Cian Dabrowski

Cian Dabrowski
Area of expertise

Clinical Psychology


Dr. Theone Paterson


Research Interests

My broad research interests include exploring the impact of stress on cognitive functioning as well as ways in which people can be resilient in the face of stress, illness, or injury. My current work is looking to use fNIRS imaging to gain a better understanding of how lifetime stress (both acute and chronic stressors), cumulatively impacts neural pathways and subsequent cognitive functions as we age. My goal is to conduct research with direct clinical relevance that will inform healthcare policy and intervention development to enhance the quality of life for older adults and their caregivers.


Representative Publications

Dabrowski, C. L., Danyluk, A., & Paterson, T. Canadian resiliency: Coping self-efficacy in older adults amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Manuscript in progress

Dabrowski, C. L. Psychotherapy for posttraumatic stress disorder in Canadian private practice: Ethical considerations and recommendations for psychologists. *Under journal review

Magdamo, B. A., Moyer, M. T., Dabrowski, C. L. (2022). Reflections on transitioning a traumatic brain injury support group online during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Neuroscience Nursing, 54, 92-95.

Maley, J. H., Sandsmark, D. K., Trainor, A., Bass, G., Dabrowski, C. L., … & Lane-Fall, M. (2022). Six-Month impairment in cognition, mental health, and physical function following COVID-19–associated respiratory failure. Critical Care Explorations, 4.

Dabrowski, C. L., Lating, J. M., Sherman, M. F., Kirkhart, M. W., & Breen, D. (2020). Probable PTSD, symptoms of depression, and an exploratory factor analysis of item responses in Canadian steelworkers after workplace traumas. Crisis, Stress, and Human Resilience: An International Journal, 2, 57-71.


Representative Presentations

Dabrowski, C. L., Schaeffer, M., Stevens, Y., Gicas, K., & Paterson, T. Physical functioning but not pain severity as a predictor of verbal fluency functioning after COVID-19 illness. The International Neuropsychology Society, February 1-4, 2023

Vancouver Island Centre for EFT, private practice presentation. Physiological functioning but not pain severity as a predictor of verbal fluency functioning after COVID-19 illness. January 25, 2023

Ware, J., Sinha, S., Gugger, J., Silverman, E., Dabrowski, C., … & Diaz-Arrastia, R. Characterization of traumatic Blood-Brain-Barrier disruption with Dynamic Contrast Enhanced MRI. American Society of Neuroradiology, May 22-26, 2021

Dabrowski, C., Morrison, J., Walter, A., Lynch, C., Harders, E… & Sandsmark, D. Neurological biomarkers in COVID-19: Comparing patient biomarkers across hospital discharge status. American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, April 17-22, 2021

Xu, E., Kim, A., Gugger, J., Silverman, E., Wesley, L., Dabrowski, C., … & Diaz-Arrastia, R. White Matter hyperintensities in Traumatic Brain Injury: Clinical and radiologic features. American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, April 17-22, 2021.


Recent Awards

  • 2023: Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships University Nomination
  • 2022-2023: University of Victoria Fellowship
  • 2022: University of Victoria Graduate Leadership and Outreach Award
  • 2021: University of Victoria Graduate Entrance Award