Buying goods and services

Depending on what you need to purchase and how much it is expected to cost, there are several options for purchasing goods and services.

Buying goods

For goods under $5,000 and not on the restricted items list

  • you can use your university C Card;
  • request that a vendor send you an invoice to be paid by the Accounts Payable team; or
  • Pay for the goods out of your own pocket and request reimbursement via Chrome River or by completing and submitting a Business Expense Reimbursement form

For all other goods, contact Purchasing Services to determine the appropriate path.

Contracting for services

When contracting for services, you should always discuss with Purchasing Services to determine the appropriate path


Chrome River
C Card program
Form and invoice submission
UVic research expense guide (Tri-agency research funds)
Travel and business expense policy (FM5610)
Purchasing policy
Technology solutions centre