Dr. Brock MacLeod

Dr. Brock MacLeod
Sessional Lecturer

MA (Queen's), MA (Kingston) and PhD (Victoria)

Office: CLE C320

You are reading this, so you are likely considering one of my courses. I want you to take it, so here are a few details to sway you. I received my PhD from UVic in 2010. My areas of specialization are Mediaeval and Renaissance Literature with emphases on bibliography, satire, historiography, and education. I am currently consumed by thoughts of the reading situation, primarily in historic children's literature (which I collect) and the beat, pseudo, and metaphysical philosophy filled novels long favoured by young travelers (which, at over 50, I still am).

I most often teach first year composition, what we now think of as reading and writing courses, but I have also taught the odd literature course, most notably Children's literature. My teaching philosophy is simple: laughter enables memory with inclination. If I teach you from the heart, you will learn from the heart; if I teach you from the head, you will learn from the head; but the head forgets sooner than the heart.