An evaluation of the impact of the Sudbury Managed Alcohol Program

Funding body: Canadian Mental Health Association, Sudbury Branch

Background:  Established in late 2015, the Sudbury Managed Alcohol Program (MAP) is one of the newest MAP’s in Canada for people with severe and chronic alcohol use problems. As part of the national research study on MAPs being conducted within an overarching participatory and collaborative approach to research that involves academic and knowledge user partners (including service providers, regional and provincial policy makers), we were invited to conduct a program specific evaluation of the Sudbury MAP. As part of the national study, our goals are to 1) review and revise our established protocol for use in Phase II of a national multisite study; and 2) provide site-specific evaluation of the Sudbury MAP program. The evaluation focuses on outcomes related to housing, health, quality of life, alcohol consumption, alcohol-related harms and use of health and other services.

Progress to date: The final report was presented in August, 2017.

For more on the main MAP study, please see the main MAP page.
