News and events

Understanding NeuroTracker successes

Brain injury survivors show cognitive improvement after using NeuroTracker, but we don’t really understand why. Master’s student Jamie Morrison (Christie lab) is using her recent Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to study what could be underlying this success. This research could lead to more recovery options, especially for those navigating the complexities of moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries.

Deciphering the gut’s link to depression

Stress-related disorders like depression are increasingly being linked to gut disfunction, but the mechanisms underlying this relationship are not well understood. Ciara Halvorson (Caruncho Lab) is using her new Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to see if a protein called reelin plays a part.

Concussion research focused on intimate partner violence

Drs. Brian Christie and Sandy Shultz have received a grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research to continue their pre-clinical research on brain injury specifically in the context of intimate partner violence (IPV), looking at how the common factors of concussion, non-fatal strangulation, and extreme stress can individually and in combination affect an IPV survivor’s brain biology, blood biomarkers, and functionality.

Linking Parkinson’s, COVID-19, and microglia

Postdoctoral fellow Dr. Ifeoluwa (Hiphy) Awogbindin (Tremblay Lab) has received a Michael Smith Health Research British Columbia Research Trainee Award. Jointly funded by the Parkinson’s Society British Columbia, the award will support Hiphy’s investigation of the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 infection / COVID-19, microglia, and Parkinson’s disease.