Office Sorting-at-Source Recycling Station Pilot Study

August 20, 2013

Facilities Management has commissioned an important pilot study to determine the most effective method of increasing the rate of office recycling. In 2012, university offices sent approximately 12 tonnes of banned recyclable material to the Hartland Landfill.

The study will run from September 3rd to November 29th in four university buildings:  Administrative Services, Business and Economics, Cornett, and University Centre. During this time, Janitorial Services’ staff will not be removing recyclable material from the blue recycling containers in individual offices. Instead, staff and faculty will be asked to take their recyclables to new sorting stations that will be installed in convenient office locations.

Sorting-at-source recycling is widely accepted as the most effective way to prevent banned recyclable material from being sent to a landfill site. In 2011, a sorting station system was successfully implemented in classroom and lecture theatre buildings. The purpose of the current study is to confirm that a similar system in offices will help the university comply with provincial recycling regulation and CRD bylaws.

Information about Recycling at UVic and its importance to the university can be found on the Facilities Management website. If you would like more information about the study and the university’s other waste reduction initiatives, please contact Nadia Ariff, Waste Reduction Coordinator at 250-853-3160, or check out the FAQ's for Building Occupants. We appreciate your support in helping to make this pilot study a success.

Contact/Organizer name: Nadia Ariff

Contact/Organizer e-mail: