JCURA nominations

The Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Awards (JCURA) were instituted in 2009-10 as the Undergraduate Research Scholarship program by the Vice-President Academic and Provost.

The program is designed to provide support for exceptional undergraduate students who might otherwise not be able to have direct research experience. The Learning and Teaching Centre (LTC) administers the award nomination process on behalf of the Provost’s Office.

Eligible students include all full-time third and fourth year undergraduate students (normally registered in 12 or more units of study in the winter session) in excellent academic standing (normally this is a minimum sessional GPA requirement of 7.0) who satisfy the general regulations of Student Awards and Financial Aid.

Award recipients will undertake a research investigation in dialogue with—and under the mentorship of—a faculty supervisor. Each academic unit is eligible for one to three student nominations per year, depending on the number of students in the unit.

Successful student applicants receive $1,500 credited directly to their UVic fee account.

General and financial questions

General questions concerning the Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Awards should be directed to the .

Financial and related questions (for example regarding distribution of funds) after the award has been approved should be directed to the  or 250-721-8107.