Specialist Instructor Positions

These positions are paid employment opportunities through CUPE Local 4163 and, as such, your commitments as a Specialist Instructor (SI) will run through the dates as stated in the position postings. You are expected to fulfill all of your duties and responsibilities as a Specialist Instructor within those dates, so do not make any travel plans without first verifying your work schedule with the course instructor. If you feel that you cannot meet your commitments during this period due to an extended planned absence from the campus, then please do not apply for a position.

For those of you who have been offered to teach labs through your letter of offer, it is very important that you let John know if you will not be taking an SI position so that he can offer your labs to other grad students.

Specialist Instructor Positions

Application Procedure

  1. Carefully read through the position description and course description and/or the course outline. Consider the hours of the position (the lab schedules for lab instructor positions and the total hours for marking assistant positions) as well as the background knowledge required to be successful in the position.
  2. When you are ready to apply, please submit a completed application form, your CV, and any other supporting documentation that lists relevant qualifications and experience pertinent to the position(s) to John at geogao@uvic.ca before the application deadline noted below. 
  3. Successful applicants will receive position offers as soon as possible after the application deadline. Please note that we cannot guarantee that you will be assigned a position(s) based on your preferences.

DEADLINE TO APPLY: Mon, Oct 21, 2024 at noon.


101A - Environment, Society, and Sustainability
101B - Space, Place, and Society
103 - Intro to Physical Geography
211 - Political and Economic Geography
218 - Social and Cultural Geography
222 - Intro to Maps and GIS
226 - Intro Quantitative Methods in Geography
228 - Intro to Remote Sensing
274 - Intro to Biogeography
276 - Intro to Geomorphology
323 - Cartography
328 - GIS Analysis
329 - GIS Applications and Tools
370 - Hydrology
422 - Advanced Topics in Remote Sensing
428 - Advanced Topics in Geographic Information Systems
Marking Assistants