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Meet our alumni

Wondering what you can do with a career in Earth and Ocean Sciences? Check out what some of our alumni are doing:

Angela Johnson

Exploration Manager, Nicaragua
Calibre Mining

Angela worked at SSR Mining Inc. (formerly Silver Standard Resources) for seven years, first as an exploration geologist and now in the Environment and Community Relations department developing their inaugural Sustainability Report while pursuing MBA studies. Read more.

MSc, Earth and Ocean Sciences, 2009

Neil Perk

Vice President
Equity Exploration Consultants Ltd.
As Vice President of Equity, Neil is involved in all aspects of mineral exploration consulting as well as business management. Read More.

BSc (Honours) with Distinction, Earth Sciences, 2006
Tess Zyla

Exploration Geoscientist, P. Geo
ExxonMobil Canada

Tess' role as an exploration geoscientist is focused on opportunities offshore Newfoundland where she interprets 3D seismic data to image the subsurface. Her team also analyzes all other available datasets to reconstruct the paleogeography of the region. This integrated understanding of the subsurface helps in planning exploration wells, looking for the next oil discovery offshore Eastern Canada. Read more

BSc - Physics and Earth Sciences: Geophysics (2011)

Cara Manning

Postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences
University of British Columbia

Cara's research is on greenhouse gases in the Arctic Ocean and dissolved gases in groundwater adjacent to natural gas wells. Cara developed a new instrument for on-site measurement of dissolved noble gases in natural waters, quantified coastal ocean fluxes of carbon, oxygen and nitrogen using data and geochemical modeling, planned and conducted shipboard and land-based field work, and analyzed samples. Read more

BSc - Chemistry and Earth and Ocean Sciences (2010)

Chris Avis

Chair and Instructor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy
Camosun College

Chris teaches Physics courses at Camosun College where he draws on his background in SEOS to introduce examples from oceanography, climatology and geophysics into his lectures. He also currently serves as the department chair and works with faculty and administration staff to timetable courses, budgets for equipment and classes and advises students on their academic career path. Read more

MSc and PhD - Earth and Ocean Sciences (2007, 2012)

William Burt

NSERC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
University of British Columbia

William conducts oceanographic research and teaches undergraduate courses. His research focuses on estimating and understanding primary productivity in the waters off BC. Aboard research vessels, William continuously pumps seawater through the lab and measures how light is absorbed and scattered, and uses that information to infer the biomass and growth rate of marine algae. Read more

BSc - Combined Honours Program in Geography and Earth Sciences: Geosciences (2008)

Tyler Caswell

Principal Geologist
Northwest Copper Corp.

Tyler has worked as an Exploration Geologist focusing on Copper and Gold deposits all over the world, including Peru, Chile, Argentina, Laos, Australia, and Canada.  He is currently a Principal Geologist with NorthWest Copper Corp, working with and managing a team of industry professionals focusing on discovery and development of mineral deposits.

Read more.