Current students
2024 Graduates
Anthony Auchterlonie, MA in Germanic and Slavic Studies with a concentration in Holocaust Studies
Thesis Title: "Memory, Politics, and Place: Revitalizing Indigeneity and Unsettling Colonial Narratives With Reflections from Holocaust Memorial Culture"
Mo Mitchell, MA in Germanic and Slavic Studies with a concentration in Holocaust Studies
Hanna Protasova, MA in Germanic and Slavic Studies with a concentration in Slavic Studies
Thesis Title: "Between Oblivion and Remembrance: The Representation of the Holocaust in Soviet Ukrainian Fiction and Non-Fiction of the 1940s–1960s"
2023 Graduates
Carolina Alves Pereira, MA in Germanic and Slavic Studies with a concentration in Germanic Studies
Thesis Title: "Creators and Creatures: Visualizing Franz Kafka"
2022 graduates
Rachel Colquhoun, MA, Germanic and Slavic Studies,
with a concentration in Holocaust Studies
Liping Ge, MA, Germanic and Slavic Studies
Liping wrote her thesis on The Cultural Politics in East Germany and China: Literature and Art (1949-1979).
Michaela Sawyer, MA, Holocaust Studies
Before completing her MA in Holocaust Studies, Michaela also received a diploma in Cultural Resource Management through UVIC in 2020. As well as a BA with a joint major in History and World Literature from SFU before that. Michaela’s masters research sought to combine her work in the Cultural Resource Management field with the Holocaust Studies stream by examining the restitution of art and artifacts stolen during the Second World War. Her research project, entitled “Going Home: Restitution of Little-Known Casualties of the Second World War (A Herzog and Cassirer Case Study)” examines the idea of Object Biographies and how the inclusion of this concept in restitution work is something often overlooked but equally important in the lives of these objects.
2021 graduates
Alan Bancroft, MA, Slavic Studies
Alan holds an Associate of Arts from Collin College (2016), a BA in Slavic Studies with Honours from the University of Victoria (2019), and an MA in Slavic Studies from the University of Victoria (2021). He has presented papers at multiple conferences during his studies at UVic, including "The Carnivalesque, Modernity, and Post-Modernity in the Films of Ilya Khrzhanovsky" at the Identity - Culture - Text UVic Graduate Conference on Mikhail Bakhtin; "From FEKS to Socialist Realism: Ideology and Continuity in The New Babylon (1929), Alone (1931), and The Youth of Maxim (1935)" at the UVic Interdisciplinary Conference on Identity, Gender and Ideology; and "Guy Maddin's Seances (2016): A Network of Loss. New Media, Network Pessimism, and Destituent Power" at the UVic Cultural, Social, and Political Thought Symposium. His research interests include socialist realist cinema, avant-garde cinema, the aesthetics of Stalinism, Marxism, critical theory, and visual art, all of which he attempts to incorporate into his own filmmaking practice.
Alan defended his MA thesis, "The Sublated Style of a Cinema In Transition: Grigori Kozintsev, Leonid Trauberg, and Oleksandr Dovzhenko from the 1920s - 1930s" in June 2021. He has one publication in the experimental journal Academia Letters (2021) entitled "Arguing for the Soviet Transition Film: Oleksander Dovzhenko's Ivan (1931)" and is currently a Ph.D. student at McGill University in Montreal, QC.
Eliza McClenagan, MA, Holocaust Studies
Eliza completed a BA in English and History at the University of Northern British Columbia before coming to UVic for her MA. She is particularly interested in Christian antisemitism, churches’ responses to the Holocaust, and Christian-Jewish relations in Weimar and Nazi Germany. Eliza’s MA thesis focuses on developments in German Protestant theology in the years prior to and during the Holocaust. She examines the growth of more radical Protestant movements and the ways in which Protestant theological texts showed a gradual increase in anti-Jewish elements in the years leading up to 1933.
Emma Murray, MA, Slavic Studies
Emma Murray is an MA graduate of the Slavic Studies at the University of Victoria. She received her Bachelor’s degree from UVic in History and Slavic Studies with a specific interest in Ukrainian Studies, completing a Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Award project on the Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity. As an undergraduate, Emma also studied at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy in Kyiv, Ukraine through the department’s summer study abroad program.
Emma’s research investigated the commemoration of the 2013/14 Ukrainian Revolution of Dignity and the ways in which memorialization of such may influence efforts to establish a sound system of democracy in Ukraine. In her first year as a graduate student, she conducted primary research in Ukraine to support her thesis by interviewing residents of Kyiv about the legacy of the revolution. She also undertook a volunteer position with the National Museum of the Revolution of Dignity in Kyiv, collecting information about museums and exhibits across the city in order to provide feedback and make recommendations regarding the future development of the museum.
In addition to her fieldwork in Ukraine and research at UVic, Emma also served as a graduate student representative on the Executive Board of the Canadian Association of Slavists. She has given presentations at multiple academic conferences, both locally and abroad, sharing her research on the revolution and enthusiasm for the subject.
Her thesis “Heavenly Fighters for Ukrainian Civil Society: The Cultivation of Democratic Culture through the Memorialization of the Revolution of Dignity” is available to read on the UVicSpace website.
Giorgia Ricciardi, MA, Holocaust Studies
Giorgia Ricciardi is a 2021 Master's graduate in the Holocaust studies stream at the University of Victoria. She received her Bachelor of Arts from UVic in 2018, completing a double major in History and Spanish. During her undergraduate degree, Giorgia completed a Jamie Cassels Undergraduate Research Award Project on the largest Fascist Italian internment camp for Jews: Ferramonti di Tarsia. Before returning to UVic to begin her Master's, Giorgia lived in Madrid, Spain, teaching English.
Giorgia's SSHRC-funded Master’s research focused on the history of Spanish Republican women in the French Resistance and in Nazi camps, and their memorialization in Spain today. Her research interests include gender and resistance during the Holocaust, and her interdisciplinary work combines areas of study in history, memory studies, and Holocaust studies.
Giorgia's current publications include: "Mussolini and the Jews: What Inspired Fascist Antisemitic Policy in Italy?" in Plvs Vltra (2018), "Honouring Carl Lutz: Reflecting on the Memorialization of a Forgotten Hero" in Their Trace (2020), “Polish Collaboration and Contemporary Memory Polemics: Addressing the 'Polocaust’ Myth” in Verges (2020), and “History Does Not Stand Still: How a New VHEC Workshop Addresses Antisemitism, Hatred, and Propaganda” in Zachor (2021).
2020 graduates
Caitlin Burrit, MA, Holocaust Studies

After completing her BA in Germanic Studies at the University of Victoria, Caitlin moved to Dresden, Germany in 2015. Living and teaching in Dresden inspired her Master’s project, a graphic novel focusing on the relationship between Holocaust memory in Dresden and the city’s response to the Refuge Crisis of 2015. Over the summer she completed the I-witness Holocaust Field School program, as well as a research practicum at the Ravensbrück Memorial where she studied artwork made by the prisoners of the Ravensbrück concentration camp.
Her final MA thesis project is entitled "We Are Harmless: An Arts-Based Autoethnographic Graphic Novel on Holocaust Memory in Dresden”.
Mikhail Busch, MA

Mikhail's MA thesis is entitled “Spirituality and German Romanticism: The Influence of Jakob Böhme on Novalis and Caspar David Friedrich”. It reconciles the notion of the spiritual with that of the aesthetic by focusing on the influence of 16th century German mystic Jakob Böhme, with the 19th century cultural movement of German Romanticism.
Braden Russell, MA, Holocaust Studies

Braden’s research and thesis project focused on Holocaust memorialization within the urban landscape of Vienna, Austria with special attention to homosexual victims of the Holocaust. His work intersects areas in studies of nationalism, gender and queer studies, memory studies, Jewish studies, and Holocaust studies.
Braden chose UVic because it was on the very few degree programs with a specific focus in Holocaust Studies. He has enjoyed his time being a part of a friendly and supportive department and graduate student cohort. The opportunities to work with faculty on projects is what Braden admired most about being in the MA program. His final research paper is entitled: “Re-membering Queer Victims of National Socialism in Vienna, Austria: Memory, Myth, Ambivalence, and Action”.
Tessa Coutu, MA, Holocaust Studies

Davjola Ndoja, MA, Holocaust Studies

Davjola also presented her research in a lecture on National Socialist Black Metal, a sub-genre of Black Metal, and its role in the promotion of National Socialism in modern Germany.