Recreation and Health Education (BA) and Kinesiology (BSc) programs
There are two points of entry to BA Recreation and Health and BSc Kinesiology program:
- Directly from high school into Year 1 of the program
- As a post secondary transfer student into Year 2 or later of the program.
If you have completed post-secondary courses, with the exception of the UVic U-Start program, then you need to apply as a post secondary applicant Year 2 entry.
For admission details please refer to UVic Undergraduate Admission requirements
Application deadlines
Year 1 entry: January 31 for entry in September of the same year.
Year 2 or later: January 31 for entry in September of the same year.
All requirements for admission must be completed by April 30, and in the case of transfer applicants, documented with UVic by deadline specified on your application checklist.
Applicants are normally notified of admission decisions by email in late May or early June.
Admission quotas
Approximately 60 students each year are admitted into the BSc Kinesiology program (regardless of whether or not a student applicant chooses to participate in co-operative education) and 60 students into the BA Recreation and Health Education program (these totals are for all types of entries).
Applying to EPHE
All BSc Kinesiology program students who are admitted and who choose to request co-op are welcomed into the co-op program.
BA Recreation and Health Education program successful applicants will be required to participate in co-operative education program.
If your application is not successful, there is an option to enter into Year 2 or later of the BA Recreation and Health or BSc Kinesiology program. If you are interested in Year 2 or later entry then you should apply for admission to UVic and either the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Social Sciences or the Faculty of Science. Each of these faculties has different secondary school admission prerequisites. You can view the Year 1 Faculty admission prerequisites for BC secondary school students in the University Calendar.
Transfer students from other post-secondary institutions
If you are interested in transferring to the Kinesiology or Recreation and Health Education program from another recognized institution or who have completed other recognized tertiary studies you need to apply for admission using the standard UVic procedures (i.e., both admission to UVic and Kinesiology program). The grades for transfer courses being used to meet Kinesiology program application prerequisites must be documented with UVic the deadline specified on your application checklist.
As part of the admission process a transfer credit evaluation of your previous studies will be undertaken (NB, you will receive a formal statement of this transfer credit evaluation) and this will give you a better idea of what courses you will need to take in order to maximize your chances of being accepted into the Recreation and Health Education program, as well as what courses you will need to take as part of the program (i.e., It will identify the courses that you have already completed that can be used for credit in your new program).
Sometimes students lodge an application for admission to UVic to determine what transfer credits they will receive and then make a decision about whether they will continue with their program application based on those transfer credits.
If you are transferring from a university or college in British Columbia you can look-up your potential transfer credits using the BC Transfer Guide.
Occasionally, transfer students are able to manage application to UVic and application for admission to the Kinesiology or Recreation and Health Education in one step. If this is not possible you can take many courses related to a Recreation and Health Education program without being formally in the program. You should note, however, that the longer it takes you to gain admission to the Recreation and Health Education program the more difficult it becomes to take courses (i.e., particularly EPHE courses) related to the degree because many upper-level EPHE courses are restricted to students in the program or registration priority is given to students in the program, which means that you cannot access them or they may have filled-up before you get a chance to register in them.
Up to 30 units of a 60 unit degree (i.e., half of a degree) can be completed through approved transfer credits (i.e., courses that are deemed to be equivalent to a UVic course but offered elsewhere). There are also restrictions on the number of upper-level courses (i.e., 300-400 level) that must be completed at UVic (i.e., 18.0 units of the required 21.0 upper-level units must be taken at UVic). Course substitutions are not possible.
GPA Admission Criteria
Kinesiology and Recreation and Health Education program admission decisions are made based on GPA ranking (i.e., grades).
Eligible applicants who have fulfilled the admission requirements are offered a place in the program in order from highest GPA to lowest GPA, until the quotas for the programs are filled (NB, the current quota is 60).
Achieving the minimum GPA needed for applying to the BSc (Kinesiology program) does not ensure acceptance into the program.
Information Sessions
Prior to admission into the programs studetns are recommended to attend program information sessions held in late March or early April.
The sessions are intended to provide information about the Recreation and Health Education co-op or Kinesiology program, as well as answer any questions you might have about the program.
Attendance information will be sent to applicants by email.
Indigenous applicants
The University of Victoria's Faculty of Education reserves 5% of the positions in all of the faculty's programs for Indigenous applicants who meet the Faculty of Education's minimum program entrance requirements and Indigenous application requirements. This provision also applies to programs offered by the School of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education.
If you wish to apply to the Kinesiology or Recreation and Health Education program on the grounds of your aboriginal status you should apply online and self-identify when prompted.
Visiting Canadian students
If you wish to register in an EPHE course as a visiting student you must complete an application for admission to UVic and provide a letter of permission or equivalent from your home institution, transcripts, and evidence of English competency. Visit the Admissions Office webpage for more information and to begin the application process.
Although your home institution may provide you with a letter of permission relating to courses offered by the School of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education (EPHE), not all EPHE courses are open to visiting students.
Incoming international exchange students
If you are an international exchange student coming to UVic you are welcome to register in courses offered by the School of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education (EPHE) that are not reserved solely for EPHE students and for which you have the required prerequisites.
EPHE courses have four types of restrictions:
- Prerequisite-based, in which you must have completed another course or courses to be able to register for a course.
- Time-based, in which a course is reserved for EPHE students until a specific date, after which registration opens to other students.
- Level-based, in which a course is reserved for students who have completed a specified number of units.
- Program-based, in which a course is reserved for students who have been admitted to a program in the School of Exercise Science, Physical and Health Education (i.e., these courses can't be taken even if there are space available).
If you believe that you are eligible to register in an EPHE course based on courses you have completed at your home institution but are blocked by a prerequisite or year level restriction you can apply for a course registration waiver. To submit a waiver request you need you to complete an EPHE Waiver form. Your request is more likely to be granted if you include supporting documentation (e.g., proof that you have completed or are registered in a course prerequisite at another university or college). EPHE waiver forms should be returned in person to the EPHE office (i.e., McKinnon Building, Room 120) or by email to the EPHE program assistant.
You can identify the restrictions associated with EPHE courses by reviewing the comments associated with each course in the timetable and the University Calendar or the EPHE course schedule (see the "Program details" section ).
You should contact the International Office for information about coming to UVic as an exchange student.
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Physical education teaching (BA or BSc)
Students intent on becoming PE teachers will complete an undergraduate degree program that includes a PE concentration of EPHE courses before applying to the Secondary Post-Degree Professional Program (PDPP) - Diploma or Bachelor of Education.
Students may complete these courses while doing the BA in Recreation and Health Education, the BSc in Kinesiology, or another undergraduate degree from an accredited university.