Zoom Video Conferencing
Media Services
Use Zoom Now
Access the Service
Access the service by logging in with your primary Netlink ID at uvic.zoom.us
Is this the right solution for you?
There are several centrally supported video conferencing services available to University members. Each is best suited for different purposes. See our Online Collaboration Tools Comparison to help you select the right service for your needs.
Zoom allows for video, audio, and screen sharing between participants. It can be used from your computer, laptop, tablet, or phone and is compatible with Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android devices.
- Accessible on multiple devices - attendees can participate in meetings using smartphone, computer, or audio only.
- Interactive and engaging - collaborative whiteboard and annotation, and remote control of screen. Live polls can be prepared in advance and used during the meeting, with live chat used to ask questions or provide visual feedback.
- Security compliant - Zoom provides end-to-end encryption.
- Accessibility for all learners - Ensures that everyone can participate equitably with closed captioning and keyboard shortcuts.
Terms of Service
Please read and agree to the current Terms of Service prior to using Zoom.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I sign on to Zoom?
How do I install Zoom?
What do I need to get started?
What if I already have a Zoom account?
Please see our advice page on migrating your account to UVic.
Alumni Zoom Entitlement
UVic Zoom licences do not include Alumni. Once a student’s status is changed to Alumni, they can no longer sign in to their UVic Zoom account.
In order for those Alumni who are no longer students to join UVic Zoom meetings, two things are important to remember by meeting organizers:
1. Make sure the meeting is set up to allow guests: do not select “Only authenticated users can join: Sign in to Zoom” under Meeting Options.
2. Plan and communicate with invitees how you will identify the Alumni as an expected guest. Guests have to be admitted into the meeting by a host, and having a method to properly identify them is required to prevent unauthorised access to the meeting.
New feature: Zoom Polls/Quizzes Library
Users can manage a central library of polls for meetings and webinars. They can create or edit polls and use them for Personal Meeting ID (PMI) and non-PMI meetings. Previously, polls for PMI and non-PMI meetings were managed separately. When a poll is marked as available to all meetings, it will appear in the list of polls that can be launched in a meeting. This new central repository will not replace the existing "Personal Meeting (PMI) polls", instead polls created here will only appear in PMI meetings.
To learm more please see: Polls/Quizzes Library
Learn About Other New Zoom Features
Zoom Cloud Recordings
Although Zoom cloud storage is available for UVic faculty and staff to save Zoom meeting recordings to, it is not meant to be a recording repository.
Echo360 is our enterprise video file hosting plattform. By default, your Zoom cloud recordings will be automatically copied to your personal Echo360 media library in Brightspace – where they can be edited, managed, and shared with others.
Additional information and assistance is available from LTSI:
Do you still have questions about Zoom?
If you would like to arrange for a targeted training session for your administrative unit please email us at uvicav@uvic.ca.
Zoom's Learning Center offers extensive self-paced online training.