Jeffrey Renn

Jeffrey Renn
THEA 321, THEA 322
Office: Phoenix Building Rm. 156

Diploma Acting The London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts, MFA University of Victoria

Jeffrey Renn is an actor, director, teacher, clown, and storyteller. He is an alumnus
of the London Academy of Music and Dramatic, where he studied acting and has an MFA
in Directing from the University of Victoria. Jeffrey was a member of the acting
ensembles at the Shaw and Stratford Festivals and has also appeared on Broadway in
Moliere’s The Miser and Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing.
An acclaimed Director and Acting Teacher, Jeffrey has given workshops or been a
sessional instructor at the following post secondary institutions: The Canadian College of
the Performing Arts, Douglas College, The University of Victoria, The University of
British Columbia, The Gastown Actors Studio, George Brown College, the University of
Winnipeg in Canada and in Australia at The Queensland University of Technology, Bond
University, and the Lismore School of the Arts.
He was honoured to be the interim Artistic Director of Realwheels; a Vancouverbased,
professional theatre company that produces performances that deepen the
audience’s understanding of the disability experience and continued this work with
Kickstart Disability Arts Organization.
At present he resides on Salt Spring Island mentoring and building exitStageLeft’s and
Graffitti Theatre’s SOSSI Festival. Look for his one-man show on tour, At Your Service -
The Life and Yarns of Robert Service.