Research bulletins and briefs
Most recent
- Bulletin 21- Lower Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines for Youth, by Youth (March 2023)
- Bulletin 20- Scale up of Managed Alcohol Programs (June 2020)
- Bulletin 19- Youth Experiences: How police interactions impact youth who use drugs (March 2020)
- Bulletin 18 - Reducing stigma and building cultural safety in primary care for people who use or have used substances (February 2019) - Not available online; email for hard copy)
- Bulletin 17 - Community empowerment & transformative learning among sex workers (November 2017)
- Bulletin 16 - Legalization of Cannabis in Canada: Implementation strategies and public health (August 2016)
- Bulletin 15 - Every Washroom: De facto consumption sites in the epicenter of an overdose public health emergency (August 2016)
- Bulletin 14 - From one ally to another: Pratice guidelines to better include people who use drugs at your decision-making tables (May 2016)
- Bulletin 13 - The introduction of Happy Hours to bars, pubs and clubs in Victoria, BC: Did alcohol become cheaper? (November 2015)
- Bulletin 12 - Alcohol and other-drug related harms in BC's island health region (October 2015)
- Bulletin 11 - Creating culturally safe care in hospital settings for people who use(d) illicit drugs (2013)
- Bulletin 10 - Reducing alcohol-related harms and costs in British Columbia: A provincial summary report (2013)
- Bulletin 9 - Evaluation of a managed alcohol program in Vancouver, BC: Early findings and reflections on alcohol harm reduction (2013)
- Bulletin 8 - Overdose events in British Columbia: Trends in substances involved, contexts and responses (2012)
- Bulletin 7 - The price of getting high, stoned and drunk in BC: A comparison of minimum prices for alcohol and other psychoactive substances (2010)
- Bulletin 6 - Drug use trends in Victoria and Vancouver, and changes in injection drug use after the closure of Victoria’s fixed site needle exchange (2010)
- Bulletin 5 - Adolescent substance use and related harms in British Columbia (2009)
- Bulletin 4 - Regional variations and trends in substance use and related harm in BC (2008)
- Bulletin 3 - Alcohol consumption in British Columbia and Canada: A case for liquor taxes that reduce harm (2007)
- Bulletin 2 - Cannabis use in British Columbia: Patterns of use, perceptions, and public opinion as assessed in the 2004 Canadian Addiction Survey (2006)
- Bulletin 1 - Patterns of risky alcohol use in British Columbia: Results of the 2004 Canadian Addiction Survey (2005)
- Co/Lab Substance Use Monitoring Framework: Equity-Oriented Monitoring of Substance Use and Health [Overview] (Co/Lab Project, 2024)
- An Evidence Brief:Decriminalization of Currently Illegal Drugs in British Columbia (BC) (Co/Lab Project, 2024)
- Lower Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines for Youth, By Youth (2023)
- Nurse-Assisted Injection: A Path to Equity in Supervised Consumption Services (2022)
- A Practice Brief: Implementing the Victoria SAFER Initiative (Co/Lab Project, 2021)
- A Practice Brief: Infrastructure for Harm Reduction in Residential and Hotel Settings (Co/Lab Project, 2021)
- A Brief on Methodology: Using Proximity Analysis to Study the Impact of Substance Use Services On Local Neighborhoods (Co/Lab Project, 2020)
- An Evidence Brief: Supervised Consumption Sites are Necessary Public Health Services (Co/Lab Project, 2020)
- An Evidence Brief: Harm Reduction Implementation Framework (HRIF) (Co/Lab Project, 2020)
- An Evidence Brief: Needle and Syringe Exchange Programs (Co/Lab Project, 2019)