Admissions policy and procedures

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  1. The School seeks to identify and choose those applicants whose aspirations are congruent with the objectives of the School. In the personal statement applicants will be evaluated on the basis of a demonstrated capacity for: self- evaluation, evaluation of social issues, compassion, openness to learning, critical thinking, communication, and congruence with the School's Indigenous and anti-oppressive perspectives.
  2. The School will seek to admit a group of students who differ in age, racial and ethnic background, gender, work and life experience.
  1. Services to prospective applicants
    1. The philosophy of admissions in the School of Social Work is that prompt, efficient, effective and the most helpful service possible will be given to the enquirer or applicant. This is accomplished by phone, fax, email, written correspondence, and personal interviews, through which we provide information and advice with respect to admission to the School and about professional social work as a career.
    2. The School is also involved in outreach recruitment activities such as production of informational materials, presentations to classes, information fairs, displays and sessions and ongoing liaison with college programs.
  2. Academic requirements for admission
    1. The completion of the first two years (30 units) of an undergraduate program at the University of Victoria or the equivalent in transfer credit from another university or a community college.
    2. An overall g.p.a. of 4.0 on the UVic 9.0 scale is required, equivalent to a B- on the last 12 units of University Transfer courses. For g.p.a conversion guide/further information see
    3. Satisfaction of the University's Academic Writing requirement for undergraduates.
    4. Successful completion of Social Work 200A and 200B, or their equivalents. These courses must be completed prior to starting the 3rd year of BSW program.
    5. Discretionary credit
      1. At the director's discretion (and within UVic's transfer credit agreement parameters), up to a maximum of 3.0 units of discretionary credit may be granted for a one year social/human services certificate, and up to 6.0 units of discretionary credit for a two or three year diploma in social/human services from an accredited institution.
      2. These discretionary credit maximum amounts do not include specific transfer credit for SOCW 200A and/or 200B or other academic transfer credits granted by the University of Victoria.
  3. Admission procedures
    1. Students transferring from other post-secondary institutions must submit an application for entry into the BSW program to Undergraduate Admissions at UVic by January 31. Returning students who are in or who have previously registered for courses at UVic must submit a re-registration form or Program Change Form (indicating BSW) to Undergraduate Records at UVic by January 31.
    2. Undergraduate Records do an academic evaluation of the applicant's transcripts for transfer credit and grade point average, and then will forward the evaluation and copies of transcripts to the admissions coordinator at the School.
    3. A complete application to the School of Social Work consists of:
      1. An application for admission to UVic, if the applicant has never registered previously for a credit course at UVic,
        An application for re-registration, if the applicant has previously completed a credit course at UVic; or a Program Change form if currently registered.
      2. Official transcripts from all previous post-secondary institutions, an application fee, and an evaluation fee for transcripts from outside of B.C.;
      3. A School of Social Work 'supplementary information form';
      4. A written submission.
    4. If the applicant is academically ineligible for admission because of:
      1. insufficient units, and/or
      2. a grade-point average below the required level of 3.5 (4.0 as of 2015)
      then a letter explaining the applicant's academic ineligibility is sent to the applicant and Admission or Records Services are notified.
  4. Admission decisions process
    1. The following admissions information is rated by percentage:
      1. pre-screening:
        • Incoming G.P.A. (last 12 units of university transfer to Dec): 40%
        • Written submission : 60% - Experience Summary 35%, Personal Statement 25%
      2. The incoming G.P.A. is calculated by an admissions officer in Undergraduate Records.
    2. All applicants are then rank-ordered by percentage.
  5. Confidential admissions information
    (This policy came into effect as of 1988 admissions. Revised in 1998.)
    1. Personal statements and experience summaries: original personal statements and experience summaries will not be returned to applicants and are not retained on file. All copies are destroyed at the conclusion of the admissions Period (usually mid-May). Applicants need to ensure they keep a copy for their own files.
  6. Offers of Admission
    Students must either accept or decline offers of admission - no deferrals for entry.

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