Dr. Damien Contandriopoulos

Dr. Damien Contandriopoulos
Professor and Associate Director Graduate Education & Graduate Advisor
School of Nursing

Accepting PhD Students

Office: HSD A430

BSc, MSc, PhD

Area of expertise

Primary care, Nurse practitioners, Health policy, Home Care, Nursing, Physician compensation, Social Network Analysis, Realist evaluation, Knowledge Exchange

Damien Contandriopoulos (Ph. D.) held a CIHR Applied Public Health chair (www.pocosa.ca) between 2014 and 2019. His main areas of research are focused on the analysis of health policy-making processes, the use of evidence in decision-making and the analysis of nurse-intensive models of healthcare delivery.


  • Contandriopoulos, D. Benoît, F. Bryant-Lukosius, D. Carrier, A. Carter, N. Deber, R. Duhoux, A. Greenhalgh, T. Larouche, C. Leclerc, B.-S. Levy, A. Martin-Misener, R. Maximova, K. McGrail, K. Nykiforuk, C. Roos, N. Schwartz, R. Valente, T. W. Wong, S. Lindquist, E. Pullen, C. Lardeux, A. and M.Perroux. (2017). Structural analysis of health-relevant policy-making information exchange networks in Canada (Study protocol). Implementation Science. 12(116)
  • Contandriopoulos D., Duhoux, A., Larouche, C. & M. Perroux. (2017). How effective are academic research networks in improving scientific performance?. Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation. In press

  • Charron, M. Duhoux, A. Contandriopoulos, D. Lessard, L. (2017). Le rôle des infirmières dans les services de première ligne face aux personnes souffrant d’un trouble mental courant. Santé mentale au Québec. XLII(1): 289-303.

  • Contandriopoulos D., Larouche, C., Breton, M. & A. Brousselle. (2017). A sociogram is worth a thousand words: Proposing a method for the visual analysis of narrative data. Qualitative Research. Online First Published

  • Chouinard, V.; Contandriopoulos, D.; Perroux, M. & Larouche, C.(2017). Supporting nurse practitioners' practice in primary healthcare settings: A three-level qualitative model. BMC Health Services Research 17:437

  • Contandriopoulos, D.; Brousselle, A.; Breton, M.; Sansgter-Gormley, E.; Kilpatrick, K.; Dubois, C.-A.; Brault, I.& M. Perroux. (2016). Nurse practitioners, canaries in the mine of primary care reform. Health Policy. 120(6): 682-689.

  • Contandriopoulos D., Duhoux, A., Larouche, C. & M. Perroux. (2016). The impact of a researcher's structural position on scientific performance: An empirical analysis. PLoS ONE. 11(8): e0161281.

  • Carrier, A. et Contandriopoulos, D.(2016). Principes de communication et rôle social du chercheur en matière de transfert de connaissances : une dualité source de questionnements éthiques. Bioethique Online. 5(26): 1-5.

  • Contandriopoulos, D., Hanusaik, N., Maximova, K., Paradis, G. & J. L. O’Loughlin. (2016). Mapping collaborative relations among Canada’s chronic disease prevention organizations. Healthcare Policy. 12(1): 101-115.

  • Chouinard, V., Perroux, M., Kilpatrick, K., Brousselle, A., Dubois, C.-A., Beaulieu, M.D., Jean, E., & D. Contandriopoulos. (2016). Intégrer les infirmières praticiennes spécialisées dans des équipes de première ligne. Perspective Infirmière. 13(1): 49-51.

  • Breton, M. Green, M. Kreindler, S. Sutherland, J. Jabilou, J. Wong, S. Shaw, J. Crooks, V.A. Contandriopoulos, D. Smithman, M.A. Brousselle, A.(2016). A Comparative Analysis of Centralized Waiting Lists for Patients without a Primary Care Provider Implemented in Six Canadian Provinces: Study protocol. Implementation Science. 9(117): 2-9. Published

  • Contandriopoulos, D.; Brousselle, A.; Dubois, C.-A.; Perroux, M.; Beaulieu, M.D.; Brault, I.; Kilpatrick, K.; D'Amour, D. & Sansgter-Gormley, E.(2015). A process-based framework to guide nurse practitioners integration into primary healthcare teams: results from a logic analysis. BMC Health Services Research. 15(78): 1-11.

  • Berube, M.; Albert, M.; Chauny, J.-M.; Contandriopoulos, D.; DuSablon, A.; Lacroix, S.; Gagné, A.; Laflamme, E.; Boutin, N.; Delisle, S.; Pauzé, A.-M.; MacThiong, J.-M. (2015). (2015). Development of theory-based knowledge translation interventions to facilitate the implementation of evidence-based guidelines on the early management of adults with traumatic spinal cord injury.Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice. 21(6): 1157-1168.

  • Carrier, A. & D. Contandriopoulos. (2015). The change agent role of occupational therapists: influencing policy with ideas that stick. Occupational Therapy Now. 17(5): 4.

  • Contandriopoulos, D. Duhoux, A. Roy, B. Amar, M. Borgès Da Silva, R. Brault, I. Bonin, J.-P. Dallaire, C. Dubois, C.-A. Girard, F. Jean, E. Larue, C. Lessard, L. Mathieu, L. Pepin, J. Perroux, M. & A. Cockenpot. (2015). Research protocol: An Integrated Primary CareTeams (IPCT) pilot project in Quebec. BMJ-Open. 5(12): e010559.

  • Li, K.K. Abelson, J. Giacomini, M. & Contandriopoulos, D.(2014). Conceptualizing the use of public involvement in health policy decision-making. Social Science & Medicine. 138: 14-21.

  • Hanusaik, N., Contandriopoulos, D., Kishchuk, N., Maximova, K., Paradis, G. & J. L. O’Loughlin,. (2014). Chronicling changes to the chronic disease prevention landscape in Canada's public health system. Public Health (Elsevier). 128(8): 716-724.

  • Brault, I.; Kilpatrick, K.; D'Amour, D.; Contandriopoulos, D.; Chouinard, V.; Dubois, C.-A.; Perroux, M. & and M.-D. Beaulieu. (2014). Role clarification processes for better integration of nurse practitioners into primary healthcare teams: A multiple-case study. Nursing Research and Practice. 2014(ID 170514): 1-9.

  • Contandriopoulos, D. & M. Perroux. (2013). Fee Increases and Target Income Hypothesis: Data from Quebec on Physicians' Compensation and Service Volumes. Healthcare policy. 9(2): 30-35. Published

  • Contandriopoulos, D.; Champagne, F. & Denis, J.-L.(2013). The Multiple Causal Pathways Between Performance Measures' Use and Effects. Medical care research and review. 71(1): 3-20.

  • Paquet, C.; Contandriopoulos, D. & R. Blais. (2013). Optimizing Midwives’ Uptake of a Provincial Perinatal Data System: Lines of Thinking. Canadian Journal of Midwifery Research and Practice. 12(3): 9-19. Published