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Outgoing exchange

The International Centre for Students (ICS) Exchange Program allows current students to study at one of UVic's partner universities around the world, while earning UVic units and paying UVic tuition fees.

Students can complete a maximum of two exchange terms during their degree at UVic.

The Exchange Team coordinates outgoing exchange opportunities for students in the following faculties:

  • Humanities
  • Fine Arts
  • Science
  • Social Sciences

Students in other faculties must consult with their undergraduate or graduate adviser to see if an international exchange is viable:

  • Engineering and Computer Science
  • Education
  • Human and Social Development
  • Graduate Studies
  • Law
  • Business

Why go on exchange?

  • Immerse yourself in a new culture
  • Make new friends and travel to interesting places
  • Develop your skills in a second (or third!) language
  • Experience independence and tackle new challenges
  • Gain international perspectives in your field of study

Partner Universities

UVic students can attend one of over 80 partner institutions in various countries around the world, from Japan to Chile. For a full list of partners, and more details about their academic programs, please click on the button below:

How to apply

Your first step is to review our requirements below, to ensure you are eligible for ICS Exchange Program. Then, you should research and identify the host university that aligns best with your academic goals. Your final step is to apply to participate in the ICS Exchange Program, by the deadline.

You must...

  • be enrolled in an undergraduate degree program in the Faculty of Fine Arts, Humanities, Science or Social Sciences at UVic
    • Economics: If you are a student in the  Department of Economics, please refer to the department website for additional information specific to your program and exchange
    • French: If you are a student in the  Department of French, please contact your department to discuss your exchange before you apply
    • Graduate Students: If you are a graduate student, please consult with your  department before you apply
    • Students in departments outside of the tri-faculties (Humanities, Science and Social Sciences): If you are registered in Business, Law, Nursing, Engineering or other professional programs, please consult with your  department before you apply
  • be registered as a full-time UVic student
    • in order to be eligible, students must be enrolled full time as defined by the UVic calendar. Students registered with the Centre for Accessible Learning may have an accommodation to take a reduced course load and still be considered a full time student for academic purposes.
  • have completed at least one year of study at UVic (12.0 units) before you leave for your exchange

  • review our partner universities for detailed information about where you can study
  • check out the storymap project to hear directly from student experiences. 
  • check the exchange credit histories for our partner institutions
  • register for events targeted at outbound students. 
  • use the application documents as planning tools to help guide your research
Tip: Subscribe to the International Currentfor advice and interesting stories written by and for outgoing exchange students.


  • connect with your Exchange Student Adviser, visit the ICS (Jamie Cassels Centre B202d) or email us.
  • make an appointment with an academic adviser to discuss your exchange pertaining to your degree requirement, declaring your major, understanding your Curriculum, Advising and Program Planning report and exchange credits

ICS Exchange Program application deadline

  • February 1 or August 1

ICS Exchange Team to review applications

  • Students to receive exchange offer via email with a 48 hr decision deadline
  • 3 weeks after application deadline

ICS Exchange Team submits student nominations to host university

  • Nomination processes/deadlines vary amongst host universities
  • Students to be nominated approx. 4-6 weeks after acceptance from ICS Exchange Team

Host university exchange application deadline

  • Host university reaches out to UVic students directly with invitation to apply to their instituition
  • Usually 2+ weeks after nomination period ends

Final exchange acceptance notification

  • Host university to inform student about the outcome of their exchange application 
  • 2+ weeks after application deadline to host university

Once you are ready to apply, please click the button below and follow the steps to submit your Exchange Program application by the deadline. 

Application deadlines

February 1

  • Fall semester or full year exchanges

August 1

  • Spring semester exchange

Prepare for departure

After you have been selected to participate in the ICS Exchange Program, you'll work closely with the Exchange Team to prepare for your departure. You can expect:

  • guidance from the Exchange Student Advisers on applying to your host university
  • connecting with the exchange team at your host university to receive localized information
  • pre-departure sessions at UVic focused on academics, culture, and identity abroad


Upgrade your exchange

Add a United Nations CIFAL qualification to your international experience (and your CV!) by taking the SDGs-In-Action challenge.  

Learn how to advance a United Nations Sustainable Development Goal in your host community with our brand new, self-paced pre-departure course. Then, design and run your own community engagement activity. You could coordinate a beach clean-up, mobilize a food bank service, host an upskilling workshop, or engineer a health awareness campaign. So many ways to make a difference!

This course is certified by CIFAL Victoria, an accredited United Nations (UN) International Training Centre for Authorities and Leaders (known by the French acronym CIFAL). CIFAL Victoria provides certification for training courses that build the capabilities of individuals and communities towards the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Participants who successfully complete this course are eligible to receive a Certificate of Completion co-signed by UNITAR (United Nations Institute for Training and Research) and CIFAL Victoria.

Storymap project - student experiences

The ICS exchange team is excited to capture exchange student experiences on our StoryMap site.

The Journey Across Borders storymap is a project from students for students. Check out the preview below or go directly to the site

Participate and share your story!

Have you participated in an exchange and would like to share your story? Follow the steps below or get in touch with us!

StoryMaps is an online storytelling tool that allows you to easily create compelling interactive content that combines maps, multimedia and text.

It can be used to share stories about your exchange, capture memories and inspire future student to study abroad.

Creating and sharing your exchange story is easy with StoryMaps.

Watch this very brief video on how to get started, create a free account and start telling your unique exchange story.

Here are some ideas to help you get started:

  1. The Beginnings: Reflect on your initial feelings, expectations, and the moment you set foot in your host country. What were your first impressions, and how did they evolve over time?
  2. Cultural Connections: Share stories of cultural encounters, whether it's a local tradition, a favorite dish, or a festival that left a lasting impression.
  3. Academic Insights: Describe the courses, professors, or projects that stood out to you during your exchange program. How did this experience contribute to your academic growth?
  4. Unexpected Discoveries: Highlight any surprises or unexpected adventures that you stumbled upon during your time abroad. What did you learn from these experiences?
  5. Friendships and Connections: Introduce us to the people who made your exchange memorable. Share anecdotes about the friendships you formed and the connections you'll cherish forever.
  6. Personal Growth: Reflect on the ways in which this exchange program has influenced your personal development. Did it challenge you, inspire you, or lead you to newfound passions?
  7. A Glimpse into the Future: Share your aspirations and how this exchange program has shaped your future goals, both personally and professionally.

Once you have published your story – share the link with us (and your friends and family of course)!

With your permission, we will highlight your StoryMap on our UVic International StoryMap and on social media!

If you have used an alternative mode to capture your experience such as a blog, vlog, padlet or photo diary, let us know - we are happy to link it to our map to inspire prospective students!

Stay in touch

Subscribe to our office newsletter to learn more about studying on exchange at a partner university and receive updates about events, application deadlines, funding opportunities and more! Also follow us on social media @uvicinternational


Explore the upcoming events tailored for both current and prospective outbound exchange students, as well as informative sessions on international opportunities.

Looking for information and events for inbound exchange students? Check out our Inbound Exchange page.

Returning home

Returning to Canada is just as much a part of the exchange experience as leaving. When you plan your departure from your host country, please allow adequate time for administrative details, travel arrangements, farewell parties, and other important tasks.

Make sure you consider the steps that you will need to take both before you leave your host country and after your return to Canada.