Dr. Ruthanne Tobin

PhD (English Language Arts Education) University of Victoria, MEd (English Language Arts Education) University of Victoria, BEd (Teaching Second Languages) University of Montreal, BA (French Literature) Dalhousie University
Elementary and Middle School Language & Literacies
Instructional practices for reluctant and struggling literacy learners
Differentiated instruction and personalized approaches to literacy-rich curriculum
Language and Literacy
Differentiated and Personalized Learning
Cultural Issues in Education
- Language & Literacy Area Advisor
In Press Tobin, R. & Tippett, C. “Possibilities, Promises, and Potential Barriers: Learning to Plan for Differentiated Instruction in Elementary Science”. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education.
2010 Tobin, R. Differentiation: Respectful Responses to Diverse Literacy Learners In M.C. Courtland & T. J. Gambell (Eds.) Literature, Media & Multiliteracies in Adolescent Language Arts (2nd Ed.). Vancouver: Pacific Educational.
2009 Tobin, R. Descriptive Case Study Approach. In Mills, A., Durepos, G. & Wiebe, E. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Case Study Research. Sage Publications.
2009 Tobin, R. High Quality Analyses in Case Study Research. In Mills, A., Durepos, G. & Wiebe, E. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Case Study Research. Sage Publications.
2009 Tobin, R. Rival Explanations. In Mills, A., Durepos, G. & Wiebe, E. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Case Study Research. Sage Publications.
2009 Tobin, R. Essential Understandings for Novices in Case Study Research. In Mills, A., Durepos, G. & Wiebe, E. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Case Study Research. Sage Publications.
2008 Tobin, R. Conundrums in the Differentiated Literacy Classroom. Reading Improvement, 45(4).
2008 Tobin, R. & McInnes, A. Accommodating differences: Variations on differentiated literacy instruction in grades 2/3 classrooms. Literacy, 42(1).
Conference Presentations
2012 Tobin, R. Differentiated Instruction in Science: Teacher Perspectives. Paper presented at the annual Hawai’i Conference on Education, Honolulu, Jan. 5-8
2012 Tobin, R., & Tippett, C. D. Possibilities, promises, and potential barriers: Learning to plan for differentiated instruction in elementary science. Poster accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver
2012 Tobin, R. Interpreting Personalized Learning in the 21st Century: Administrator Perspectives at One Canadian Middle School Paper presented at conference on Equity & Reform in Shanghai, China. Nov.9-11.
2012 Tippett, C. D., Yore, L. D., Tobin, R., & Shymansky, J. A. Teacher uptake of science literacy ideas: A cross-case analysis of large-scale, district-wide, and single school projects. Annual International Conference of the Association for Science Teacher Education, Clearwater, FL. Jan.
2011 Tippett, C. D., & Tobin, R. Learning to Plan for Differentiated Instruction in Elementary Science. Paper presented at the annual international conference of the Association for Science Teacher Education, Minneapolis, MN. (Jan. 3-7)
2011 Tobin, R. When you know better, you do better: A retrospective analysis of case study research. Paper presented at the annual Hawai’i International Conference on Education, Honolulu (Jan. 4-7).
2010 Tobin, R. The challenges of providing differentiated instruction in language and literacy” Findings from 10 Grades 2/3 classrooms. Paper presented at the annual Hawai’i International Conference on Education, Honolulu (Jan. 5-8).