Audition requirements

  • Admission to the program is dependent on admission to the university AND successful completion of the audition process.
  • Repertoire requirements for each instrument are listed below.

Video auditions

  • Submit a high-quality video recording of your audition selections, preferably recorded by a professional technician.
  • Recordings must be unedited and completed within the past six months with no post-production techniques applied.
  • Upload your recording to YouTube or the streaming service of your choice and include the link in your online application under Supporting Documents.

Video audition deadline: December 31

In-person auditions

  • If you are interested in scheduling an in-person audition for the MMus Performance program, please contact prior to December 15.
Questions? Please direct your questions about applications to our Graduate programs (Masters or Doctorate) to


  • Three contrasting movements from any works which demonstrate your highest level of achievement. 
  • Two of these movements need to be memorized.

String Quartets

The Graduate String Quartet Program is open to pre-formed quartets only. Canadian and International ensembles are welcome to apply.  

  • For the first round, applicants are asked to submit an audio-visual recording consisting of 3 contrasting movements which reflect their highest level of playing.
  • Quartets considered as finalists will be asked to submit additional solo audition material, which will include 1 movement of a concerto and 2 contrasting movements of solo Bach.
  • Live auditions will be arranged with each quartet selected in the finals, either in person or through live-streaming. One quartet per year is chosen for this program. 


  • Applicants may audition with three suitable works such as a selection from a Bach suite or sonata, a classical or romantic work such as Giuliani, Coste, Regondi, or Barrios, and a modern work such as Brouwer, Takemitsu, Britten, Rodrigo, etc.


Bethany McNeil — Administrative Officer


For graduate flute auditions and questions or concerns regarding audition repertoire, please contact Dr. Suzanne Snizek .

All graduate flute applicants are requested to submit either a recorded audition (in lieu of a live audition) or, if preferred by the applicant, an online live audition (by arrangement with Dr. Snizek). A short online interview between wind faculty and the applicant may also be requested. 

Please note: If necessary, all repertoire may be presented without collaborative piano, in light of the impact of COVID-19.

  • Two contrasting movements from a sonata (or the Partita for Solo Flute) by J. S. Bach;
  • One movement from a standard concerto (Mozart, Ibert, Haydn, C.P.E. Bach, Jolivet, etc.);
  • One movement from a 20th- or 21st-century (tonal) sonata (Prokofieff, Poulenc, Muczynski, Morawetz, Liebermann, etc.);
  • One solo avant-garde work (i.e., atonal and/or including "extended techniques" such as the Sequenza by Berio, Mei by Fukushima, In a Living Memory by Ichiyanagi, Air by Takemitsu, Density 21.5 by Varèse, etc.);

Further information about the flute program may be found at the UVic Flute Blog.


  • The exposition from movement 1 of the Mozart Clarinet Concerto K. 622 AND two contrasting movements from any works demonstrating your highest level of performance.
  • Works with piano accompaniment must be presented with a pianist. The exposition of the Mozart Concerto maybe performed without piano.


  • Applicants for Graduate study on the oboe should select a varied program of lyrical and technical works from oboe repertoire that would be appropriate for a graduating recital at the Bachelor of Music level.


  • MMus auditions should include at least three major works from the applicant’s fourth year of undergraduate study.  
  • Choose works from the list of recommended audition pieces or works of a similar level; see the UVic Saxophone Blog Spot and/or contact Professor Wendell Clanton .
  • Applicants for Graduate study should select lyrical and technical passages from solo repertoire that would be appropriate for a graduating recital at the Bachelor of Music level.
  • The inclusion of some passages with piano accompaniment is desirable.


  • Prepare 30 minutes of music covering at least 3 different style periods.
  • Your program should be at a level equivalent to or higher than a fourth-year graduating recital.


  • Prepare 45 minutes of music covering at least 3 different style periods.
  • Your program should be at a level equivalent to or higher than a fourth-year graduating recital.
  • It is recommended that applicants contact the Head in piano, Professor Arthur Rowe (), to discuss the suitability of repertory well in advance of the audition
  • Prepare a varied yet cohesive program of about six pieces (20 minutes duration) with repertoire mainly from the standard Baroque/Classical/Romantic era but also including contemporary music 20th/21st century and or Broadway.
  • You will be assessed on vocal technique, quality of presentation, musicality, ability to convey a text with accurate diction as well as knowledge of the repertoire.
  • Please contact Benjamin Butterfield, Head of Voice, to discuss potential supervisors.