Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct Professors

Gerrit Clements, JD, Barrister and Solicitor, Adjunct Professor
Areas of Interest: Health Law, in particular health and mental incapabilty law; Consent; Substitute Decision-Making

Elizabeth (Betty) Davies, RN, PhD, CT, FAAN, Adjunct Professor
Areas of Interest: Palliative Care, particularly for children and families

Gweneth DoaneRN, BSN, MA, PhD, Adjunct Professor
Relational epistemologies and practice, knowledge translation, family nursing

Noreen Frisch RN, BSN, MSW, MSN, PhD, Adjunct Professor
nursing theory, holistic nursing, nursing informatics, nursing terminologies

Jayna Holroyd-Leduc MD FRCPC, Adjunct Professor
geriatric medicine; knowledge synthesis; knowledge translation science

Christopher Horsethief, MA, PhD, Adjunct Professor
Areas of Interest: Indigenous Research Ethics; Indigenous Language Revitalization; Complex Systems/CI; T&R

Marjorie MacDonald, BN (Calg); MSc (Wat); PhD (British Columbia), Adjunct Professor
Areas of Interest: Public Health Nursing; Public Health Systems and Services Research; Health Equity; Research Methods

Patricia Marck, RN, BScN, MN, PhD, Adjunct Professor
Areas of Interest: Anti-racism, decolonizing practices, safety and quality in health care, restorative methods in health care, health systems leadership, academic leadership, organizational ethics, healthcare ethics, curriculum innovation, qualitative research methods, methodological innovations, international research partnerships

Anita Molzahn, PhD, RN, FCAHS (Sociology), (Alta), Adjunct Professor
Areas of Interest: Quality of Life; Chronic Illness; Nephrology Nursing

Adjunct Associate Professors

Carol McDonaldPhD, BN, RN, Adjunct Associate Professor
Supervision of graduate students

Esther Sangster-Gormley RNPh.D Adjunct Associate Professor
Primary health cared, advancing the role of the nurse practitioner, nurse practitioner standards and education

Richard Sawatzky RN, PhD Adjunct Associate Professor
person-centred outcomes measurement; palliative care; older adults; family caregivers

Diane Sawchuck RN PhD Adjunct Associate Professor
global maternal health, labor and delivery, program evaluation, knowledge translation, writing and publication, grant writing.

Adjunct Assistant Professors

Kelvin Bei, BSN, MN, NP, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: NP; Chinese Medicine; HIV Preceptorship; PHSA Indigenous Cultural Safety

Rosanne Beuthin, RN (Univ. of Man), MN, PhD (Victoria), Adjunct Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Narrative Research; Narrative Nursing Approach; Metaphors; Storying; Aging with HIV

Judy Burgess, BSN, (Univ. of Calgary), MSN, PhD (Victoria), Adjunct Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Advanced Nursing Practice; Leadership; Primary Health Care; Mental Health Young Adults; Health Promotion

Brenda Canitz, BScN (Sask), NP (Alta), BA (Sask), MSc (Toronto), Adjunct Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Interprofessional Practice; Community Health; Employee Engagement

David Byres, DNP, MSN, BScN (Hons.) BA RN FCAN ICD.D CHE, Adjunct Assistant Professor
President and CEO of the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA)

Barbara Fox, MSN, NP(F), FNPOBC, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Leadership; Course Development; Clinical; Nursing Research

Julie Fraser, BSN, MN (Victoria), Adjunct Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Home Care Nursing; Professional Practice; Nursing and Health Government Lobby Strategies; Board Participation on Nursing Organizations Provincial and National; Governance Structures and Nursing Council Development

Panagiotis Galanopoulos, BSc, MSc, MD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Guidance of Students during Clinical Experiences

Valerie Jefferd, BSN, MN, NP F, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Aboriginal Health; Facilitating Learning Experiences of Students

Frances Hunt-Jinnouchi, BSW, MA, PhD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Indigenous community and organizational capacity development; community based research

Sally Kimpson, BSN, MA, PhD (Victoria), Adjunct Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Critical Disability Studies; Socio-Economic Well being of Disabled Women; Disability and Nursing; Social Policy Analysis; Qualitative Design; Post-Structural though and Writing Processes

Deborah Leftkowitz, PhD, AB, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Community engaged scholarship; Actor Network theory (ANT); social ecology

Joanne Maclaren, BSN, MN (Victoria), Adjunct Assistant Professor

Stanley Marchuk, BSN, MN (Victoria), NP (F) (Brit Col), Adjunct Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Outcomes Research; Nurse Practitioner Integration; Nephrology; Patient Self Care Outcomes and Interventions

Jeannine Moreau, RN, BSN, MN, PhD, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Membership on Grad Committees; Guest Lecturing; Participation in Workshops

Natasha Prodan-Bhalla, BScN, MN, NP (A), CCN (c), NCMP, DNP, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Women’s Health; Heart Health; Disease Prevention; Marginalized Women

Della Roberts, BSN (Alberta), MN (Univ. of BC), Adjunct Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Hospice Palliative Care; Life Limiting Chronic Illness

Leanne Rowand, BSN (Univ. of BC), MSN (Victoria), DNP, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Healthcare Reform; Mind/Body Health; Primary Health Care; Organizational Culture; Interprofessional Teams; NP Integration; Leadership; Community Engagement

Rita Schreiber, RN, BA, MS, DNS, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Membership on Grad Committees; Consultation regarding Research Design and Data Analysis

Scott Schroeder BSc, DPM, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Galvanic Response and Metal Hypersensitivity in the human body

Janet Storch, BScN, MHSA, Phd, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Areas of Interest: Serving on School Committees, participation in workshops; Consultation in Public Relations; Health Policy; Community Liaison; Membership on Graduate Students Dissertation and Thesis Committees; Consultation regarding Research Design and Data Analysis

Jeannette Watts, BScN, MPH, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Area of Interest: Aboriginal Health and Public Health/Home Care Nursing in Aboriginal Communities

Lacie WhitePhD, MScN, BScN, RN, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Contemplative practice; Emotion and Embodiment in Nursing

Chelsea WozniakMA, BN, BSc., RN, Adjunct Assistant Professor
Influenza immunization campaign with UVic