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RAIS login & support

The UVic Research Administration Information System (RAIS) is a one-stop integrated online system for managing information, processes and workflows tailored for the UVic research community.

RAIS allows researchers to:

  • submit and amend human research ethics applications
  • submit external grant applications for internal review and approval
  • view awarded funding for current and past projects

Note: Although you can search for related records in both modules, RAIS does not provide an automatic link between the funding and ethics modules.

How to access RAIS

  1. Log in to RAIS using your NetLink ID and password.
  2. Access from off-campus requires use of the UVic VPN. If your personal computer or laptop is not connected to the VPN, you’ll get a white screen with no instructions.


RAIS important notice

RAIS important notice - On February 27, 2024, at 4:30 p.m., the document repository for the RAIS application will be replaced. Please let us know if you experience any issues adding or viewing...

UVic Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

To log in to VPN (Virtual Private Network) and any other services that require VPN, such as the RAIS (Research Administration System), you must be enrolled in UVic Multi-Factor...

Research funding module

The research funding module allows you to:


  • complete and submit your RASF for external grant applications
  • track the status of your application


  • view awarded funding for current and past projects
  • monitor your research account balance
  • view predicted installments of your projects
  • store and access related funding records, such as:
    • award notice
    • open account memos
    • deferral and extension memos

Quick guides

Application type

RAIS includes 2 types of applications: RASF and record.

RASF applications:

  • get initiated and completed by the PI
  • provide a workflow for signatories and ORS approval
  • are not available for historic data

Record applications:

  • get initiated and completed by ORS
  • provide summarized information of the award process
  • get used for all historic data (2015-2020) represented in RAIS
  • get used for travel grants
    • Note: a future module will provide an online application for travel grants

Application status

RAIS records can have the following workflow statuses:

  • pending
  • declined
  • awarded
  • cancelled
  • suspended
  • expired
  • closed
  • expired vs closed:
    • a RAIS record gets marked with an expired status when the end date has passed
      • if the RAIS award end date is not accurate, contact ORS to revise or extend the award
    • if the RAIS award end date is correct and the balance is zero, the account is eligible for closing

FAST summary

The post-award module is not intended to replace FAST. Rather, it provides a quick summary of the FAST account budget and balance.

Discovery and travel grants

  • RAIS does not provide a FAST summary for discovery and travel grants
  • discovery and travel grant account numbers do not change from one award to another
  • the FAST account represents the overall budget for the entire life of the account

Internal research grants

  • RAIS does not provide a FAST summary for internal research grants
  • internal research grants get managed under the operating budget
  • internal research grant budget information gets reviewed in the FAST system

Institutional programs

  • RAIS provides a FAST summary for each funding account related to an institutional program
  • 1 project may have multiple funding partners with multiple funding accounts
  • a separate RAIS record represents each funding partner
  • these scenarios get identified by a note in each record title that links the records to 1 project

Historic data

Historic data provides a snapshot of previous awards. To verify your actual funds, review the account in the FAST system.

Historic data includes:

  • funding awarded for UVic research projects from 2015-2020

Historic data does not include:

  • complete history (pre-2015) of funding awarded for UVic research projects
  • funding awarded to other institutions
  • RASF applications pre-2020

Institutional programs

  • the historic data for institutional programs is a work in progress

Note: as we’re still in the process of validating the historic data, please be patient if you find inconsistencies. 

Human research ethics module

The human research ethics module:

  • enables researchers, ORS and research accounting to connect ethics approvals with research accounts for efficiency, compliance and funding release on ethics approvals
  • is compliant with tri-agency (federal) requirements

It allows you to:

  • submit human research ethics applications
  • track the status of ethics applications
  • submit updates to your application
  • monitor protocol expiry dates
  • store documents including applications, certifications and renewals

Quick guides

RAIS ethics post-approval user guidance

No. You can only work on one PAA at a time. The exception to this rule is the submission of the unanticipated event report form at any time after the original approval. 

If your study is close to expiring but you need to submit a request for amendments, you can submit the joint renewals with amendments form that allows you to submit your request for amendment and also provide you with annual renewal reporting on your study progress. 

The sign-off option and all other actions related to the amendment and annual renewal with amendment will be under the post-approval application tab of the project/application page. Click on the tab and complete the action for the particular post-approval application.

If your study is close to expiring but you need to submit a request for amendments, you can submit the joint renewals with amendments form that allows you to submit your request for amendment and also provide you with annual renewal reporting on your study progress.

Only the PI can start any of the PAAs (amendments, renewal with amendments, completions, unanticipated event report).

Only the PI can submit requests for and renewal with amendments. The principal applicant, as well as team members with "view and edit" permissions, can submit annual renewals initiated by the PI.

Only Human Research Ethics administrators can change the Principal Investigator (PI).

If the PI is still at UVic and available to submit the request:

  1. The PI will complete the notification of change of PI form, with signatures, and submit it with the amendment request form through RAIS. 
  2. Ensure that any study documents (e.g. recruitment documents, consent/assent forms) get revised to reflect the change.

If the PI is no longer at UVic and unable to submit the request: 

  1. The new PI will complete the notification of change of PI form, with signatures, and email it to the HRE office.
  2. Once reviewed, the HRE office will change the PI and request that the new PI submits an amendment request form through RAIS.
  3. Ensure that any study documents (e.g. recruitment documents, consent/assent forms) get revised to reflect the change.

How to submit an amendment in RAIS

Once the amendment is approved, the Human Research Ethics Board (HREB) will issue a new Certificate of Approval to the new PI (faculty or faculty supervisor).

Note: if your study is not yet approved, submit the notification of change of PI form directly to the HRE office. The amendment request form is not required.

Animal ethics module

 The animal ethics module:

  • enables researchers, ORS and research accounting to connect animal ethics approvals with research accounts for efficiency, compliance and funding release on ethics approvals
  • is compliant with Canadian Council on Animal Care (CCAC) requirements

It allows you to:

  • submit an animal use protocol (AUP) application
  • track the status of your AUP application
  • submit updates to your application
  • monitor protocol expiry dates
  • store documents including: applications, attachments or appendices, etc.
  • review team member animal training information

Quick guides

Pre-review FAQ

Pre-reviews are preliminary reviews performed by the Veterinary Director that offer PIs the opportunity to have their AUPs consulted on prior to being formally submitted to the ACC. 

Pre-reviews provide valuable insight into items and AUP content that may be flagged by the committee during an ACC review. Additionally, they have been found to reduce the timeline to approval. 

Pre-reviews are available for both new and ongoing AUPs. SOPs are also eligible for pre-review, as supporting documents for AUPs. 

Submissions must be ready for pre-review four weeks prior to the ACC submission deadline for which you intend to apply, and are contingent on the Veterinary Director's availability. 

Note: Last-minute pre-review requests are unlikely to be accommodated.

Please email expressing your interest in completing a pre-review. 

When eligibility is confirmed, submit your application via RAIS and inform of your submission. 

Pre-review feedback will be available at least one week in advance of the next corresponding ACC submission deadline, to offer time for protocol updates and revisions prior to submission for ACC review. 

New AUP applications FAQ

Lab and field research AUPs

Starting May 9, 2023, researchers must start using RAIS to create and submit their new research applications, specific to animal-based research projects conducted in a lab environment (Animal Care facilities and/or researcher lab facilities) or for projects that will combine lab and field components.

Starting Sept 21, 2023, researchers can also start using RAIS to create and submit new research applications that are specific to field research projects.

Teaching AUPs

Teaching AUP applications are in development for RAIS, and can continue to be submitted via email for animal ethics approval

Starting May 9 for new research AUPs, you must submit your lab research AUP application via RAIS.

Starting Sept 21, researchers must also submit new field research applications via RAIS.

The teaching AUP applications are in development for RAIS, and can continue to be submitted via email for animal ethics approval.

If you have questions about submissions and timing, contact the animal ethics liaison for guidance.

All faculty should be able to start an AUP application on RAIS.

If you are faculty and you don’t have the start application button on the animal ethics RAIS portal, contact the animal ethics liaison.  

Yes, the RAIS AUP application has been updated and revised to ensure researchers are compliant with CCAC (Canadian Council on Animal Care) and UVic policies. Many of the questions will be familiar but there are many new questions and information requirements.

An updated helpsheet for the RAIS lab and field research AUP application has been created. The helpsheet (see “Quick guides”) provides guidance for every section of the application including links to resources.

If you still have questions, contact the animal ethics liaison with your question and they will provide guidance.

The teaching AUP applications are in development for RAIS. Once application portals are available, there will be additional helpsheets available for guidance.

Renewal and amendment user guidance FAQ

Starting Feb 2, 2024, RAIS AUPs can be amended with the "+Update" button on the AUP summary page.  RAIS supports full amendments and expedited minor amendments.

Renewal and completion options are in development for RAIS.

Starting Feb 2, 2024, RAIS AUPs can be amended with the "+Update" button on the AUP summary page. A PI must initiate the amendment. RAIS supports full amendments and expedited minor amendments.

Renewal and completion options are in development for RAIS.

PIs must submit all renewals and/or amendments to their approved applications. RAIS now supports full amendments and expedited minor amendments.

Renewal and completion options are in development for RAIS.

The Veterinary Director can approve an expedited minor amendment at their discretion on behalf of the ACC. The ACC Chair is notified and the expedited minor amendment is given final approval at the next ACC meeting.

 RAIS now supports expedited minor amendments.

The ACC meets monthly September through June. Consult the ACC deadline & meeting dates frequently for information on the meeting schedule and submission deadlines.