Accounts Receivable

Accounts Receivable (AR) facilitates the invoicing and payment of non-tuition transactions collected by UVic from external parties.  This means that to ensure that the financial information is recorded correctly, we can assist you in creating an invoice to send to your non-UVic customer and apply the money earned correctly. 

If your invoice relates to a research account, refer to the Research Accounting webpage for further information.  For more information on how to pay for tuition fees, refer to the Tuition Fees webpage for further information.

UVic uses the AR module of FAST to create invoices and apply payments.  All amounts owing to UVic should be recorded in FAST or another supplemental system as discussed with Financial Services.  Departments should not be using unapproved processes, such as invoices created in Word, to issue invoices.

Full instructions on departmental use of FAST AR available in the Accounts Receivable Client Guide.

Contact the Accounts Receivable team with any questions.

To request access to the AR module of FAST

To get access to the AR module of FAST used to create invoices and track invoice payments, complete the financial systems access form available on the Financial Reporting webpage. 

To create or update customer information

In order to set up a new customer in the AR module of FAST or to change information related to an existing customer, the following information needs to be gathered and submitted using the online request for customer profiles and changes form.

  • Customer name
  • Customer ID number (for existing customers)
  • Full address including postal code
  • Contact name
  • Contact details including phone, fax and email

The usual processing time for new customer set-up is 2 working days.

To create an invoice

Once the customer has been set-up in the AR module of FAST, the invoice can be created either by:

  1. Entering the applicable details into the system yourself, as long as you have been previously provisioned with access to the AR module of FAST (as above)
  2. Contacting Payment & Banking Services to request that the invoice be created by providing all of the supporting information (as below)

Departments are encouraged to create their own invoices, where reasonable.  Payment & Banking Services is available to create invoices for infrequent users of the system and to provide support. To request an invoice, complete the online invoice request form with the required information.

The supporting details required to create an invoice include:

  • Your name and department
  • FAST coding to which the revenue will be allocated including FUND, ORGN, ACCT, ACTV (if required) and LOCN (if required)
  • Customer name
  • Description of the item or service provided or reason for the invoice
  • Whether GST and / or PST should be charged (as below)

Detailed instructions on invoice creation using FAST AR module are available here

The required information to be included on an invoice is included here.

Additional resources on when to collect GST and / or PST is available here.  Additional information is available on FAST coding, such as the FAST revenue account codes searchable list and instructions on how to search for the FAST ACTV and LOCN code, is available on the Financial Reporting webpage.

To accept a payment against an invoice

If an invoice has been issued in FAST AR, the payment also needs to be posted through the system.  The payment is applied against a specific account in FAST (10000-00000-1130) in order to clear the payment and not against the departmental account used when the invoices was created.

A cash, cheque or credit card payment can be applied against an invoice using one of the following methods:

  • If your department completes its own daily cash report (DCR), record the payment against the FAST account for AR (10000-00000-1130) and note the invoice number (beginning with GR) in the description field
  • If the payment is being deposited through the Financial Services reception desk, complete the cash & cheque remittance form. Use the FAST account for AR (10000-00000-1130) and note the invoice number (beginning with GR) in the description field.  The payment and the completed form can then be dropped off at the reception desk or sent through the campus mail.  Please ensure that cash is not sent through the campus mail.

Payments are posted in the subledger by the Payment & Banking Services team on a weekly basis. For agency invoices, the payments are posted on the working day closest to the 15th and last day of each month.  Once the payment is posted, it will show in the AR module as paid.  The payment status of an invoice can be checked as below.

To determine if the invoice is paid

When the invoice is created and posted in the AR module of FAST, the revenue will show in your departmental or research FAST account, regardless of whether or not the invoice has been paid. 

To look up to see if your invoice is paid, click the QUERIES tab and then select INVOICE STATUS.  You can generate the report by invoice number (beginning with a GR) if you know it or by other parameters such as customer or date created.  This report will show if the invoice has been printed and posted as well as if the payment as been applied.  Full instructions are available here.

Additionally, each department will receive a statement on a monthly basis to show which invoices are outstanding. 

You can also contact the Accounts Receivable team to inquire about a specific invoice.

To print an invoice

The finalized version of the invoice that should be sent out to customers is only available once it has been reviewed and posted by Payment & Banking Services.  Prior to this, a version with a “draft” watermark can be created.  You can expect that the invoice will be reviewed and posted or a request for additional information sent to you within 2 working days.

To look up the status of your invoice, click the QUERIES tab and then select INVOICE STATUS.  You can generate the report by invoice number (beginning with a GR) if you know it or by other parameters such as customer or date created.  Full instructions are available here.

Once the invoice has been posted, a copy will be emailed to you by the Payment & Banking Services team.  You can also print the invoice yourself by selecting the REPORTING tab, and then clicking on REPRINT AN INVOICE.  Full instructions are available here.





Submit a general enquiry request
Accounts Receivable Clerks

Aura Moyna

Kiran Sanal



Assistant Manager Sharon Kulyk 250-472-5166
Associate Director, Payment & Banking Services Sam Jones  250-472-4497
Director, Payment & Banking Services  Catherine Nightingale 250-721-6174

Mailing address:

University of Victoria
Financial Services
PO Box 3040 STN CSC
Victoria, BC V8W 3N7  Canada

Courier address:

University of Victoria
Financial Services
Michael Williams Building
Room B115
3800 Finnerty Road
Victoria, BC V8P 5C2  Canada