Accounts Payable

The Accounts Payable team facilitates non-payroll payments to faculty, staff, and students (including travel and expense reimbursement, grad support, honoraria, and professional development expenses) and actions payments to external vendors for supplies, equipment, and services.

Not sure which form to use? Refer to the payment form flowchart or contact us.

List of contact emails and phone numbers

Contact accounts payable


For general enquiries and questions about payments to individuals or to companies / organizations with or without an invoice including

  • travel, business expense reimbursements, refunds, honorariums, scholarships, bursaries, awards, wire payments

(mornings only)






Supervisor 250-472-4149
Assistant Manager 250-472-4148
Associate Director, Payment & Banking Services   250-472-4497
Director, Payment & Banking Services 250-721-6174
Fax 250-853-3814
Mailing address

Mailing address:

University of Victoria
Financial Services
PO Box 3040 STN CSC
Victoria, BC V8W 3N7  Canada 

Courier address:

University of Victoria
Financial Services
Michael Williams Building
Room B115
3800 Finnerty Road
Victoria, BC V8P 5C2  Canada