Presidential Appointment
Kevin Hall’s first term as UVic’s President will end on October 31, 2025. In accordance with the university’s presidential appointment procedures, an appointment committee has been struck. As Board Chair, I’ll have the pleasure of chairing the committee. Information about the committee’s membership can be found below.
When the committee begins meeting in January 2025, our first task will be to acquaint ourselves with the requirements of the President’s role and confirm criteria for the next appointment. If, in light of those criteria, President Hall confirms that he wishes to be considered for a second term, we will conduct a review of his performance and suitability for reappointment as described in section 16 of the procedures, including inviting faculty and staff input. This process will lead to a recommendation to the Board of Governors. Were President Hall not to seek reappointment, the committee would embark upon a search as outlined under section 15 of the procedures.
Yours sincerely,
Paul Ramsey,
Chair, Board of Governors, University of Victoria