MEDI 452

Special Topics in Medieval Manuscript Studies

Early English Manuscripts at UVic

Register to take part in this exciting exploration of medieval and early modern English manuscripts in UVic’s Special Collections and University Archives! Our primary sources, either made in England or written in English, will be literary, legal, and heraldic artefacts, as well as wax seals, book bindings, and illustrations. This course will include an introduction to medieval manuscripts studies (no previous experience necessary!), focused study of early English book history and UVic's collection history, and a collaborative approach to collections-based scholarly projects. In the second half of the term, we will work together to provide new research findings to UVic Libraries. Excellent projects may be published on the Special Collections website and/or result in invitations to give public talks in the Libraries’ “Manuscripts on Mondays” series.

N.B.: Since the majority of our UVic primary sources have been digitized in recent years, and since many manuscripts across the globe can now be studied in digital and downloadable formats, this course will be adaptable to excellent online/remote access and delivery if necessary.