Dr. Kelli Stajduhar

Accepting PhD Students
Area of expertise
Palliative and end-of-life care; family caregiving; home care; HIV/AIDS; oncology; vulnerable and marginalized populations; gerontology; health services research; qualitative and quantitative research methods; mixed method study design; collaborative, participatory research
I joined the School of Nursing in 2004. In addition to teaching in the undergraduate and graduate programs. I have been involved in facilitating the growth of research and scholarship within the School as the Associate Director of Research and Scholarship. I am currently the Graduate Advisor for the Phd program.
Please also see Palliative Approaches to Care in Aging and Community Health https://www.uvic.ca/research/groups/palliative/index.php
I am a Professor in the School of Nursing, a Research Fellow at the UVic’s Institute on Aging and Lifelong Health, and a Research Affiliate with Island Health. I have productive research collaborations with scientists across Canada, Australia, the UK, and Sweden. I also work closely with knowledge users and decisions makers locally, provincially, and federally.
My clinical background is primarily oncology, palliative care, and gerontology. Prior to joining UVic as a faculty member, I worked as a nurse clinician, clinical nurse specialist, and a researcher with local health authorities.
My research focuses on advancing knowledge needed to inform the development of health and social support services in palliative and end of life care with a particular focus on equity. This includes various aspects of care for the dying, family caregiving, and health and social policy issues related to chronically ill and vulnerable populations. I am especially interested in family caregivers and marginalized and vulnerable populations across diverse settings. I currently lead a number of funded studies focused on family care work at the end of life, knowledge translation in acute and long term care settings, and on the integration of a palliative approach into areas not traditionally served by palliative care, for instance, support for the homeless.
I use both qualitative and quantitative methods in my research. I received a New Investigator Award from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and a Scholar award from the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research, am the recipient of a CRNBC Award of Excellent for Nursing Research and the University of Victoria Craigdarroch Award for Excellence in Knowledge Mobilization. In 2016 I received the Award of Excellence in Nursing Research from the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing. In 2017 I was awarded the Ehor Boyanowky Academic of the Year Award from the Confederation of University Faculty Associations of BC and inducted as a Fellow into the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences. In 2019 I was presented the UBC’s School of Nursing Centenary Medal of Distinction. In 2020 I became a Fellow with the Canadian Academy of Nursing.
Student supervision is an important part of my research program. I work with undergraduate, Master’s, PhD, medical, and post-doctoral students. My affiliations are primarily with the School of Nursing and the Social Dimensions of Health program; however, I also collaborate with Interdisciplinary Studies and the Island Medical program. In the community, I mentor clinical scientists and other highly qualified personnel in order to support engagement in research projects
I teach in the undergraduate and graduate program. My beliefs about learning and teaching in higher education are a reflection of those things that I have always believed in my life – that is, that we learn and grow from each other. In this sense, I do not see myself as a "teacher" of knowledge, but rather as a "facilitator" of learning.
From my perspective, one of the most important aspects of teaching and learning is that we all come away from each experience with more than we brought. My overall goal as a facilitator of learning is to provide the opportunity for students to reflect on what is known and to open up the space to allow for a critical reconsideration of existing knowledge. As such, theoretical guidance for my learning and teaching approaches are situated within participatory and critical theoretical perspectives. Within this, my approach to learning and teaching is decidedly pragmatic in that I believe that the content that we teach and how we facilitate learning ought to have applicability in the "real world." Because of this, much of my teaching builds not only on theoretical knowledge, but also on practical, real-life experience in nursing. I believe that this approach is particularly important in a practice discipline such as nursing.
I place a high value on a collaborative approach to learning and teaching. We each come with professional and life experiences that I believe contribute to the educational process. For me, the expectation is that students will complete their studies understanding the importance of integrating lived experience with theoretical frameworks and nursing philosophies.
Contandriopoulos, D., Stajduhar, K., Sanders, T., Carrier, A., Bitschy, A., & Funk, L. (submitted 2021). A realist review of the home care literature and its blind spots. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice.
Sawatzky, R., Suryaprakash, N., Stajduhar, K.I., Karimi-Dehkordi, M., Cohen, S.R., Wolff, A., Terblanche, L., Cuthbertson, L., Schick-Makaroff, K., Duquette, D., Beemer, A., & Öhlén, J. (submitted 2021). Using quality of life assessment tools for care of older adults living at home and their family caregivers: Developing and tailoring knowledge translation resources for micro-, meso-, macro-audiences. The Patient - Patient-Centered Outcomes Research
Donald, E., Whitlock, K., Dansereau, T., Sands, D.J., Small, D., & Stajduhar, K.I. (submitted 2021). A co-development process to advance methods for the use of PROMs and PREMs with people who are homeless and experience chronic illness. Health Expectations.
Stajduhar, K., Sawatzky, R., Funk, L., Cohen, S.R., Bitschy, A., Donald, E., Votova, K. (submitted 2020). Shifts in homecare nursing practices and their implications for families and clients receiving palliative care at home. Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership.
- Maze, C., Wilkinson, C., Stajduhar, K., Daudt, H., & Tysick, S. (accepted 2021). Perceptions of bereaved family members of nursing care on an inpatient hospice palliative care unit. International Journal of Palliative Nursing.
Hoben, M., Banerjee, S., Beeber, A.S., Chamberlain, S.A., Hughes, L., O’Rourke, H.M., Stajduhar, K., Shrestha, S., Devkota, R., Lam, J., Simons, I., Dymchuk, E., Corbett, K., & Estabrooks, C. (accepted 2021). Feasibility of routine quality of life measurement for people living with dementia in long-term care. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association.
Giesbrecht, M., Stajduhar, K., Cloutier, D., & Dujela, C. (forthcoming 2021). “We are to be like machines…fill the bed before it gets cold”: Exploring the emotional geographies of healthcare providers caring for dying residents in long-term care facilities. Social Science and Medicine.
Wu, E.X., Collins, A., Briggs, S., Stajduhar, K.I., Kalsi, A., & Hilliard, N. (2021). Prolonged grief and bereavement supports within a caregiver population who transition through a palliative care program in British Columbia, Canada. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine. Online First: doi: 10.1177/10499091211030442
- Cloutier, D., Stajduhar, K., Roberts, D., Dujela, C., & Roland, K. (2021). "‘Bare-Bones’ to ‘Silver Linings?’: Lessons on integrating a palliative approach to care in long-term care". BMC Health Services Research, 21, 610. doi: 10.1186/s12913-021-06606-x
Stajduhar, K.I., Giesbrecht, M., Mollison, A., & d’Archangelo, M. (2020). “Everybody in this community is at risk of dying”: An ethnographic exploration on the potential of integrating a palliative approach to care among workers in inner city settings. Palliative & Supportive Care, 18(6), 670-675. doi:10.1017/S1478951520000280
Stajduhar, K.I., Giesbrecht, M., Mollison, A., Dosani, N., & McNeil, R. (2020). Caregiving at the margins: An ethnographic exploration of ‘family’ caregivers’ experiences providing care for structurally vulnerable populations at the end-of-life. Palliative Medicine, 34(7), 946-953. doi:10.1177/0269216320917875. Editor’s Pick.
Keefe, J., Hande, M-J., Aubrecht, K., Daly, T., Cloutier, D., Taylor, D., Hoben, M., Stajduhar, K., Cook, H., Bourgeault, I.L. MacDonald, L., & Estabrooks, C.A. (2020). Team-based integrated knowledge translation for enhancing quality of life in long-term care settings: A multi-method, multi-sectoral research design. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 94(4), 138-142. doi:10.15171/ijhpm.2019.123
Stajduhar, K.I. (2019). Provocations on privilege in palliative are: Are we meeting our core mandate? Progress in Palliative Care, Online First: doi: 10.1080/09699260.2019.1702334
Sawatzky, R., Roberts, D., Russell, L., Bitschy, A., Ho, S., Desbiens, J-F., Chan, E.,Tayler, C., & Stajduhar, K. (2019). Self-perceived competence of nurses and care aides providing a palliative approach in home, hospital, and residential care settings: A cross-sectional survey. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, Online First: doi:10.1177/0844562119881043
Funk, L.M., Stajduhar, K., Giesbrecht, M., Cloutier, D., Williams, A., & Wolse, F. (2019). Applying the concept of structural empowerment to interactions between families and home care nurses. Nursing Inquiry. doi:10.111/nnn.12313
Donald, E., & Stajduhar, K. (2019). A scoping review of palliative care for persons with severe persistent mental illness. Palliative & Supportive Care, 19, 1-9. Online First: doi: 10.1017/S1478951519000087
Stajduhar, K., Mollison, A., Giesbrecht, M., McNeil, R., Pauly, B., Reimer-Kirkham, S., Dosani, N., Wallace, B., Showler, G., Meagher, C., Kvakic, K., Gleave, D., Teal, T., Rose, C., Showler, C., & Rounds, K. (2019). “Just too busy living in the moment and surviving”: Barriers to accessing health care for structurally vulnerable populations at end-of-life. BMC Palliative Care, 18(11), Online First. doi:10.1186/s12904-019-0396-7
Singh, P., Raffin Bouchal, S., McClement, S., Hack, T., Stajduhar, K., Hagen, N., Sinnarajah, A., Chochivov, H., & Sinclair, S. (2018). Healthcare providers’ perspectives on perceived barriers and facilitators of compassion: Results from a grounded theory study. Journal of Clinical Nursing. (Online first). doi:10.1111/jocn.14357
Sinclair, S., Hack, T.F., Raffin-Bouchal, S., McClement, S., Stajduhar, K., Singh, P., Hagen, N.A., Sinnarajah, A., & Chochinov, H.M. (2018). What are healthcare providers’ understandings and experiences of compassion? The healthcare compassion model: A grounded theory study of healthcare providers in Canada, BMJ Open Access. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2017-019701
Krawczyk, M., Sawatzky, R., Schick-Makaroff, K., Stajduhar, K., Ӧhlen, J., Reimer-Kirkham, S., Laforest, E.M., & Cohen, S.R. (2018). Micro-meso-macro practice tensions in using patient-reported outcome and experience measures in hospital palliative care. Qualitative Health Research. (Online first). doi: 10.1177/1049732318761366
Stajduhar, K.I., & Dionne-Odom, J.N. (forthcoming, 2018). Palliative nursing care. In B.R. Ferrell & J.A. Paice (Eds.). Oxford Textbook of Palliative Nursing, 5th edition. New York: Oxford University Press.
Stajduhar K.I., Sawatzky, R., Cohen, R., Heyland, D., Allan, D., Bidgood, D., Norgrove, L., & Gadermann, A. (2017). Bereaved family members' perceptions of the quality of end-of-life care across four types of inpatient care settings. BMC Palliative Care, 16, 59-71. doi:10.1186/s12904-017-0237-5
Thorne, S., & Stajduhar, K. (2017). Rebuilding the roots of patient-centred care. [Peer commentary on “Bringing nursing back to the future through people powered care” by Sharkey and LeFebre]. Special Focus on Nursing Leadership in Home and Community Care, 30(1), 23-29. doi:10.12927/cjnl.2017.25109
Stajduhar, K.I., Mollison, A., Gleave, D., & Hwant, S.W. (2017). Editorial: When cancer hits the streets. Current Oncology, 24(3), 1-2. doi:10.3747/co.24.3698
Sutherland, N., Ward-Griffin, C., McWilliam, C., & Stajduhar, K. (2017). Structural impact on gendered expectations and exemptions for family caregivers in hospice palliative home care. Nursing Inquiry, 24(e12157), 1-10. doi:10.1111/nin.12157
Sawatzky, R., Porterfield, P., Roberts, D., Lee, J., Liang, L., Reimer-Kirkham, S., Pesut, B., Schalkwyk, T. Stajduhar, K., Tayler, C., Baumbusch, J., & Thorne, S. (2017). Embedding a palliative approach in nursing care delivery: An integrated knowledge synthesis. Advances in Nursing Science, 40(3), 293-279. doi:10.1097.ANS.0000000000000163
Reimer-Kirkham, S., Stajduhar, K., Pauly, B., Giesbrecht, M., Mollison, A., McNeil, R., & Wallace, B. (2016). Death is a social justice issue: Perspectives on equity-informed palliative care. Advances in Nursing Science, 39(4), 293-307. doi: 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000146
Sutherland, N., Ward-Griffin, C., McWilliam, C., & Stajduhar, K. (2016). Gendered processes in hospice palliative home care for seniors with cancer and their family caregivers. Qualitative Health Research, 26(7), 907-920. doi:10.1177/1049732315609571
Reimer-Kirkham, S., Sawatzky, R., Roberts, D., Cochrane, M., & Stajduhar, K. (2016). "Close to" a palliative approach: Nurses’ and care aides’ descriptions of caring for people with advancing chronic life-limiting conditions. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 25(15-16), 2189-2199. doi:10.1111/jocn.13256
Sawatzky, R., Porterfield, P., Lee, J., Dixon, D., Lounsbury, K., Pesut, B., Roberts, D., Tayler, C., Voth, J., & Stajduhar, K. (2016). Conceptual foundations of a palliative approach: A knowledge synthesis. BMC Palliative Care, 15(5), 1-14. doi:10.1186/s1290401600769. Available: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-684X/15/5
Stajduhar K.I., Sawatzky, R., Cohen, R., Heyland, D., Allan, D., Bidgood, D., Norgrove, L., & Gadermann, A. (submitted). Bereaved family members' perceptions of the quality of end-of-life care across four types of inpatient care settings. BMC Palliative Care.
Sawatzky, R., Roberts, D., Russell, L., Bitschy, A., Ho, S., Desbiens, J-F., Chan, E.K.H., Tayler, C., & Stajduhar, K. (submitted). Self-perceived competence of nurses and care aides providing a palliative approach in home, hospital, and residential care settings: A cross-sectional survey. Nursing Research.
Thorne, S., & Stajduhar, K. (forthcoming). Rebuilding the roots of patient-centred care. [Peer commentary on “Bringing nursing back to the future through people powered care” by Sharkey and LeFebre]. Special Focus on Nursing Leadership in Home and Community Care.
Stajduhar, K.I., Mollison, A., Gleave, D., & Hwant, S.W. (2017). Editorial: When cancer hits the streets. Current Oncology, 24(3), 1-2. doi:10.3747/co.24.3698
Sawatzky, R., Porterfield, P., Roberts, D., Lee, J., Liang, L., Reimer-Kirkham, S., Pesut, B., Schalkwyk, T. Stajduhar, K., Tayler, C., Baumbusch, J., & Thorne, S. (2017). Embedding a palliative approach in nursing care delivery: An integrated knowledge synthesis. Advances in Nursing Science. Published on-line. doi:10.1097.ANS.0000000000000163
Reimer-Kirkham, S., Stajduhar, K., Pauly, B., Giesbrecht, M., Mollison, A., McNeil, R., & Wallace, B. (2016). Death is a social justice issue: Perspectives on equity-informed palliative care. Advances in Nursing Science. Published on-line. doi: 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000146
Sutherland, N., Ward-Griffin, C., McWilliam, C., & Stajduhar, K (2016). Structural impact on gendered expectations and exemptions for family caregivers in hospice palliative home care. Nursing Inquiry. Published on-line. doi:10.1111/nin.12157
Sutherland, N., Ward-Griffin, C., McWilliam, C., & Stajduhar, K. (2016). Gendered processes in hospice palliative home care for seniors with cancer and their family caregivers. Qualitative Health Research, 26(7), 907-920. doi:10.1177/1049732315609571
Reimer-Kirkham, S., Sawatzky, R., Roberts, D., Cochrane, M., & Stajduhar, K. (2016). "Close to" a palliative approach: Nurses’ and care aides’ descriptions of caring for people with advancing chronic life-limiting conditions. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 25(15-16), 2189-2199. doi:10.1111/jocn.13256
Sawatzky, R., Porterfield, P., Lee, J., Dixon, D., Lounsbury, K., Pesut, B., Roberts, D., Tayler, C., Voth, J., & Stajduhar, K. (2016). Conceptual foundations of a palliative approach: A knowledge synthesis. BMC Palliative Care, 15(5). doi:10.1186/s1290401600769. Available: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-684X/15/5
Aoun, S., Deas, K., Toye, C., Ewig, G., Grande, G., & Stajduhar, K.I. (2015). Supporting family caregivers to identify their own needs in end-of-life care: Qualitative findings from a stepped wedge cluster trial. Palliative Medicine, 29(6), 508-517. doi: 10.1177/0269216314566061
Funk, L., Stajduhar, K.I., & Outcalt, L. (2015). What family caregivers learn when providing care at the end of life: A qualitative secondary analysis of multiple data sets. Palliative and Supportive Care, 13(3), 425-433.
Jeznach, A., Tuokko, H., Garcia-Barrera, M., & Stajduhar, K. (2015). Findings on advance care plans among cognitively impaired older adults. Canadian Journal on Aging, 34(2), 165-175. doi: 10.1017/S0714980815000021
Pesut, B., Potter, G., Stajduhar, K.I., Sawatzky, R., McLeod, B., & Drabot, K. (2015). Palliative approach education for rural nurses and health care workers: A mixed-method study. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 21(3), 142-151. doi: 10.12968/ijpn.2015.21.3.142
Aoun, S. M., Grande, G., Howtling, D., Deas, K., Toye, C., Troeung, L., Stajduhar, K., & Ewing, G. (2015). The impact of the carer support needs assessment tool (CSNAT) in community palliative care using a stepped wedge cluster trial. PLOS One, April 7, 2015. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0123012
Aoun, S., Toye, C., Deas, K., Howting, D., Ewing, G., Grande, G., & Stajduhar, K. (2015). Enabling a family caregiver-led assessment of support needs in home-based palliative care: Potential translation into practice. Palliative Medicine, published online April 20, 2015, 1-10. doi: 10.1177/0269216315583436
Lang, A., Toon, L., Cohen, S.R., Stajduhar, K.I., Griffin, M., Fleiszer, A.R., Easty, T., & Williams, A. (2015). Client, caregiver and provider perspectives of safety issues in palliative home care: A mixed method design. Safety in Health, 1(1), 3. doi:10.1186/2056-5917-1-3
Giesbrecht, M., Wolse, F., Crooks, V.A., & Stajduhar, K. (2015). Identifying socio-environmental factors that facilitate resilience among Canadian palliative family caregivers: A qualitative case study. Palliative & Supportive Care, 13(3), 555-565. doi: 10.1017/S1478951513001028
Williams, A.M., Donovan, R., Stajduhar, K., & Spitzer, D. (2015). Cultural influences on palliative family caregiving: Service recommendations specific to the Vietnamese in Canada. BMC Research Notes, 8, 280. doi: 10.1186/s13104-015-1252-3
Shields, L., Molzahn, A., Bruce, A., Schick Makaroff, K., Stadjuhar, K.I., Beuthin, R., & Shermak, S. (2015). Contrasting stories of life-threatening illness: A narrative inquiry. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 52(1), 207-215. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2014.10.008
Reimer-Kirkham, S., Hartrick Doane, G., Antifeau, E., Pesut, B., Porterfield, P., Roberts, D., Stajduhar, K., & Wikjord, N. (2015). Translational scholarship and a palliative approach: Enlisting the Knowledge-As-Action framework. Advances in Nursing Science, 38(3), 187-202. doi: 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000077
Hartrick Doane, G., Reimier-Kirkham, S., Antifeau, E., & Stajduhar, K. (2015). (Re)theorizing integrated knowledge translation: A heuristic for Knowledge-As-Action. Advances in Nursing Science, 38(3), 175-186. doi: 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000076
Roberts, D., McLeod, B., Stajduhar, K.I., Webber, T., & Milne, K. (2014). Applying research into practice: A guide to determine the next palliative home care nurse visit. Home Healthcare Nurse 32(2) 88-95. doi: 10.1097/NHH.000000000000001
Giesbrecht, M.D., Crooks, V.A., & Stajduhar, K.I. (2014). Examining the language-place-healthcare intersection in the context of Canadian homecare nursing. Nursing Inquiry, 21(1), 79-90. doi: 10.1111/nin.12010
Thorne, S., Gregory Hislop, T., Kim-Sing, C., Oglov, V., Oliffe, J.L., & Stajduhar, K.I. (2014). Changing communication needs and preferences across the cancer care trajectory: Insights from the patient perspective. Support Care Cancer, 22(4), 1009-1015. doi:10.1007/s00520-013-2056-4
Pesut, B., Sawatzky, R., Stajduhar, K., McLeod, B., Erbacker, L., Chan, E. (2014). Educating nurses for palliative care: A scoping review. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing 16(1), 47-54. doi: 10.1097/NJH.0000000000000021
Stajduhar, K.I., & Tayler, C. (2014). Taking an “upstream” approach in the care of dying cancer patients: The case for a palliative approach. Canadian Oncology Nursing Journal, 24(3), 144-153. doi: 10.5737/1181912x241144148
Funk, L., & Stajduhar, K. (2013). Analysis and proposed model of family caregivers’ relationships with home health providers and perceptions of the quality of formal services. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 32(2) 188-206. doi: 10.1177/0733464811408699
Stajduhar, K.I. (2013). Burdens of family caregiving at the end of life. Clinical Investigative Medicine, 36(3), E121- E126.
Garland, E., Bruce, A., & Stajduhar, K.I. (2013). Exposing barriers to end-of-life communication in heart failure: An integrative review. The Canadian Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 23(1), 12-8.
Stajduhar, K.I., Funk, L., & Outcalt, L. (2013). Family caregiver learning – how family caregivers learn to provide care at the end of life: A qualitative secondary analysis of four datasets. Palliative Medicine, 27(7), 657-64.
Funk, L., Waskiewich, S., & Stajduhar, K.I. (2013). Meaning-making and managing difficult feelings: death, dying and the provision of front-line end of life care in residential care settings. OMEGA: Journal of Death and Dying, 68(1), 23-43.
Thorne, S., Oliffe, J., Stajduhar, K.I., Oglov, V., Kim-Sing, C., & Hislop, G. (2013). Poor communication in cancer care: Patient perspectives on what it is and what to do about it. Cancer Nursing, 36(6), 445-53.
Shadd, J., Burge, F., Stajduhar, K.I., Cohen, S. R., Kelley, M.L., & Pesut, B. (2013). Defining and measuring a palliative approach in primary care. Canadian Family Physician, 59(11), 1149-1150.
Thorne, S., Oliffe, J., & Stajduhar, K.I. (2013). Communicating shared decision making: Cancer patient perspectives. Patient Education and Counselling, 90(3), 291-296.
Crooks, V.A., Williams, A., Stajduhar, K.I., Cohen, S.R., Allan, D., & Brazil, K. (2012). Family caregivers’ ideal expectations of Canada’s Compassionate Care Benefit. Health and Social Care in the Community. March, 20(2), 172-180.
Funk, L., Stajduhar, K.I., Cohen, R., Heyland, D., & Williams, A. (2012). Legitimising and rationalizing talk about satisfaction with formal health care among bereaved family members. Sociology of Health and Illness, 34(7), 1010-1024.
Molzahn, A., Sheilds, L., Bruce, A., Stajduhar, K., Schick Makaroff, K., Beuthin, R., & Shermak, S. (2012). People living with serious illness: Stories of spirituality. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21, 2347-2356.
Thorne, S., & Stajduhar, K.I. (2012). Patient perceptions of communications on the threshold of cancer survivorship: implications for provider responses. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 6(2): 229-37.
Molzahn, A., Sheilds, L., Bruce, A., Stajduhar, K.I., Schick Makaroff, K., Beuthin, R., & Shermak, S. (2012). Perceptions regarding death and dying of individuals with chronic kidney disease. Nephrology Nursing Journal, 39(3), 197-204. Winner of the American Nephrology Nurses’ Association Writing Award: Research category.
Aoun, S.M., Bentley, B., Funk, L., Toye, C., Grande, G., & Stajduhar, K.I. (2012). A 10-year literature review of family caregiving for motor neurone disease: Moving from caregiver burden studies to palliative care interventions. Palliative Medicine, 26(6), 842-850.
Katayama, Y., McLeod, B., Stajduhar, K.I., Carr, M., Cox-Russel, S., & Thorne, S. (2012). Providing clinical on-site consultation in home palliative care to support home care nurses: Learning from a Canadian experience. Hospice and Home Care. 20(3), 286-296. [Japanese language journal]
Hartrick Doane, G., Stajduhar, K.I., Causton, E.M., Bidgood, D., & Cox. A. (2012). End-of-life care and interprofessional communication: Not simply a matter of “more”. Health and Interprofessional Practice, 1(3), eP1028.
Waskiewich, K. Funk, L., & Stajduhar, K. (2012). End-of-life in residential care from the perspective of care aides. Canadian Journal on Aging, 31(4), 411-21.
Donovan, R., Williams, A. Stajduhar, K.I., Brazil, K., & Marshall, D. (2011). The influence of culture on home-based family caregiving at the end of life: A case study of Dutch Reformed family caregivers in Ontario, Canada. Social Science & Medicine, 72(2011), 338-346.
Stajduhar, K.I., Funk, L., Roberts, D., Cloutier-Fisher, D., McLeod, B., Wilkinson, C., & Purkis, M.E. (2011). Articulating the role of “relationships” in access to home care nursing at the end of life. Qualitative Health Research, 21(1), 117-131.
Funk, L., Stajduhar, K.I., & Purkis, M.E. (2011). An exploration of empowerment discourse within home care nurses’ accounts of practice. Nursing Inquiry, 18(1), 66-76.
Stajduhar, K.I., Funk, L., Roberts, D., McLeod, B., Cloutier-Fisher, D., Wilkinson, C., & Purkis, M.E. (2011). Home care nurses’ decisions about the need for and amount of service at the end of life. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 67(2), 276-286.
Williams, A., Eby, J., Crooks, V., Stajduhar, K., Giesbrecht, M., Vuksam, M., Cohen, R., & Brazil, K., & Allan, D. (2011). Canada’s compassionate care benefit: Is it an adequate public health response to addressing the issue of caregiver burden in end-of-life care? BMC Public Health, 11, 335.
Stajduhar, K.I., Funk, L., Wolse, F., Crooks, V., Roberts, D., Williams, A. Cloutier-Fisher, D., & McLeod, B. (2011). Core aspects of “empowering” caregivers as articulated by home health leaders: Palliative and chronic illness contexts. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 43(3), 78-94.
Stajduhar, K.I., Funk, L., Cohen, R., Williams, A., Bidgood, D., Allan, D., Norgrove, L., & Heyland, D. (2011). Bereaved family members’ assessments of the quality of end of life care: What is important? Journal of Palliative Care, 27(4), 261-269.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2011). Chronic illness, palliative care, and the problematic nature of dying. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 43(3), 7-15.
Funk, L., Stajduhar, K.I., & Cloutier-Fisher, D. (2011). Exploring family caregiver’s rationales for non-use of formal home health services when caring for a dying family member. Home Healthcare Management and Practice, 23(5), 318-328.
Molzahn, A., Sheilds, L., Bruce, A., Stajduhar, K., Schick Makaroff, K., Beuthin, R., & Shermak, S. (2011). Case study: A model patient or impression management? Journal of Nephrology Nursing, 38(6), 511-513.
Reid, C., Stajduhar, K.I., & Chappell, N. (2010). Impact of work interference on family caregiver outcomes. Journal of Applied Gerontology, 29, 267-289.
Thorne, S., Oliffe, J., Kim-Song, C., Hislop, T.G., Stajduhar, K., Harris, S.R., Armstrong, E.A., & Oglov, V. (2010). Helpful communications during the diagnostic period: An interpretive description of patient preferences. European Journal of Cancer Care, 19, 746-754.
Stajduhar, K.I., Thorne, S., L. McGuinness, & Kim-Sing, C. (2010). Patient perceptions of helpful communications in the context of advanced cancer. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19, 2039-2047.
Stajduhar, K.I., Funk, L., Jakobsson, E., & Öhlén, J. (2010). A critical analysis of health promotion and “empowerment” in the context of palliative family caregiving. Nursing Inquiry, 17(3), 221-230.
Stajduhar, K.I., Martin, W., & Cairns, M. (2010). What makes grief difficult? Perspectives from bereaved family caregivers and health care providers of advanced cancer patients. Palliative and Supportive Care, 8, 277-289.
Stajduhar, K.I., Funk, L., Toye, C., Aoun, S., Grande, G., & Todd, C. (2010). Part 1: Home-based family caregiving at the end of life: A comprehensive review of published quantitative research (1998-2008). Palliative Medicine, 24(6), 573-593.
Funk, L., Stajduhar, K.I., Toye, C., Grande, G., Aoun, S., & Todd, C. (2010). Part 2: Home-based family caregiving at the end of life: A comprehensive review of published qualitative research (1998-2008). Palliative Medicine, 24(6), 594-607.
Hudson, P., Trauer, T., Grande, G., Ewing, G., Payne, S., Robson, S., Stajduhar, K., & Thomas, K. (2010). A systematic review of instruments related to family caregivers of palliative care patients. Palliative Medicine, 24(7), 656-668.
Allan, D. E., Waskiewich, S., Stajduhar, K.I. & Bidgood, D. (2009). Use of palliative care services in a semirural program in British Columbia. Canadian Journal of Rural Medicine, 14(1), 10-15.
Thorne, S.E., Hislop, G., Stajduhar, K., & Oglov, V. (2009). Time-related communication skills from the cancer patient perspective. Psycho-Oncology, 18(5), 500-507. doi:10.1002/pon.1418
Stajduhar, K.I., Funk, L., Shaw, A., Bottorff, J., & Johnson, J. (2009). Resilience from the perspective of the illicit injection drug user: An exploratory descriptive study. International Journal of Drug Policy, 20(4), 309-316.
Grande, G., Stajduhar, K., Aoun, S., Toye, C., Funk, L., Addington-Hall, J., Payne, S., & Todd, C. (2009). Supporting lay carers in end of life care: Current gaps and future priorities. Palliative Medicine, 23, 339-344. doi:10.1177/0269216309104875
Funk, L.M., & Stajduhar, K.I. (2009). Interviewing family caregivers: implications of the caregiving context for the research interview. Qualitative Health Research, 19(6), 859-867.
Funk, L.M., Allan, D.E., & Stajduhar, K.I. (2009). Palliative family caregivers’ accounts of health care experiences: The importance of “security”. Palliative and Supportive Care, 7, 435-447. doi:10.1017/S1478951509990447
Thorne, S., Armstrong, E.A., Harris, S.R., Hislop, T.G., Kim-Sing, C., Oglov, V., Oliffe, J., & Stajduhar, K.I. (2009). Patient real-time and 12-month retrospective perceptions of difficult communications in the cancer diagnostic period. Qualitative Health Research, 19(10), 1383-1394. doi:10.1177/1049732309348382
Garrett, D.D., Tuokko, H., Stajduhar, K.I, Lindsay, J., & Buehler, S. (2008). Planning for end-of-life care: Findings from the Canadian study of health and aging. Canadian Journal on Aging, 27, 11-21. doi:10.3138/cja.27.1.011
Stajduhar, K.I., Allan, D.E., Cohen, S.R., & Heyland, D. (2008). Preferences for location of death of seriously ill hospitalized patients: Perspectives from Canadian patients and their family caregivers. Palliative Medicine, 22, 85-88. doi:10.1177/0269216307084612
Stajduhar, K.I., Nicol, D., & Martin, W., & Funk, L. (2008). Situated/Being situated: Client and co-worker roles of family caregivers in hospice palliative care. Social Science and Medicine, 67(11), 1789-1797.
Bruce, A., Stajduhar, K., Molzahn, A.E., MacDonald, M., Starzomski, R., & Brown, M. (2008). Nursing graduate supervision of theses and projects at a distance: Issues and challenges. International Journal of Nursing Education Scholarship, 5(1), Article 43.
Stajduhar, K.I., Martin, W., Barwich, D., & Fyles, G. (2008). Factors influencing family caregivers’ ability to cope with providing end of life cancer care at home. Cancer Nursing, 31(1), 77-85. doi:10.1097/01.NCC.0000305686.36637.b5
Martin, W., Grey, M., Webber, T., Robinson, L., Hartt, N., Cairns, M., & Stajduhar, K.I. (2007). Balancing dual roles in end-of-life research. Canadian Journal of Oncology Nursing, 17(3), 141-143.
Crooks, V., Williams, A., Stajduhar, K.I., Allan, D., & Cohen, S. R. (2007). Family caregivers’ information transfer and knowledge acquisition geographies – the case of Canada’s Compassionate Care Benefit. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 39(3), 36-54.
Stajduhar, K.I., Bidgood, D., Norgrove, L., Allan, D., & Waskiewich, S. (2006). Using quality improvement to enhance research readiness in palliative care. Journal of Healthcare Quality, 28(4), 22-28.
Williams, A., Crooks, V., Stajduhar, K.I., Allan, D., & Cohen, R. (2006). Canada’s Compassionate Care Benefit: Views of family caregivers in chronic illness. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 12(9), 438-445.
Stajduhar, K.I., & Davies, B. (2005). Variations in and factors influencing family members’ decisions for palliative home care. Palliative Medicine,19, 21-32.
Allan, D., Stajduhar, K.I., & Reid, R.C. (2005). The uses of provincial administrative health databases for research on palliative care: Insights from British Columbia, Canada. BMC Palliative Care,4, 2.
Stajduhar, K.I., Poffenroth, L., Wong, E., Archibald, C.P., Sutherland, D., & Rekart, M. (2004). Missed opportunities: Injection drug use and HIV/AIDS in Victoria, Canada. International Journal of Drug Policy, 15, 171-181.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2003). Examining the perspectives of family members involved in the delivery of palliative care at home. Journal of Palliative Care, 19(1), 27-35.
Stajduhar, K.I., Lindsey, E., & McGuinness, L. (2002). A qualitative evaluation of an HIV/AIDS respite care service in Victoria, Canada. Evaluation and the Health Professionals, 25(3), 321-344.
Stajduhar, K.I., Bidgood, D., Meagher, C., Morris, V., Shaw, A., Showler, C., & Short, S. (2002). Bringing nursing research “alive” in the practice setting. Canadian Nurse, 98(10), 14-18.
Stajduhar, K. (2001). Commentary on: Patients, family members, and providers identified 6 components of a "good death". Evidence-Based Nursing, 4(1), 32.
Lindsey, E., & Stajduhar, K.I., & McGuinness, L. (2001). Examining the process of community development: Evidence from an AIDS organization. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 33(6), 828-835.
Bramadat, P., Coward, H., & Stajduhar, K.I. (Eds.). (2013). Spirituality in Hospice Palliative Care. Albany: State University New York Press.
Coward, H., & Stajduhar, K.I. (Eds.). (2012). Religious understandings of a “good death” in hospice/palliative care. Albany: State University New York Press.Winner of the American Journal of Nursing Book of the Year Award: hospice Palliative Care Category.
Most Recent Projects
2021 – 2022 Co-Applicant (with: D. Contandriopoulos, K. Bertoni). “Developmental evaluation of Victoria’s NP-led clinic.” Internal Research Grant, University of Victoria, $15,000.
2021 – 2022 Co-Applicant (PI: S. Thorne; Co-Is: L. Lambert, A. Browne, S. Peacock, F. Howard, H. McTaggart-Cowan; R.User: J. Kaur; Trainee: S. Beck). “Planning to enhance capacity for equity-oriented cancer care in BC.” Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Convening and Collaborating Grant, $15,000.
2021 – 2025 Principal Applicant ($$: 1 PDF; 2 PhD) (Co-As: R. McNeil, M. Gagnon, S. Jakubec, S. Thorne, R. Sawatzky, F. Chou; KUs: N. Dosani, G. Showler, F. Black, S. Colgan, & J. Gerke). “Caregiving for vulnerable and marginalized older adults at the end of life.” Canadian Institutes for Health Research Project Grant, $921,824.
2020 – 2021 Co-Applicant (with PI: D. Cloutier; Co-Applicants: K. Kobayashi, P. O’Shea, M. Penning, D. Sheets; Collaborators: L. Clack, H. Cook, G. Halseth, L. Higginson, B. Samuel, & T. Szczyry). “Building solutions to housing insecurity and health for older women in vulnerable circumstances.” Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Catalyst Grant, April 2020 – March 2023, $93,342.
2020 – 2023 Co-Applicant (with PI: D. Cloutier; Co-Applicants: K. Kobayashi, P. O’Shea, M. Penning, D. Sheets; Collaborators: L. Clack, H. Cook, G. Halseth, L. Higginson, B. Samuel, & T. Szczyry). “Supporting resilience: ‘Wraparound’ solutions to homelessness for older women.” Social Sciences and Health Research Grant, Insight Development Grant, April 2020 – March 2022, $92,306.
2019 – 2021 Principal Investigator ($$: 1 PhD; 1 MSN) (with Knowledge User Lead: G. Showler; Research Members: R. Sawatzky, R. McNeil; Knowledge User Members: F. Black, M. Price, J. Gerke, Wilkinson). “Toward equity-informed care: Making visible the needs of marginalized and vulnerable populations.” BC Support Unit, Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research, September 2019 – September 2021, $124,281; Partner Contributions (in-kind): $30,500.
2019 – 2023 Principal Applicant ($$: 2 PhD; 1 MA) (with Co-PA: Damien Contandriopoulos; Co-Applicants: Bourgeault, I., Carrier, A., Dordunoo, D., Duncan, S., Funk, L., Roberts, D.; Collaborators: Cracknell, D., Mitchell, L., Power, V., Trudeau, M.; Partners: Centre de recherche sur le vieillissement, Institute on Aging & Lifelong Health). “Tackling the home care challenge: A mixed methods study of publicly funded home care services in 4 Canadian cities”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Project Grant. April 2019 – March, 2023. $856,800. Partner Contributions (in- kind) $89,760.
2019 – 2022 Principal Investigator Primary Community Partners: G. Showler & M. Selfridge, Victoria Cool Aid Society and Community Health Centre; J. Gerke & Roberts, Island Health End-of-Life program. Academic partners: S. Jakubec, Mount Royal University & S. Reimer-Kirkham, Trinity Western University; Other community partners: D. McGregor, Victoria Hospice. “Improving access to palliative approaches to care for vulnerable and marginalized populations.” Vancouver Foundation: $299,373.40; Partner Contributions (in-kind): $485,280.00.
2019 Co-Investigator (PI: R. Beringer; Co-I: N. Lachowsky). “LGBTQI2S Community Engagement to Plan an Inclusive Participatory Action Research Project on Hospice and Palliative Care.” Canadian Institutes for Health Research Planning and Dissemination Grant, $20,000.
2019 - 2024 Co-Investigator (PIs: F. Burge, A. Jakda, H. Seow; Co-I’s: Marshall, D., Kelley, M-L., Brouwers, M., Pond, G., Sussman, J., Winemaker, S., Wong, S., McGrail, K., Lawson, B., Johnson, G., Urqhart, R., Martin-Misener, R., & Burge, F. “Community access to Palliative care via Interprofessional Teams intervention (CAPACITi): A program to build interprofessional team-based palliative care capacity in primary care providers.” Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Project Grant, $1,216,350.00.
2018 Co-Investigator (PIs: R. Sawatzky & K. Schick-Makaroff; Core Team: Patient and Family-Caregiver Panel leaders (Lee and Cohen), two Healthcare Professional and Administrator Panel leaders (Schick-Makaroff and Stajduhar), two Government Leaders and Decision-makers Panel leaders (Sawatzky and Cuthbertson), two health authority leaders (Hilliard and Zetes-Zanatta), and two members bringing expertise in clinician and decision maker education and KT (McLeod and Wolff); Research Panel: academics bringing additional expertise in KT (Reimer-Kirkham), didactic methods (Laforest; Öhlén; Stephen; Terblanche), evaluation research (Russell), and person-centred care (Reimer-Kirkham; Öhlén); The “Patient and Family-Caregiver Panel” (led by Lee and Cohen) will involve participation from patients, and family-caregiver representatives, as well as Family Caregivers of BC (MacLean and McLean), Canadian Virtual Hospice (Cory) and Canadian Association of Retired People (Cowman). This Panel will support KT focusing on patient and family-caregiver audiences. The “Healthcare Professional and Administrator Panel” (led by Schick-Makaroff and Stajduhar) includes knowledge users (managers and clinicians) from Fraser Health, Alberta Health Services, and Island Health who are involved in our ongoing QPSS research. This Panel will focus on KT with both micro- (clinicians) and meso- level audiences. The “Government Leaders and Decision-makers Panel” (led by Sawatzky and Cuthbertson) includes executive directors from healthcare organizations (Fraser Health and New Brunswick Health Council), the BC Ministry of Health Patient Centred Measurement Working Group. “Supporting quality of life assessments of frail older adults and their family caregivers.” Canadian Frailty Network, 2018 Catalyst Grant Competition, $99,937.
2018 – 2020 BC Lead (Investigators: R. Urquhart, C. Tschupruk, K.A. Pfaff, K. Stajduhar, & G. Warner); Co-investigators: L. Dolovich, L.G. Baird, M. Howard, G. Johnston, B. Lawson, L. Malloy-Weir, D. Marshall, S. McMurphy, M. Purdon, J. Ricketts, D. Roberts, & D. Sattler. “An Inter-provincial comparison of innovative programs that help individuals and families affected by life-limiting chronic illnesses navigate end-of-life.” SPOR PIHCI Network - Comparative Program and Policy Analysis Grant, 2018-2020; CIHR $124,540; MSFHR $15,250
2018 Co-Principal Investigator (with PI: R. Sawatzky; Co-PIs: R. Cohen, & K. Schick-Makaroff; Knowledge Users - Clinical: N. Hilliard, B. McLeod; Knowledge Users - Patients: G., Cowman, A. Maybee; Knowledge Users - Decision Maker: L. Zetes-Zanatta; Patient and Family Engagement Panel: S. Cory, B. McLean, M. Luk, J. Huang; Clinical and Healthcare Administration Panel: S. Brown, D. Roberts, M. Fraser, K. Milne, L. Cuthbertson, J. Gerke, C. Paul, C. Tayler, D. Williscroft, S. Baxter; Health Technology Panel: B. Forde, H. Tsang, J. Voth; Research Panel: J. Bottorff, S. Bryan, P. Dodek, K. Fraser, A. Gadermann, E. Laforest, S. Reimer-Kirkham, P. Ratner, L Russell, M. Santana, Whitehurst; International Collaborators: T. Edwards, G. Ewing, G. Grande, J. Öhlén). “Integration of a quality of life and practice support system to support a palliative approach for frail older adults living at home.” Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Operating Grant: SPOR Innovative Clinical Trials Rewarding Success – Phase 1: Idea Brief and Travel Awards, $99,964. Invitation to Ideathon.
2017 – 2021 Co-Investigator (PI: L. Funk; Co-I’s: A. Rounce, C.S. Mackenzie, S.R. Cohen; Collaborator: M. Krawczyk). “A mixed methods policy research study of dying at home in Canada.” Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Insight Grant 425-2018-0257, $130,967.
2017 – 2019 Principal Investigator (Co-I’s: Reimer-Kirkham, S., Pauly, B., Wallace, B., Dosani, N., Colgan, S., Kvakic, K., Kamano, B., Showler, G., McGregor, D., & Sawatzky, R.). “Realizing the benefits of a palliative approach for vulnerable and marginalized people living with cancer.” Canadian Cancer Society Research Institutes, Quality of Life Grant 2017-2019, $99,787.
2017 – 2018 Co-Investigator (PI: H. Siden; Co-Is: A. de Longis, T. Dewan, L. Holsi, M.E. MacDonald, T. Oberlander, G. Robinson Treschow, W. Widger). “The frail young: Care for children with complex illnesses, their families and communities.” University of British Columbia Internal Research Grant, $98,000.
2017 Principal Investigator (with Co-applicants: B. Pauly, B. Wallace, & S. Reimer- Kirkham; Knowledge Users: K. Kvakic, G. Showler, D. McGregor, & N. Donasi). “Structural vulnerability, aging, and care at the end of life.” Funding: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Planning & Dissemination Grant: $20,000.
2016 – 2020 Co-Investigator (PI: S. Sinclair; Co-PI’s: T. Hack, & R. Sawatzky; Co-I’s: D. Barwich, S. Baxter, H. Chochinov, S. Cory, D. Dudgeon, L. Embleton, H. Forbes, Garland, N. Hagen, M. Harlos, D. Heyland, M. Krawczyk, L. Lechelt, C. Leget, S. McClement, C. Puchalski, P. Quail, S. Raffin Bouchal, L. Russell, L. Selman, P. Singh, A. Sinnarajah, & G. Thompson). “Development and validation of a patient-reported measure of compassionate care.” Funding: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Project Scheme 2016-2020, $638,356.
2016 – 2020 Co-Investigator – BC Lead ($$: 2 PDFs) (PI: J. Keefe; Co-PI: C. Estabrooks; Co-Is: M. Andrew, H. Armstrong, P. Armstrong, K. Aubrecht, W. Berta, I. Bourgeault, S. Braedley, F. Burge, D. Cloutier-Fisher, T. Daly, A. Gruneir, M. Hoben, E. Marshall, M. McGregor, P. Norton, & J. Poss; Principal Knowledge User: H. Cook; Knowledge Users: P. English, C. Grabusic, M. Hillmer, C. Schalm, J. Silvius, S. Stevens, D. Taylor, & G. Teare; Clinical Lead: L. MacDonald; Lead Patient/Family Representative: H. Fifield. “Seniors - Adding Life to Years (SALTY).” Funding: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Team Grant: Late Life Issues, $1,390,731; AIHS Partner Funds, $200,000; Alzheimer Society of Canada Partner Funds, $37,500; MSFHR Partner Funds, $200,000; NSHRF Partner Funds, $200,000.
2016 – 2020 Co-Investigator (with PIs: H. T. Stelfox & D. K. Heyland; 39 Co-Is). “Development and evaluation of a family-partnered care pathway for critically ill older patients.” Funding: Canadian Institutes of Health Research Team Grant: Late Life Issues, $1,388,754.
2016 – 2017 Principal Investigator (with PI’s: N. Hilliard, & R. Sawatzky; Co-I’s: G. Doane, L. Matheson, C. Meyerman, S. Reimer-Kirkham, D. Roberts, P. Roy, & N. Wikjord). “Integrated approach to palliative care in acute care (iPAC-AC).” Funding: Technology Evaluation in the Elderly, Catalyst Program, $100,000.
2015 – 2019 Co-Principal Investigator (with PI: R. Sawatzky; Co-PIs: R. Cohen, K. Schick- Makaroff, & K. Stajduhar; Clinician lead/principal knowledge user: N. Hilliard; Decision maker/principal knowledge user: L. Zetes-Zanatta; Co-Is: J. Bottorff, S. Bryan, P. Dodek, K. Fraser, A. Gadermann, E. Laforest, M. Parrilla Lopez, S. Reimer-Kirkham, P.A. Ratner, L. Russell, H. Tsang, M. Santana, D. Whitehurst; International collaborators: T. Edwards, G. Ewing, G. Grande, J. Öhlén; Knowledge users: S. Baxter, S. Brown, J. Carlson, S. Cory, L. Cuthbertson, J. Gerke, B. McLeod, C. Paul, J. Resin, D. Roberts, C. Tayler, D. Williscroft, J. Warneboldt; Collaborators: J. Haskins, M. Kundert. “Integrating a quality of life assessment and practice support system in homecare services for older adults with life-limiting illness and their families.” Funding: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, eHealth Innovation Partnership Program (eHIPP), $749,816. Partners: Fraser Health; Cambian Business Services, Inc; J. Voth & Intogrey Research and Development, Inc. This research is supported by: Geoff Cowman, CARP (Richmond/Delta. www.carp.ca); Barb MacLean, Family Caregivers of British Columbia (www.familycaregiversbc.ca); Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association (www.chpca.net); The Canadian Virtual Hospice www.virtualhospice.ca); Mary Luk, Alies Maybee, Catherine Yau (patient/family caregiver representatives). (ranked #1 in Canadian Institutes of Health Research committee)
2015 – 2017 Co-Investigator (with PI: S. Sinclair; Co-Is: H.M. Chochinov, T. Hack, N. Hagen, S. McClement, S. Raffin Bouchal et al.). “Healthcare providers’ understandings and experiences of compassion: Improving the delivery of healthcare services to Albertans from the inside-out.” MSI Foundation, $98,000.
2015 – 2016 Co-Investigator (with PIs: R. Sawatzky, & K. Schick-Makaroff; Co-Is: S. Bryan, Dixon, A. Gadermann, L.B. Russell, & G. Wong; Knowledge users: N. Hilliard, K. Leeb, M. Mancuso, M. McGregor, & C. Taylor). “A meta-narrative review of patient- and family-reported experience and outcome measures across transitions of care for frail seniors living at home”. Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Knowledge Synthesis Grant, $100,000.
2015 – 2016 Co-Principal Investigator (with PIs: R. Sawatzky, & R. Cohen; Co-PI: C. Tayler; Co-Is: J. Bottorff, S. Bryan, P. Dodek, A. Gadermann, P.A. Ratner, S. Reimer Kirkham, K. Schick-Makaroff, H. Tsang, & M. Santana; International collaborators: G. Ewing, G. Grande, J. Ӧhlén, & T. Edwards; Knowledge users: Baxter, C. Beveridge, S. Cory, M. Johnson, H. Lee, B.McLeod, & J. Warneboldt; HQPs: E. Laforest, & R. Wang). “Integrating a quality of life assessment and practice support system in palliative homecare.” Funding: Technology Evaluation in the Elderly Network (TVN), Catalyst Program, $99,983.
Academic Presentations
Stajduhar, K.I. (2021 November). Palliative care for people who experience structural vulnerabilities and inequitable access to health care services. Dutch-Flemish Scientific Palliative Care Conference, Helsinki, Finland (virtual).
Stajduhar, K.I. (2021 November). Palliative care approaches to people living with neurologic illness. Inaugural International Neuropalliative Care Society conference, Denver, CO (virtual).
Hoben, M., Banerjee, S., Beeber, A., Chamberlain, S., Hughes, L., O’Rourke, H., Stajduhar, K., & Estabrooks, C. (2021, November). Feasibility of routine quality of life assessment in long-term care homes. Oral presentation at the Gerontological Society of America annual general meetings, Pheonix, AZ.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2021 October). Is it time to retire the angel metaphor? Reflections on knowledge and skill in caregiving work. Pre-conference Nursing Day at the 23rd Annual International Congress on Palliative Care, Montréal, QC.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2021 October). Studying compassionate communities. Special Research Symposium at the 23rd Annual International Congress on Palliative Care, Montréal, QC.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2021 October). Making a difference: Critical reflections on the nursing role in palliative care for diverse populations. Special Seminar on Palliative Care Nursing at the 23rd Annual International Congress on Palliative Care, Montréal, QC.
Seow, H., Barwich, D., Kilbertus, F., Burge, F., Howard, M., Kortes-Miller, K., Stajduhar, K., Marshall, D., Brouwers, M., Urquhart, R., Sinding, C., & Winemaker, S. (2021, October). Building capacity for early palliative care within primary care teams: Implication and evaluation of the CAPACITI program. Submitted for oral presentation at the 23rd International Congress on Palliative Care, Montréal, QC.
Stajduhar, K., & Whitlock, K. (2021, October). Advancing the science of patient-centered measurement methods. Submitted for symposium at the 28th International Society for Quality of Life Research, Calgary, AB.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2021, May). Building a Knowledge Enterprise for Long Term Care in British Columbia. Presentation at Island Health’s Five Days in May research conference, Victoria, BC.
Hoben, M., Banerjee, S., Beeber, A., Chamberlain, S., Hughes, L., O’Rourke, H., Stajduhar, K., & Estabrooks, C. (2021, May). Feasibility of routine quality of life assessment in long-term care homes. Oral presentation at the 2021 Annual Canadian Association Health Services and Policy Research annual conference, virtual conference.
Kendell, C., Warner, G., Stajduhar, K., Pfaff, K., Dujela, C., Fateaux, F., Lawson, B., Johnston, G., & Urquhart, R. (2021, May). Comparing navigation programs aimed at supporting individuals and families in the community who are affected by life-limiting illness: A realist evaluation. Poster presentation at the Canadian Association of Health Services and Policy Research annual conference, virtual conference.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2021, May). On the fringe: Exploring the intersections of palliative care and health equity. Keynote address at the Grampians Regional Palliative Care Team Annual Palliative Care Conference, Victoria, AUS. (virtual)
Stajduhar, K., Yamamoto, C., Contandriopoulos, D., & Picard, A. (2021, April). Meager & Piecemeal: How to Improve Canada's Home Care Services: A panel discussion. University of Victoria and University of Manitoba, Victoria, BC (virtual).
Barwich, D., Winemaker, S., Sinding, C., Kelley, M-L., Kilertus, F., Stajduhar, K., Burge, F., Howard, M., Marshall, D., Kortes-Miller, K., Seow, H., Bainbridge, D., & McMillan, K. (2021, April). The CAPACITI study to operationalize palliative care into primary care teams: What it could mean for my community team. Participatory workshop at the 2021 Hospice Palliative Care Ontario annual meetings, virtual conference.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2021, February). How equity-oriented is palliative care? Elizabeth J. Latimer Lecture in Palliative care, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON (virtual)
Stajduhar, K.I. (2021, February). Developing a research program on equity-oriented palliative care. Invited address at the Pal Spectives – Updates in Research conference, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, AUS. (virtual)
Stajduhar, K., Leahy, K., Tysick, S., & Showler, G. (2020, April). Toward equity-informed palliative care nursing for community-based clients experiencing structural vulnerability. Accepted commented digital poster at the University Of Victoria Nursing Research Day 2020, Victoria, BC.
MacDonald, L., Roberts, D., & Stajduhar, K. (2020, February). Evaluating the implementation of a palliative approach to care in long term care. Storyboard presentation at the Quality Forum 2020, Vancouver, BC.
Mollison, A., d’Archangelo, M., & Stajduhar, K. (2019, October). Who Cares for the Dying Poor? Developing compassionate inner city communities. Oral presentation at the 6th International Public Health and Palliative Care Conference. Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Cloutier, D., Stajduhar, K., Roland, K., Dujela, C., & Roberts, D. (2019, October). Sometimes Talking is Enough: An Evaluation of a Palliative Approach to Care Project in Long-Term Care. Oral presentation at the 48th Annual Canadian Association of Gerontology Scientific and Educational meeting, Moncton, NB.
Cloutier, D., Stajduhar, K., Roland, K., Dujela, C., & Roberts, D. (2019, October). Spending Time: Challenges with Implementing Palliative Approaches in Long-Term Care. Oral presentation at the 48th Annual Canadian Association of Gerontology Scientific and Educational meeting, Moncton, NB.
Tedesco, A., Hill, S., Stajduhar, K.I., Mollison, A., & Dosani, N. (2019, October). Grief & bereavement amidst the opioid crisis: Fostering collaboration between palliative care & addictions medicine. Learning workshop at the 31st Canadian Social of Addiction Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Conference, Halifax, NS.
Roberts, D., & Stajduhar, K. (2019, September). One size doesn’t fit all: Integrating a palliative approach in long term care homes. Oral presentation at the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Roberts, D., MacDonald, L., Roland, K.P., Cloutier, D.S., & Stajduhar, K. (2019, September). Development and integration of a Palliative Approach to Care (PAC) strategy in four long term care sites in British Columbia, Canada. Poster presentation at the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Cutherbertson, L.R., Stajduhar, K., & Cloutier, D. (2019, May). Aging without a place to call home: Comprehensive review with a systematic approach on pathways into homelessness for older adults. Poster presentation at the 39th Canadian Geriatrics Society’s Annual Scientific Meeting, Halifax, NS.
Dosani, N., Holyoke, P., Tedesco, A., Stajduhar, K., Mollison, A., Colgan, S., & Jakubec, S. (2019, April). Developing palliative care education for inner city workers supporting people who are structurally vulnerable. Abstract submitted for a workshop at the Hospice Palliative Care Ontario Annual Conference, Toronto, ON.
Jakubec, S., Holyoke, P., Khan, B., Grover, D., Colgan, S. Dosani, N., & Stajduhar, K. (2019, April). Co-designing palliative equity: A curriculum on the palliative approach to care for social workers who support people who are homeless in Calgary. Poster presentation at the 19th annual Mary O’Connor Palliative and Hospice Care conference, Calgary, AB.
Jakubec, S., Stajduhar, K., Buzath, E., Mollison, A., Holyoke, P., & Trudge, S. (2018, November). Rights to palliative care have no address: Integrating palliative approaches to care for those experiencing structural vulnerabilities. Abstract submitted to the American Public Health Association 2018 Annual Meeting & Expo, San Diego, CA.
Dosani, N. Tedesco, A., Mollison, A., Stajduhar, K.I., Buchman, S., & Colgan, S. (2018, October). Lying & dying on the streets: 3 Canadian cities working to improve access to palliative care for the homeless. Workshop submitted to the 14th Annual International Street Medicine Symposium, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2018, October). Access and Equity in Palliative Care. Opening keynote address at the Centre for Education and Research on Aging & Health Palliative Care Conference, Thunder Bay, ON.
Giesbrecht, M., Stajduhar, K., Mollison, A., Pauly, B., Reimer-Kirkham, S., McNeil, R., Wallace, B., Rose, C., & Dosani, N. (2018, October). Place-based experiences of formal healthcare settings by people experiencing vulnerability at the end-of-life. Research Forum paper presentation at the 22nd International Congress on Palliative Care, Montreal, QC.
Stajduhar, K., Dosani, N., & Colgan, S. (2018, October). Achieving equity in palliative care: Researchers and practitioners from three Canadian cities discuss what it takes. Oral presentation at the 22nd International Congress on Palliative Care, Montreal, QC.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2018, October). Access and Equity in Palliative Care. Workshop presentation at the Centre for Education and Research on Aging & Health Palliative Care Conference, Thunder Bay, ON
Keefe, J., Estabrooks, C., Bourgeault, I., Taylor, D., & Stajduhar, K. (2018, May). Adding life to years for long term care residents. Oral presentation to the Canadian Association for Health Services and Policy Research conference, Montreal, QC.
Sinclair, S., Pavneet, S., Raffin-Bouchal, S., McClement, S., Hack, T.F., Stajduhar, K., Hagen, N., & Chochinov, H. (2018, May). Compassion without borders: Palliative care providers’ perspectives on challenges and facilitators to compassion. Oral presentation at the 10th World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Bern, Switzerland.
Schick-Makaroff, K., Sawatzky, R., Laforest, E., Stajduhar, K., Krawczyk, M., & Cohen, R. (2017, November). Design and contextual considerations in developing an electronic quality of life and practice support system in palliative homecare. Oral presentation at the 2017 Margaret Scott Wright Research and Innovation Day, Edmonton, AB.
Aoun, S., Toye, C., Grande, G., Ewing, G., & Stajduhar, K. (2017, October). How can we support family carers at the end of life based on evidence? An innovative practice fit for the future. 7th International Carers Conference, Adelaide, AU.
Schick-Makaroff, K., Sawatzky, R., Laforest, E., Stajduhar, K., Krawczyk, M., & Cohen, S.R. (2017, October). Contextual considerations for introducing an electronic quality of life assessment and practice support system in palliative home care. Oral presentation at the “Cutting Edge Research Plenary Session” of the 24th International Society of Quality of Life Research Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Krawczyk, M., Schick-Makaroff, K., Cohen, S.R., Stajduhar, K., Reimer-Kirkham, S., Öhlén, J., Sawatzky, R. (2017, October). Introducing electronic quality of life assessments in hospital palliative care: A micro-meso-macro framework. Paper presentation at the 24th Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research, Philadelphia, PA (October 18-21, 2017).
Stajduhar, K.I. (2017, October). Death, dying and homelessness in Canada. Plenary address to Enfermería en Cuidados Paliativos Facultad de Enfermeria Universidad El Bosque, Bogotá, Colombia.
Dosani, N., Colgan, S., & Stajduhar, K. (2017, September). Social determinants of health – What are the biggest challenges to the social determinants of health. Challenging Issues Panel: Marginalized populations at the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2017, September). Looking forward, Looking Back: What History Can Teach Us about the Integration of a Palliative Approach to Care. Opening plenary address at the 2017 Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Taylor, C., & Stajduhar, K. (2017, September). Shift you thinking: Knowledge translation for a palliative approach in nursing practice. Workshop presentation at the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Sawatzky, R., Porterfield, P., Stajduhar, K., & Thorne, S. (2017, September). Outcome measures for a palliative approach. Paper presentation at the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Bitschy, A., Donald, E., & Stajduhar, K.I. (2017, September). Impact of health system changes on the delivery of palliative care at home. Poster presentation at the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Stajduhar, K., Dosani, N., Colgan, S., & Jakubec, S. (2017, September). The social determinants of health in life and death: Research and promising practices in three Canadian cities to improve access to palliative care for structurally vulnerable people. Workshop presentation for the 5th International Public Health & Palliative Care Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2017, June). Nursing and its important contribution to care of people with chronic life-limiting conditions. Opening address at the 2017 University of Victoria, School of Nursing Annual Alumni Celebration, Victoria, BC.
Stajduhar, K., Mollison, A., Giesbrecht, M., McNeil, R., Pauly, B., Reimer-Kirkham, S., Dosani, N., Wallace, B., Rose, C., Gleave, D., Kvakic, K., Meagher, C., Showler, G., Teal, T., Showler, C. & Rounds, K. (2017, May). How the social determinants of health shape end-of-life experiences for vulnerable populations and their care providers. Poster presentation at the 15th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Madrid, Spain.
Sinclair, S., Hack, T., Raffin-Bouchal, S., McClement, S., Hagen, N., Sinnarajah, A., Stajduhar, K., Singh, P., & Chochinov, H.M. (2017, May). Compassion is a two-way street: The development of a healthcare provider model of compassion. Poster presentation at the 15th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Madrid, Spain.
Sinclair, S., Hack, T., McClement, S., Raffin-Bouchal, S., Hagen, N., Sinnarajah, A., Stajduhar, K., & Chochinov, H.M. (2017, May). An inside job: Healthcare providers’ perspectives on the provision of compassionate care to cancer patients at the end of life. Paper presentation at the Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology meetings, Vancouver, BC.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2017, May). The 3Rs: Research, Recruitment, and Retention: Exploring the Role of Post-Secondary Institutions in BC’s Continuing Care Sector. Plenary panelist at the 40th Annual BC Care Providers Association Conference and Celebration, Whistler, BC.
Roberts, D., Tayler, C., Pearson, C., & Stajduhar, K. (2017, May). Shift your thinking: Knowledge translation for a palliative approach in nursing practice. Plenary address at the BC Hospice Palliative Care Association, Vancouver, BC.
Wikjord, N., Roy, P., Stajduhar, K.I., Reimer-Kirkham, S., Doane, G., Hilliard, N., Sawatzky, R., Giesbrecht, M., & Dujela, C. (2017, April). Integrated Approach to Palliative Care in Acute Care: Emerging Lessons from a Participatory Research Project. Poster presentation at the Canadian Frailty Network Annual National Conference, Toronto, ON.
Kaechele, N., Bitschy, A., Sawatzky, R., Donald, E., Kaur, S., & Stajduhar, K.I. (2017, April). Home care nurses’ perceptions of the use of the Carer Support Needs Assessment Tool as an intervention. Poster presentation at the Canadian Frailty Network Annual National Conference, Toronto, ON.
Stajduhar, K.I., Hilliard, N., Sawatzky, R., Wikjord, N., Roy, P., & Canning, T. (2017, March). Improving quality of end of life care in acute care: Integrating a palliative approach. Presentation for Quality Forum 2017, Vancouver, BC.
Sawatzky, R., Cohen, S.R., Hilliard, N., Lee, J., McLeod, B., Schick-Mararoff, K., Stajduhar, K., Taylor, C., & the QPSS Team. (2017, March). Giving voice to older adult patients and their family caregivers: The Quality of Life Assessment and Practice Support System (QPSS) Initiative. Presentation at the Quality Forum 2017, Vancouver, BC.
Sawatzky, R., Cohen, S.R., Hilliard, N., Krawczyk, M., Laforest, E., Lee, J., McLeod, B., Schick-Makaroff, K., Stajduhar, K., Taylor, C., & the QPSS Team. (2017, March). The Quality of Life Assessment and Practice Support System for person-centred care. Abstract submission for Quality Forum 2017, Vancouver, BC.
Murray, K., & Stajduhar, K. (2017, February). Integrating a palliative approach and end-of-life care in nursing curriculum: Preparing students to meet the CASN competencies. Paper presentation at the WNRCASN Conference, Victoria, BC.
Sawatzky, R., Stajduhar, K., Hilliard, N., & Lee, J. (2016, December). The Quality of Life and Practice Support System (QPSS) Initiative: Integrating quality of life assessments in person-centred older adult care. Presentation at the Fraser Health Patient Experience Summit, Abottsford, BC.
Sawatzky, R., Cohen, S.R., Hilliard, N., Lee, J., McLeod, B., Schick-Mararoff, K., Stajduhar, K., Taylor, C., & the QPSS Team. (2016, December). Giving voice to older adult patients and their family caregivers: The Quality of Life Assessment and Practice Support System (QPSS) Initiative. Presentation at the Fraser Health Patient Experience Summit, Surrey, BC.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2016, November). Advanced care planning: Whose job is it anyway? Keynote address and Pfizer Lecture given at the 35th Annual Conference Nurses and Research in Perspective, Montreal, QC.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2016, November). Caregiver needs during advanced care planning conversations. Invited panel discussant at the 35th Annual Conference Nurses and Research in Perspective, Montreal, QC.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2016, November). Guiding the advanced care planning conversation: The role of the nurse. Invited panel discussant at the 35th Annual Conference Nurses and Research in Perspective, Montreal, QC.
Schick-Makaroff, K., Laforest, E., Cohen, S.R., Krawczyk, M., Stajduhar, K., & Sawatzky, R. (2016, October). Diverse perspectives on the use of the Edmonton Symptom Assessment Scale (revised) in palliative care. Poster presentation at the International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) 23rd Annual Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Cohen, S.R., Penner, J.L., Parmar Calislar, M.P., MacKinnon, C.J., Bitzas, V., Cherba, M., Keats, S., Feindel, A., Lapointe, B., Allen, D., Stajduhar, K., & Kogan, N. (2016, October). Caregiver Coach Service: A volunteer service aimed at maintaining the wellbeing of family caregivers. Poster presentation at the 21st International Congress on Palliative Care, Montreal, QC.
Aitken, J., & Stajduhar, K. (2016, October). From Freud to Hashtags: The convergence of grief theory. Proffered paper presented at the 21st International Congress on Palliative Care, Montreal, QC.
Pearson, C., Donald, E., & Stajduhar, K. (2016, October). Integrating health promotion and palliative care for a palliative approach: A scoping review. Poster presentation at the 21st International Congress on Palliative Care, Montreal, QC.
Stajduhar, K., Mollison, A., McNeil, R., Pauly, B., Wallace, B., Reimer Kirkham, S., Dosani, N., Rose, C., Gleave, D., Kvakic, K., Meagher, C., Showler, G., Teal, T., Showler, C., & Rounds, K. (2016, October). Barriers to accessing palliative care for structurally vulnerable populations. Research paper presented as part of the Research Forum at the 21st International Congress on Palliative Care, Montreal, QC. Selected in the top 9 of 146 applications.
Laforest, E., Sawatzky, R., Schick-Makaroff, K., Stajduhar, K., Krawczyk, M., Wang, S., Hilliard, N., Neufeld, C., Lett, J., Tayler, C., Voth, J., & Cohen, S.R. (2016, October). Desirable features of a Quality of Life Assessment and Practice Support System (QPSS) in palliative acute and home care. Poster presentation at the 21st International Congress on Palliative Care, Montreal, QC.
Krawczyk, M., Schick-Makaroff, K., Cohen, S.R., Stajduhar, K., Laforest, E., Wang, S., Hilliard, N., Neufeld, C., Lett, J., Tayler, C., Voth, J., & Sawatzky, R. (2016, October). Experiences of integrating electronic assessments within tertiary palliative care: Use of the Quality of Life Assessment and Practice Support System (QPSS). Research paper presented as part of the Research Forum at the 21st International Congress on Palliative Care, Montreal, QC. Selected in the top 9 of 146 applications.
Donald, E., Stajduhar, K., & Sawatzky, R. (2016, June). Factors affecting implementation of complex interventions in end of life care: Lessons from implementing person-centred support for family carers across three continents. 9th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Dublin, Ireland.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2016, June). Living well until you die - The Walrus Talks Health. The Walrus Foundation, Vancouver, BC.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2016, May). Revisiting approaches to care of people with chronic life-limiting illness: Promoting a palliative approach to care. Health Forum Talks, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2016, April). What families want: Perspectives from the cancer care experience. Grand Rounds, Juravinski Cancer Centre and Hamilton Health Sciences, Hamilton, Ontario.
Sutherland, N., Ward-Griffin, C., McWilliam, C., & Stajduhar, K. (2016, April). A disregard for gender relations: Examining gender inequities in hospice palliative home care. Paper presentation at the Annual Hospice Palliative Care Ontario Conference, Richmond Hill, ON.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2016, March). Organizing care for patients and families in palliative care. Invited presentation, Faculty of Medicine, IHI Series, University of British Columbia.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2016, February). Equitable access to palliative care for structurally vulnerable populations. Plenary address given at the 2016 BC Nursing Union Practice Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Cohen, S.R., Cherba, M., Keats, S., MacKinnon, C.J., Penner, J.L., Parmar Calislar, M.P., Bitzas, V., Kogan, N., Feindel, A., Allen, D., Baxter, S., O’Brien, S., Stajduhar, K.I., & Lapointe, B. (2015, October-November). A volunteer Caregiver Coach Service: Helping family caregivers cope and maintain their own wellbeing while caregiving and in early bereavement. Workshop presented at the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Conference, Ottawa, ON.
Cooke, H., Chappell, N., & Stajduhar, K. (2015, November). Caring in spite of: How residential care aides seek to provide care in the face of organizational constraints. Paper presented at the 68th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America, Orlando, FL.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2015, November). Lessons learned from a 10 year program of research in family caregiving in palliative care. Plenary address given at the 2015 Annual Conference of the Canadian Cancer Society Research Conference, Montreal, QC.
Rahim-Jamal, S., Stajduhar, K., Reimer-Kirkham, S., & Kobayashi, K. (2015, October). “My home is nowhere”: South Asian older adults’ and family caregivers’ experiences in residential long term care. Paper presented at the 21st Qualitative Health Research Conference, Toronto, ON.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2015, October). A palliative approach in acute care. Keynote address given at Vancouver Coastal Health’s Integrating a Palliative Approach to Care day of education, Vancouver, BC.
Sutherland, N., Ward-Griffin, C., Stajduhar, K., & McWilliam, C. (2015, October). Contradictory behavioural patterns shaping gender inequities in the context of hospice palliative home care for seniors with cancer and their family caregivers. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Gerontology Conference, Calgary, AB.
Cooke, H.A., Chappell, N.L., & Stajduhar, K.I. (2015, October). Exploring residential care aides’ conceptualizations of quality dementia care: The disconnect between front-line practice and dementia care ideals. Poster presented at the Canadian Association of Gerontology Conference, Calgary, AB.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2015, September). End of life care in acute and continuing care settings. Panel presentation participation Forum and Annual Meeting of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, Ottawa, ON.
Donald, E.E., Bitschy, A., Stajduhar, K., & Sawatzky, R. (2015, September). Recruitment challenges and strategies in a multi-site palliative home care study. Poster presented at the 3rd Annual TVN Conference on improving care for frail elderly Canadians, Toronto, ON.
Sinclair, S., Hack, T.F., Chochinov, H.M., McClement, S., Raffin Bouchal, S., Hagen, N., & Stajduhar, K. (2015, May). Obtaining funding and developing research in existential issues: An example of a programme of research in compassion in Canada. Invited presentation at the 14th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Stajduhar, K.I., Sawatzky, R., Votova, K., Barwich, D., Fyles, G., & Cohen, R. (2015, May). Family caregiver coping in end of life cancer care: Results from a mixed methods multi-site study in palliative home care. Paper presented at the 14th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Stajduhar, K.I., Sawatzky, R., & Porterfield, P. (2015, May). A palliative approach: A concept in need of clarity. Paper presented at the 14th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Cohen, S.R., Penner, J.L., Parmar, M.P., MacKinnon, C.J., Bitzas, V., Cherba, M., Keats, S., Feindel, A., Lapointe, B., Allen, D., Stajduhar, K., Baxter, S., & O’Brien, S. (2015, May). Caregiver coach service: A volunteer service aimed at maintaining the wellbeing of family caregivers. Poster presented at the 14th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Cohen, S.R., Keats, S., Cherba, M., Allen, D., MacKinnon, C.J., Bitzas, V., Kogan, N., Penner, J.L., Parmar Calislar, M.P., Feindel, A., Lapointe, B., Baxter, S., O’Brien, S., & Stajduhar, K.I. (2015, May). Caring for the family caregiver: Working with volunteers to implement and improve a service to enable family caregivers to maintain their own wellbeing. Paper presented at the 4th International Public Health & Palliative Care Conference, Bristol, UK.
Stajduhar, K.I. (2015, April). The heart of oncology nursing: People, purpose, passion. Keynote address given at the BC Cancer Agency 12th Annual Oncology Nurses Day, Victoria, BC.
Schick-Makaroff, K., Molzahn, A., Sheilds, L., Stajduhar, K.I., & Beuthin, R. (2015, April). Perceptions regarding death and dying of individuals with chronic kidney disease. Poster presented at the Canadian Nephrology Society Conference, Montreal, QC.