Monica Short

Monica Short
MSc student (Chris Darimont)
Applied conservation; wildlife; ecology; bears

BSc Hons (UVic)


  • Short, M., and Darimont, C.T. 2021. Global synthesis reveals that ecosystem degradation poses the primary threat to the world’s medicinal animals. Ecology and Society 26(1): 1-21. Open Access.


  • Short, M. (2021). Examining spatial and temporal patterns of human influences on bear activity: Evidence-based insight into ecotourism policy. Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference, Virtual.
  • Short, M. (2021). Examining spatial and temporal patterns of human influences on bear activity: Evidence-based insight into ecotourism policy. BC The Wildlife Society, Virtual.
  • Short, M. (2020). A global analysis of medicinal use animals: Threats and conservation implications. Pacific Ecology and Evolution Conference, Bamfield, B.C. (Runner up best three minute talk)
  • Short, M. (2020). A global analysis of medicinal use animals: Threats and conservation implications. Bridging the Gap, Victoria, B.C.
  • Short, M. (2020). A global analysis of medicinal use animals: Threats and conservation implications. Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Award Poster Fair, Victoria, B.C.


  • 2020/21 Raincoast Fellowship
  • 2020/21 University of Victoria Graduate Award
  • 2020 Bob Peart Graduate Scholarship
  • 2020 NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award
  • 2019 Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Award 
  • 2019 Ross Geography Scholarship
  • 2018/19 Rhys Alexander Davis Scholarship in Environmental Studies
  • 2018 Ryszard Borzuchowski Scholarship
  • 2017 Charles Howatson Scholarship
  • 2015/16/17/18 UVic Excellence Scholarship