
MA students

What follows is a list of recent former MA students, and the titles of their projects, sorted by degree and year:


  • Jason Burr BA (UVic); “Toward an Epistemology of Traditions: An Inquiry into Traditions' Epistemic Value” Supervisor: Dr. Patrick Rysiew
  • Devon Sowden BA (UVic)  “Identifying Psuedoscience Via Explanatory Coherence”; Supervisor: Dr. Patrick Rysiew


  • Katarina Arensen BA (UVic): “Expertise in Administrative Law: To be Ruled by Judges, by Experts, or by Law?”; Supervisor: Dr. Cindy Holder. 
  • Nathanael Lavallee BA (Western): “In Defense of the Theory of Ideas”; Supervisor: Dr. Patrick Rysiew


  • Claire Jansen-Faught, BA (University of King’s College, Halifax): “Feeling With: An Account of Shared Grief”; Supervisor: Dr. Katie Stockdale
  • Bristol Hobson, BA (UVic): “Intentional Ignorance, not Active Ignorance: on (not) knowing about the lives of Incarcerated Individuals”; Supervisor: Dr. Audrey Yap
  • Alyssa Zacharias, BA (UBC): “Colonizing Trans Bodies: Dangers of Human Rights-Based Approaches for Trans Activists”; Supervisor: Dr. Cindy Holder


  • Morgan Gray, BA (University of Victoria): “Empirical Pragmatic Constructivism: Giving the Social Scientific Methods Their Due”; Supervisor: Dr. Eric Hochstein
  • Stephen Kirkbride, BA (University of Victoria): “Testimonial Smothering and Social Media”; Supervisor: Dr. Audrey Yap
  • Danat Kukolj, BA (University of Victoria): “Reconsidering Shapiro’s Moral Aim Thesis”; Supervisor: Dr. Cindy Holder
  • John Miller, BA (University of Victoria): “The Quest for a Scientific Transcendental Idealism: Fichte’s Intellectual Intuition as the Key to an Improved Critical System”; Supervisor: Dr. Thomas Land (PhD program, University of Toronto)
  • Samuel Odell, BA (University of the Fraser Valley): “Infected Phrases and Grice’s Cooperative Principle”; Supervisor: Dr. Audrey Yap (Bachelor of Education at Wilfred Laurier University)
  • Regan Oey, BA (University of British Columbia) “Moral Solidarity & Gentrification”; Supervisor: Dr. Audrey Yap
  • Arunkumar Rajavel, BE (Anna University), MA (University of Tartu), "On Migration as Structural Injustice: An Arendtian Approach"; Supervisor: Dr. Cindy Holder


  • Will Arrett, BSc (University of Wisconsin - Madison): “A Miraculous Dilemma for Moral Realism”; Supervisor: Dr. Michael Raven
  • Kaitlyn Berry, BA (Thompson Rivers University): "'Living Without the Sacred': Transcript and Discussion"; Supervisor: Dr. David Scott
  • Christopher Leeman, BA (University of Victoria), "Debunking the Hard Problem of Consciousness"; Supervisor: Dr. Eric Hochstein (PhD at University of Victoria)
  • Salah Mekhalalati, BA (University of Louisville),"Why an Overcommitment to Natural Kinds Hinders Progress in Cognitive Science"; Supervisor: Dr. Eric Hochstein (PhD at Carleton, in Cognitive Science)
  • Ryan Teeter, BA (Ryerson University), "Amor Fati in the Gay Science"; Supervisor: Dr. Clifford Roberts (University of Toronto, Law School)
  • William van den Broek, BA (University of Victoria), "An Individualist Response to Puzzles of Plural Obligation"; Supervisor: Dr. Colin Macleod


  • Jianding Bai, BA (Southeast University, Nanjing), BA (Soochow University): “An Alternative Solution to Epistemic Injustice: The Power of Knowing”; Supervisor: Dr. Patrick Rysiew
  • Brandon De Jong, BA (University of Calgary) JD (University of Victoria): “Left-populism and the Construction of 'the People': The Case for an Antagonistic Approach”; Supervisor, Dr. Cindy Holder (Instructor, Red Deer College)
  • Jonathan hand, BA (University of Leeds) Graduate Diploma (University of St Andrews):  “What Makes a House a Home? A Phenomenological Exposition of Space and Place: Home and Homelessness”; Supervisor: Dr. Audrey Yap
  • Andrada Holmgren, BA (University of Victoria): “The Concept of Consciousness”; Supervisor: Dr. Eric Hochstein (PhD at University of British Columbia)
  • Vincent Lombardi, BA (University of Victoria): “Identifying Conflicts Between Models in Science: Examining the Role of Implicit Commitments in Scientific Models”; Supervisor: Dr. Eric Hochstein
  • Bethel Raposas, BA (Biola University): “To Shame or Not to Shame?: On the Question of Producing Moral Shame in Others”; Supervisor: Dr. Audrey Yap (MA in Clinical Psychology, Pepperdine University)
  • Patrick Reilly, BA (University of Nebraska): “Social Essences”; Supervisor: Dr. Mike Raven
  • Harris Watt, BA (University of Victoria): “Misogynistic Radicalization”; Supervisor: Dr. Audrey Yap


  • Gennady McCracken, BA (University British Columbia-Okanagan): “MacIntyre, The Liberal Virtue of Imagination, and Imagination Subverting Modernity”; Supervisor: Dr. Colin Macleod (PhD at University of Guelph)
  • Andrew Freundlich, BA (Vancouver Island University): “Mysticism and the Mystical”; Supervisor: Dr. Margaret Cameron (PhD at University of Guelph)
  • Spencer Hula, BA (University of Victoria): “To Protect and Serve: The Moral Necessity of Just Wars and Just Warriors”; Supervisor: Klaus Jahn (Employed by BC government)
  • Eleanor Steele, BA (University of the Fraser Valley): “Lacking Essence: A Non Binary Answer to Uniessentialism”; Supervisor: Dr. Audrey Yap (PhD at University of Waterloo)


  • Jonathan Faerber, BA (University of Alberta): "Unbelievable Doubts (and other skeptical discoveries)”; Supervisor: Dr. Scott Woodcock
  • Julia Berry, BA (University of Victoria): "The Two Definitions of Racism: How a Multi-Faceted Account Can Lead to Multi-Faceted Solutions"; Supervisor: Dr. Audrey Yap (employed by BC government)
  • Dean Coslovi, BA (University of Lethbridge): "Two Bridges and a Mapping Problem: An Account of the Impossibility for a Materialist Explanation of Phenomenal Properties"; Supervisor: Dr. Eike-Henner Kluge (MA in Military, Security and Strategic Studies at the University of Calgary)
  • Adrianna Forest, BA (University of Alberta): "Who is Being Consoled in Boethius’ Consolation of Philosophy?"; Supervisor: Dr. Margaret Cameron (Executive Assistant, OneFeather Mobile Technologies)
  • Edmon Kelaita, BA (UBC): "Virtue Epistemology: A Defense Of High-Knowledge"; Supervisor: Dr. Patrick Rysiew