Tatiana Gounko

Grad Dip (Yakutsk, USSR), MSc (Nebraska), PhD (Alta)
Area of expertise
Leadership Studies
- International and comparative education
- Higher education
- Educational leadership
- Law and the teaching profession
Dr. Gounko's research and teaching interests include contemporary issues in higher education, international education and policy, the role of international organizations such as the OECD and the World Bank in shaping educational policies around the world, and qualitative research methods.
Selected Publications
*Bugday Ince, S. & Gounko, T. (2014). Quality assurance in Turkish higher education. European Journal of Higher Education, 4(2), 184-196.
Kariwo, M. T., Gounko, T. & Nungu, M. (2014). (Eds.). A comparative analysis of higher education systems. Issues, challenges and dilemmas. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
*Field, C. & Gounko, T. (2014). Becoming a university: A case study of VIU. In M. T. Kariwo et al. (Eds.), A comparative analysis of higher education systems. Issues, challenges and dilemmas (pp. 43-58). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Gounko, T. (2014). Reviving Russian science and academia. In M. T. Kariwo et al. (Eds.), A comparative analysis of higher education systems. Issues, challenges and dilemmas (pp. 123-140). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Gounko, T. (2013). School rules: Obedience, discipline and elusive democracy. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education, 8(1)
https://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/JCIE/issue/view/1496. (Book Review).
Gounko, T. (2012). Russian higher education: Who can afford it? International Journal of Educational Reform, 21(3), 192-204.
*Pesik, R., & Gounko, T. (2011). Tertiary education in the Czech Republic: The pathway to change. Compare: the Journal of International and Comparative Education, 41(6), 735-750.
*Kiedrowski, J., Smale, W.T., & Gounko, T. (2009). Cellular phones in Canadian schools: A legal framework. Education & Law Journal, 19(1), 41-62.
Gounko, T. (2008). Educational modernization in Russia: A step forward or a step back? In A. A. Abdi & S. Guo (Eds.), Education and social development: Global issues and analyses (pp. 219-232). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Gounko, T. (2007). Farewell, welfare state. Good morning, global market: Policy processes in Russian higher education. In W. T. Smale & K. Young (Eds.), Approaches to educational leadership and practice (pp. 175-192). Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Ltd.
Gounko, T., & Smale, W.T. (2007). Russian higher education reforms: Shifting policy perspectives. European Education: A Journal of Issues & Studies, 39(2), 60-82.
Gounko, T., & Smale, W.T. (2007). Modernization of Russian higher education: Exploring paths of influence. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 37(4), 533-548.
(* indicates publications with graduate students)