Alumni directory

Below is a listing of SEOS alumni who have chosen to release their name and in some instances their e-mail address and current employer. If you are a SEOS alumni and would like to see your name listed here, or if you see your name here and see a correction that needs to be made or would like your name removed, please  us.

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This list was last updated on 21 Sep. 2011.





Stuart Adkins Email me 2004 Manning Diversified Forest products Ltd.
Lisa Barazzuol 2000 MESH Environmental Inc.
Brian Bartley Email me 2000 Schlumberger Oilfield Services
Burard Baschek Email me 2003 Woods-Hole oceanographic Institution
Erica Beauchamp Email me 2004
Ahren Bichler Email me 2003 Trumer Schutzbauten Canada Ltd.
Rob Campbell Email me 2004 Prince William Sound Science Center
Catherine Fitzgerald (nee Channing) Email me 2004 Stornoway Diamonds Corporation
Amber Church Email me 2004 Yukon Geological Survey
David Coombes Email me 1998 Self-employed
Ranjan Dash Email me 2008 Chevron
Michelle DesJardins Email me 2003 SRK Consulting
Jacqueline Dumas 2003 CCCMa
Kevin Evers Email me 2001 Capitol Energy Resources Ltd
Lee Ferreira Email me 2003 Imperial Metals Corporation
Isabel Gaboury Email me 2004
Frank Gerdes 2002 forschunnusanstalt der bundeswehr fur wasserschall und geophysik (FWG)
Julie Giasson Email me 2004
Tony Hewitt Email me 1996 Fugro GeoConsulting (Houston), Inc.
Hannah Hickey Email me 2003
Kris Holm 1997 BGC engineering Inc.
Yan Hu 2004
Kendra Johnston Email me 2005
Ben Odhiambo Kisila Email me 1995 University of Mary Washington
Tyler Kuhn Email me 2004 Hard Creek Nickel Corporation
Ramachandran Kumar Email me 2001 University of Tulsa
Anastasia Ledwon Email me 1997 Hungry Hill Geological Ltd.
Janis Lloyd 2006
Julie Loob Email me 2004 Self-employed
Gloria I. Lopez Email me 2002 McMaster University
Youyu Lu Email me 1997 Bedford Institute of Oceanography
Gavin Manson 1995 Geological Survey of Canada
Heather Markides 2002 Rutgers University
Daman Matthews 2004
Sean Milliken Email me 2000 Apex Geoscience
Patrick Monahan Email me 1999 Monahan Petroleum Consulting
Mike Morley Email me 2008 MGM Geosciences
Paul Myers Email me 1996 University of Alberta
Dan Oleskevich Email me 1996 SMART Technologies
Martin Niemann Email me 2006
Alison Palmer Email me 2001
Heidi Pass Email me 2000 University of Tasmania
Pascale Paussart Email me 1999 Woods-Hole oceanographic Institution
Tanya Peron 2000
Cheryl Peters Email me 2003
Chad Petersmeyer Email me 2001 Thurber Engineering Ltd.
Toby Pierce Email me 1996 Tristone Capital
Roberta Press Email me 2001 Sierra Systems Inc.
Nicole Robinson 2006 Self-employed
Daniel Robitaille 1997 CCCMa
Joanna Runnells Email me 1997 BC Ministry of Agriculture and Lands
Christophe Serie Email me 2006 ConocoPhillips
Alison Seward Email me 2000 Elk Valley Coal corp.
Erika Gersie Simon 2007
Geoff Sinnett Email me 1998 Province of BC
Dwayne Smith Email me 2000 Golder Associate Ltd.
Anna Strasser 1998 Petro Canada
Daithi Stone Email me 2003 University of Oxford
Corwin Sullivan Email me 1998 Harvard University
James Thom Email me 2002 UBC/MESH environmental Inc.
Jenna Thomson Email me 2001 National Research Council
Michelle Trommelen Email me 2006 Manitoba Geological Survey
Heather von Hauff Email me 1998 Alberta Environment
Kevin Walker 1998
Andrea Webb Email me 1996
Jeff Whitsett Email me 1996 Hess
Kara Wight 2004 Encara Corporation
Glenda Wyatt 1998 Quester Tangent
Qi-Bin Zhang Email me 2000 Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences