Non-profit & community organizations

Dan Ross - Intern, Sustainable Cities International (Vancouver, Los Cabos)
Dan Ross, Intern for Sustainable Cities International (Vancouver, Los Cabos)
My role is to facilitate a multi-stakeholder approach to urban planning, with a major emphasis on youth participation.

Dan Ross
Intern, Sustainable Cities International (Vancouver, Los Cabos)

What are grads doing?

John BealeJohn Beale - Director of Strategic Development, Village Reach
Degree: Economics, B.A. (1997)

John is Director of Strategic Development & Group Lead, Social Business, with responsibility for private enterprise creation and development in the energy, transportation and information technology sectors.

He has lived and worked in Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America and the US. Prior to focusing on global development in 2009, he had a 20-year carreer in the private sector, working primarily in the wireless industry, first at the technology company, QUALCOMM, as vice president of marketing for its semiconductor division, and then as head of marketing with a venture-backed wireless software company based in the UK.

Courtney RobinsonCourtney Bolinson - Impact Evaluation & Learning Manager, Engineers Without Borders
Degree: Economics and Environmental Studies, B.Sc (2011)
Subsequent Education: MSc Agricultural and Aplied Economics and MSc Agroecology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2016

Courtney works with EWB Canada to develop innovative evaluation processes to measure the impact of their African programs. She has previously held positions with the Environmental Resources Centre, ThinkWater, and Innovations for Poverty Action. Courtney also runs her own evaluation consulting business where she works with diverse clients to help them understand the impact of their work.

Quote: "Without a double major in Environmental Studies and Economics, I never would have gotten one of IPA’s prestigious positions. My BSc in Economics gave me credibility and the technical background necessary for a position with IPA, while my second major in Environmental Studies provided me with an understanding of agriculture and food security that most Economics undergraduates do not have. I feel like my degree made me uniquely poised for a number of prestigious entry-level international development jobs upon graduation. I am extremely pleased with the education I received from UVic and I would highly recommend the Econ/ES track to other students."

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Troy LaniganTroy Lanigan - President and CEO, Canadian Taxpayers Federation
Degree: Political Science & Economics B.A. (1990)

Troy has been with the Canadian Taxpayers Federation in various capacities since 1992, and was named President and CEO in 2009. Founded in 1990, the Federation is a citizens’ advocacy group dedicated to lower taxes, less waste and accountable government. Previous to the CTF, Troy served as Director of Education for the US-based Leadership Institute where he conducted training programs on college and university campuses across the United States. Troy serves on the board of the World Taxpayers Associations (the umbrella organization representing 2 million supporters worldwide), and in March 2016 was elected chairman for a three year term. 

Quote: “Universities in the 80s were a place for debate and diversity of opinion. No doubt the convictions of a libertarian were challenged at every turn, but that’s what I loved about my years at UVic: intellectual engagement, challenging world views and engaging in the arena of ideas were all part of the education and the experience I took with me into my career. I’d also say that I never imagined 25 years ago that so many fellow students would remain lifelong friends and allies in the causes I fight for.  In truth, the connections and associations made during my years at UVic were every bit as significant and impactful in my career and in my life as was the education.” 

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Shyanne SmithShyanne Smith - Consultant, Quercus Consulting
Degree: B.Sc. in Geography and Environmental Studies, University of Victoria (2000)
Subsequent Education: M.Sc. in Geography, University of Guelph, 2007

"I worked as the Executive Director Garry Oak Ecosystem Recovery Team, an environmental non-profit organization,  for a number of years before I began running a consulting business. I focus on species at risk inventory and recovery planning, but also take on a variety of other projects including vegetation surveys and sampling, ecological restoration, strategic planning, non-profit program development and conservation planning. I am based out of British Columbia but am currently working on projects in the Northwest Territories."

Quote: "The multi-disciplined education that I received in Geography and Environmental Studies from the University of Victoria has helped me on my career path as it gave me a “big picture” perspective from which I approach my conservation and environmental work. I have found this to be invaluable when working on today’s complex issues and problems, and helpful in finding innovative and novel solutions."

Patrick McCauleyPatrick McCauley - Volunteer Resources Assistant, Seven Oaks General Hospital
Degree: Psychology B.A. (1996)

Patrick is responsible for day-to-day front line operations of the volunteer program at Seven Oaks General Hospital. This includes processes and volunteer applications, screening applicants, creating volunteer placements and coordinating volunteers and their schedules.

Quote: "My position calls for a lot of interaction with different types of people (volunteers, staff, patients, and the general public). My degree has been quite useful in helping to maintain positive working relationships with everyone, as well as determining which applicants would be a good fit to volunteer at Seven Oaks. When issues do arise, the skills and knowledge I gained in my time at UVic really come to the forefront, so I am able to effectively resolve any issues to the satisfaction of all parties involved. My goal in life has always been to help others. My psychology degree from UVic has enabled me to do this and I will always be grateful."

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Kathleen PattonKathleen Patton - Occupational Therapist
Degree: Psychology B.A. (2010)
Subsequent Education: Occupational Therapy, M.A., University of Toronto

I work with children with a variety of diagnosis (e.g. Autism, Developmental Coordination Disorder, Cerebral Palsy, etc.) aged 4 to 12. I work in the home and school environment to help the children develop their fine motor skills, attention skills, organizational skills, and self-help skills (feeding, dressing, etc.)

Quote: "I had never heard of Occupational Therapy until my honours supervisor Dr. Gonzales (a former Occupational Therapist) introduced it to me. If it wasn’t for her and my education at UVic, I wouldn’t have discovered the amazing profession I am in."

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Jennifer Randall NelsonJennifer Randall Nelson – Partner, Bloom Communications, Co-founder, BabyGoRound.
Degree: Political Science B.A. (1990)
Subsequent Education: M.A. Communications, McGill

Jennifer has an established reputation as a communications professional in Vancouver. She has worked with a range of companies, both in-house and as a consultant, creating effective communications solutions for clients including UBC and the Canadian Cancer Society. She worked as a senior communications manager at VanCity before forming Bloom Communications in 2004. She is also committed to giving back to her community and has helped many charity organizations.

Quote: “My political science degree from the University of Victoria helped shape the direction of my future career path. Although I did not pursue a career in politics, I did learn that I enjoy analytical thought and I also enjoyed strategy and working with people. University prepared me to deliver high results, to write effectively, to challenge myself. I now have challenged myself to start a new charity called BabyGoRound. This is a volunteer venture, but many of the principles of politics apply — let everyone have a voice; create a strategy; and seek community input. All of these principles enabled me to successfully launch BabyGoRound."

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