Advanced energy technologies

Advanced Energy
Advanced energy technologies are a focus of IESVic.

Energy systems are made up of technologies for conversion, transmission, service delivery, and control. Core research activities span basic materials science to the application of materials in components of energy technologies.

The Advanced Energy Technologies group focusses on:

Fuel cells

Fuel cell systems provide dynamic and continuous power production at high efficiencies with no carbon emissions. In addition, hydrogen and fuel cell systems enable the integration of low-carbon energy supplies to the electrical system while simultaneously providing a chemical currency for high-grade heat and transportation. Improving stack performance, optimizing systems, and analyzing fuel cell applications are active research topics.

Functional materials

Innovative new materials and processes for the efficient use and manufacture of materials are at the heart of technology development. Whether it is semi-conductors for solar energy, catalysts for chemical processes, or solid caloric substances work-heat interactions, materials research is needed for sustainable energy systems.

Efficient heating and cooling

Thermal demands – both heating and cooling – account for a significant fraction of global energy demand. The efficient conversion of useful energy into low and high-quality heat involves improved cycles, new methods, and thermal optimization of processes. Avoiding the use of substances harmful to the environment is a driving force behind advanced technologies such as magnetocaloric systems. For more information, visit the AMR laboratory website

Storage systems

Storage is an essential element of energy systems. Historically, we have harvested energy stored in fossil resources, plants, and the earth’s thermal mass. With an interest in using more variable renewable energy supplies, the role of storage is being explicitly served by technology. Research examines materials, systems, and processes for mobile and stationary energy storage.

Lead researchers