UVic Law Faculty Videos on YouTube

Six law faculty members are featured in videos that were recently launched by UVic Communications on the UVic YouTube channel. The videos aim to highlight the depth, breadth and impact of of UVic's research talent and are searchable on YouTube by name and area of expertise at www.youtube.com/uvic.

Maneesha Deckha on addressing outdated laws regarding animals and animal cruelty.

Gerry Ferguson on criminal jury instruction and how it can impact the results of a trial.

Hamar Foster on learning from legal history, including the history between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people.

Bob Howell on intellectual property and telecommunications law and its relevance as new technology is introduced to society.

Val Napoleon on her work with Aboriginal communities in the areas of social justice, education and economic development.

Jeremy Webber on cultural and religious differences, politics, nationhood, language and the common issues that many nations struggle with.