swayne’s teaching that she received multiple nominations for this award from all these very different teaching contexts. Students cited her knowledge, enthusiasm, and genuine interest in their education; they appreciate the opportunity to learn alongside Dr. Swayne.

Congratulations Leigh Anne on this very well-earned teaching award!



Past Award Winners

Faculty Year
Kurt McBurney 2023
Dr. Joana Gil-Mohapel 2022
Dr. Brian Christie 2021
Dr. Patrick Nahirney 2020
Dr. Samantha Stasiuk 2019
Dr. Joana Gil-Mohapel 2018
Dr. Jane Gair 2017
Kurt McBurney 2014
Dr. Bruce Crawford 2013
Dr. Patrick Nahirney 2012
Dr. Stan Bardal 2011
Dr. Jane Gair 2010

Note: the award competition did not occur in 2015 or 2016.