Campus Building Envelope Renewals - Elliott

Elliott Building Lecture Theatre – Exterior

As part of UVic’s Campus Building Envelope Renewals, Facilities Management will be working with Stantec Architecture and Retro Specialty Constructors Inc. to complete selective exterior remediation to the Elliott Lecture Theatre.

Facilities Management Grounds forces will be trimming back exterior foliage, and the contractor will be erecting perimeter hoarding, removing spalling and correcting various envelope issues. This work will be intermittently noisy and distractive to building users and surrounding areas. Our project teams will do everything possible to not disturb the campus community working in the building during the execution of the contract.

Monday, May 1, 2023 to Friday, August 18, 2023

The Project schedule is weather permitting.

View/ Download Facilities Notice - Campus Bldg Envelope Renewals-ELL

Contact/ Organizer Name - Gord Shirley, Project Manager

Contact/ Organizer Email Address -