"8" The Play to be Performed at UVic Law

UVic Law is one of the first Canadian institutions to have been granted the rights to stage a reading of "8" a new play by Academy-award winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black (Milk, J. Edgar). The play demystifies the debate around marriage equality by chronicling the landmark trial of Perry v. Schwarzenegger. Using the actual court transcripts from the landmark federal trial of California's Prop. 8 and first-hand interviews, "8" shows both sides of the debate in a moving 90-minute play.

All aspects of producing, staging and performing the play will be done by students who register in Law 357 (Sexual Orientation and the Law), taught by Professor Gillian Calder, as part of their course requirements in the spring of 2013. "Law 357, in both process and substance, enables students to question how law regulates the lives of GLBTQ folk, and to understand the social, cultural and economic impact of this regulation," says Professor Calder.

The performance, scheduled to take place on March 14, 2013, will be followed by a talkback between the student actors, members of the UVic law community and the audience. Professor Calder hopes that the performance of this play will open a conversation about the wide-ranging legal, social, political and economic issues the play raises, the difference between the legal stories for marriage equality in Canada and the United States, and the ways in which art is part of a legal education.