From research to practice: addressing the gaps in entry-to-practice HIV nursing competencies in Canada

Funding body: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Meeting, Planning and Dissemination Grant

Background: PLWH (People living with HIV) continue to encounter stigma from health care providers (including nurses, physicians, dentists, dental hygienists) largely due to insufficient knowledge and training. Education, preparation and mentorship in the delivery of and access to safe, compassionate, competent, and ethical HIV care is identified as important in addressing issues related to access and provision of healthcare. The proposed work will inform entry-level, competency-based nursing education, as well as the development of models to be designed and tested to promote knowledge uptake and translation to practice.

Progress to date:  To date, a survey of Canadian nursing schools as to current HIV education and training and a systematic review of current research and gaps has been completed. A national meeting of leading nurse educators and researchers was held to examine current evidence and gaps to develop research priorities and inform core competencies for nurses. This work has been presented nationally.  


  • Dr. Marilou Gagnon (PI)
  • Phillips, C. (Co-PI)
  • Caine, V. (Co-PI)
  • Anand, R. (KU)
  • McGinn, M. (KU)
  • O’Bryne, P. (Co-I)
  • Bungay, V. (Co-I)
  • Rickards, T. (Co-I)
  • Dela Cruz, A.
  • Dr. Bernie Pauly (Co-I)
  • DePadua, A. (Co-I)