Evaluation of the public health impacts of Systembolaget, the Swedish government alcohol monopoly

Funding body: Systembolaget, Swedish Government.

Background: CARBC has been commissioned to lead this international project which aims to estimate the public health impacts of Sweden's government alcohol monopoly. This is the third in a series of reports on this topic. Over the course of 12 months, we will oversee systematic reviews of the effectiveness of the types of policies implemented by Systembolaget; the extent of implementation of these policies in Sweden will be estimated against a counterfactual scenario of the liquor distribution system being totally privatised; various analytic approaches will be used to estimate firstly changes in per capita alcohol consumption and then resulting impacts on health and social outcomes in two scenarios involving liquor privatisation.

Progress to date: The project has been successfully completed with report summaries posted on the internet in Swedish and English  along with a full English report available on request. The results have been presented to the funder and at a Swedish alcohol conference. A paper has been accepted for publication at an international conference and journal articles are in preparation. An infographic was also produced.
