
Associate Teaching Professor
School of Nursing
Primary care delivery models, nurse practitioners, practice leadership, health promotion, diabetes care and management, palliative approach to care
Office: HSD A456
Associate Professor
Indigenous health nursing knowledge, Indigenous research methodologies, Indigenous health rights, Indigenous-specific racism, cultural safety, cultural security, and cultural humility
Office: HSD A434
HIV, Refugees, Indigenous, narrative inquiry, community-based research, participatory action
Office: HSD A402
School of Nursing
Indigenous health nursing research, nurse education, community health, human rights, intergenerational mentorship, anti-racism, cultural safety and security, cultural humility
Office: HSD A462
Associate Professor
School of Nursing
Community-engaged, immigrant & refugee mental health; intersectionality, social justice, equity, ethnography, arts-based methods
Accepting PhD Students
Office: A426
Professor and Associate Director Graduate Education & Graduate Advisor
School of Nursing
Primary care, Nurse practitioners, Health policy, Home Care, Nursing, Physician compensation, Social Network Analysis, Realist evaluation, Knowledge Exchange
Accepting PhD Students
Office: HSD A430
Assistant Teaching Professor and Undergraduate Associate Director
School of Nursing
Office: HSD B220
Associate Professor
School of Nursing
Metal hypersensitivity, Evidence-synthesis, Heart failure, sickle cell and critical care, JBI systematic reviews, racism
Office: HSD B204
Assistant Teaching Professor
School of Nursing
Cardiac nursing; nurse practitioner; global health; vulnerable populations; refugees
Office: HSD A460
Associate Teaching Professor
School of Nursing
Jungian psychology, mental health issues in acute and chronic medical illness, adaptation, life stage development, relational nursing, post-adolescent brain development and teaching implications
Office: HSD A436
School of Nursing
HIV/AIDS, harm reduction, supervised consumption sites, drug policy, social justice, human rights, whistle-blowing in health care (nursing), advocacy and activism
Accepting PhD students
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
Health equity, social environments/circumstances and health practices, experiences and outcomes, gender and sexual identity, individuals, groups and populations subject to disadvantage due to structural circumstances (with a focus on discrimination) and nursing practice thereof, mental health, substance use, harm reduction, critical theory, grounded theory
Accepting PhD Students
Office: HSD A440
Associate Teaching Professor
School of Nursing
Indigenous community health, public health, community engaged learning, Indigenous methodologies, equity and social justice
Office: HSD B240
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
Person-centred care; Patient-oriented research; Patient-reported outcomes; Social determinants of health; Mixed methods approach; Latent class analysis; Personas; Knowledge translation
Accepting PhD Students
Office: HSD A450
School of Nursing
Health services research, organizational context, knowledge translation, leadership, health informatics, health policy, healthy aging
Office: HSD B236
Professor and Director
School of Nursing
Neonatal nursing; transition of the high risk newborn to the community; creating supportive environments for neonatal development; perinatal substance use; women’s health; leadership; quality improvement
Office: HSD B208
Assistant Teaching Professor
School of Nursing
Mental health, addictions, youth
Associate Professor
School of Nursing
community, public health, intersectionality, housing security, nursing research
Office: HSD B214
Associate Teaching Professor
School of Nursing
Bicultural interactions in Nursing Education and Practice; HIV/AIDS in vulnerable populations; Interdisciplinary Education; healthy aging; global health; health promotion and social justice; Indigenous knowledge and Nursing knowledge, similarities and differences. nursing work force issues, retention; applied nursing science, for clinical practice with vulnerable populations.
Office: HSD A452
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
Nursing ethics; professional practice/leadership; rural nursing; advanced practice nursing; nursing education; geriatric oncology; palliative care; knowledge translation; nursing pedagogy; ageism; aging
Accepting PhD Students
Office: HSD B216
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
Sleep; children; perinatal/maternal mental health; parenting; policy; knowledge translation; mixed methods; relational autonomy
Accepting PhD Students
Office: HSD A448
School of Nursing
Substance use; harm reduction (Needle and syringe distribution, supervised consumption sites, managed alcohol programs, drug checking, Naloxone distribution, peer to peer support); safer supply, overdose responses, health equity; social determinants of health; vulnerable populations; public health systems and services, nursing ethics; public health ethics; access to health care; homelessness, housing, community engaged research, qualitative research; mixed methods
Office: Technology Enterprise Facility, Room 261
Associate Professor
School of Nursing
Technology in health care; eHealth; Electronic Health Records; online patient portals; care practices; Continental philosophy; post-structuralism; socio-material theory; actor-network theory; nursing theory; health services research; qualitative research methods; ethnography; systematic literature reviews; scoping & umbrella reviews
Accepting PhD Students
Office: HSD A454
Assistant Teaching Professor
School of Nursing
Curriculum Design, Teaching & Learning Strategies, Simulation, Nurse Practitioner Education, Primary Care, Mental Health & Psychiatry
Office: HSD A442
Teaching Professor (tenured), Associate Dean Academic - Faculty of Human & Social Development
School of Nursing
Nursing Education Scholarship; Indigenous Health and Well-being; Community Health; Participatory Action Research; Critical Social theory
Office: HSD A102a
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
Aging, Dementia, Gerontological Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Health Care Transitions, Participatory Action Research, Qualitative Methods, Integrated Knowledge Translation
Accepting PhD Students
Office: HSD B206
Assistant Professor
School of Nursing
Social justice; health equity; mental health; 2S/LGBTQIA+ communities; stigma and discrimination; nursing philosophy; critical theory; qualitative methodologies; social media.
Accepting PhD Students
School of Nursing
Palliative and end-of-life care; family caregiving; home care; HIV/AIDS; oncology; vulnerable and marginalized populations; gerontology; health services research; qualitative and quantitative research methods; mixed method study design; collaborative, participatory research
Accepting PhD Students
Office: HSD A474
Associate Teaching Professor, Practice Education Lead
School of Nursing
Hospice palliative nursing practice, human living experiences, nursing theory-guided practice and research, nursing education: rituals in nursing education, inter-professional and interdisciplinary teamwork
Office: HSD A422
Assistant Teaching Professor
School of Nursing
Inter-professional care teams, health care quality improvement, education, and leadership, internal medicine
Office: HSD A472
Associate Professor
School of Nursing
Office: HSD B210