According to the University's Intellectual Property Policy (GV0215) the creator of the course materials/lecture notes and lecture presentations owns the copyright.
Occasionally, students enrolled in a course ask to record lectures because they would like to review the material at a future date.
- A lecture constitutes an instructor's intellectual property. Students should obtain a course instructor's permission to record the lecture.
- We recommend that you inform your students that any material for the course (e.g. lecture notes, powerpoints, syllabus, including a recording of your lecture) is made solely for the use of the student registered in the course for research and private study.
- At the start of term, inform your students that any material for the course is made solely for the use of the student registered in the course for the purpose of research and private study.
- Any other use of the material may be an infringement of copyright if done without your permission (i.e. uploading material to the internet).
- Contact the website owner to inform them of the infringement of copyright and request for the content to be removed.
For lectures taking place outside the classroom, please see our public lectures page.
Should you have any questions please contact the Copyright Office.
The Copyright Office makes every effort to provide accurate information but does not offer it as counsel or legal advice.